Meeting The Queen Herself

Since it was a weekend, Adamantia headed home right after the conference, she was in no mood for a spicy secretary's drama. Seeing her rush off, Lucian chuckled, he was sure if she could fly she would.

Adamantia was laying on her floating pool bench, scrolling through her phone. Almost all media outlets had headlines that read, 'TYCOONS UNION SHOCK THE EARTH AND PEOPLE IN IT, PRESIDENT MACQUINN IS SO CHARMING, HOLDS PATNER'S SHOULDERS'. 'This people are simply jobless aren't they?, not a single word about our merge', Adamantia was murmuring when Anne rushed in almost landing in the pool.

'If you need to have a swim, put on a bathing suit there is no need to jump Anne', she rolled her eyes and was about to keep scrolling when Anne's voice made her stop all her movements. 'She is here ma'am, madam is right outside, she seems furious', Anne's voice was panicked, her panicked voice wasn't helping Adamantia calm down since she was panicking as well.

'Where the h*ll is this brat?!!!!!', grandmother Martinez's regal voice echoed in the mountain side villa. Adamantia was in soup for sure. 'Addy darling, I am not mad come on out', the old lady changed her tactics after realizing Adamantia was hiding. Adamantia walked out in her bathing suit, her grandmother popped up from her back and pulled her ears. 'You brat, you got involved with some president without letting me know, the h*ll, are you married?!!!!'. 'Grandma you are to old to be cursing, and.....', Adamantia's voice got thinner at the end.

Her grandmother let go of her ears and walked to the sitting room, having the maid serve her tea she had her seat. Her demeanor changed gradually, this old lady had raised Adamantia since day one, they were as close as can be. 'Speak to me child, do I have to check the news before knowing what the h*ll is going on with you?', her grandmother raised her eyebrows in annoyance.

Adamantia had her seat and spoke slowly, 'I am married', her grandmother drank her tea in silence. 'You got married and didn't think to tell me, how will you feel if you heard about my death from the news, huh?', her cold voice was filled with annoyance.

'Bring the punk home tonight, it's a contract ain't it?, you live in separate houses, he isn't a gold digger at least, have him here by ten', grandmother Martinez, took her leave walking up the staircase with her Cane.

Adamantia changed into a pair of baggy joggers a crop top and packed her hair in a bun, picked her keys and headed towards the penthouse. It eventually kicked in half way that the penthouse wasn't his real home either. 'Your address, quickly before I head somewhere else', she had just put a call through to Lucian giving him no room to speak. Not even bothering to ask her why, he gave her his address.

She drove in after the gate was opened, she had been driving for about a minute and there was still no house in sight, what the h*ll was he using all this extra space for. There was a golf course and a ranch, apparently he liked horses. After handing her keys over, the butler opened the door before she arrived as if awaiting her arrival.

'Young master is in his study on a conference', the butler's brittle voice was heard,he had a kind smile but a rock like face, he looked like Lucian had rubbed off on him. She sat down to have some tea, but couldn't help but notice the maids piercing gaze. The butler noticing her uncomfortability urshered all the maids away.

'They are not quite used to female visitors, they were quite shocked when the young master announced his marriage', the butler explained, he had a look of accomplishment on his face. Adamantia smiled in embarrassment, the punk already told them who she was.

'Did you miss your husband so much you had to come to his house', Lucian was standing at the top of the staircase with a teasing smile. 'All the novels i read are failing me beyond reasoning, this guy is meant to be a rock'. She had no time for his teasing though. 'I have a guest at my place that needs to meet you', she was sipping tea in a good mood, leaving Lucian to wonder who the visitor was.

Two cars drove out the Macquinn villa, heading straight for Addy's villa. The gate to the mountain side villa, opened to receive the two cars. Lucian walked into the villa like he owned it, wondering who the visitor was, he wasn't ready at all when a teacup came straight for his throat!.

His handsome darkened, 'Who the h*ll dares!!!', his voice thundered through the villa, even the maids felt a chill in their spine. 'You are handsome but quite rude', grandmother Martinez walked out of her room with her cane with a frown embedded on her face. She had been watching him since he stepped out of his car, his arrogant walk irritated her greatly.

He had elders at home himself, after realizing who he had to deal with, he looked in Addy's direction for help. Adamantia spoke up with a teasing smile, 'I have to work, you guys can bond in the mean time, have fun!!', she disappeared into the hallway. 'Damn it', Lucian muttered under his breath. 'My joints are broken not my ears, sit!',grandmother Martinez had her seat and had the maids serve her tea.

'Contract marriages..... it literally means to place a bet, you could land a jackpot... or you could loose all you have and more', her shaky pupils stared deeply into his soul. Lucian nodded calmly. Grandmother Martinez furrowed her brows, 'you suddenly seem unable to speak, you were perfectly fine when you muttered, if you cannot speak, you may leave', she grabbed her cane and stood up to leave. 'The marriage is for profit ma'am, it may grow beyond business eventually, I won't drop strange thoughts in your mind or any expectations whatsoever, so I shall take my leave', Lucian's cold voice made her pause, she turned her back, but the rude punk was gone.