
Grandmother Martinez had her seat and sipped her tea. Addy walked in wondering where the punk was. 'What's the lads name Addy?', grandmother Martinez couldn't stop smiling. 'He was a punk, now his a lad?, what the h*ll did you guys speak about?', Adamantia was as puzzled as can be.

Grandmother Martinez stood up to take her leave, Adamantia rushed and grabbed her arm, 'Won't you stay for a game of chess at least, it's been seven months, don't you miss your granddaughter?', Adamantia was pouting. Grandmother Martinez rolled her eyes and responded with a blank face, 'I don't,now leave me be and let me leave in peace'. She yanked off Adamantia's hand and walked away with her Cane. 'Her voice echoed from the doorway, 'love you Addy'.

She had no time to wonder what the h*ll they spoke about since Zoe's call came through. Her mood switched quickly after listening to Zoe's words. 'Good day president ma'am, the furniture exhibit scheduled a month away from now might have to be canceled', she furrowed her brows and sat, 'Speak, meet me in the company in an hour,get the director of furniture too', she changed into a beige suit, got her BMW and drove out the mountainside villa.

The silent hallways of the seventy two story building in the center of city Z echoed her steps. It was a weekend, and they had the entire building to themselves. Jake always had a carefree expression, but even he looked exhausted today.

'Good day, pre.....', Adamantia cut in to Zoe's greetings and had her seat. 'Details, what the h*ll happened?'. 'The suppliers for the wood all cut off the contract, they all payed the contract breach fee in full ma'am, the production team are getting restless, all designs have been submitted, we have over sixty two different products ready for production, without a supplier ma'am'.

'Hmm....., book a flight, these small fries need a reminder....., she looked in Jack's direction,.... you are coming with me'. 'Yes ma'am, we will be at the airport in two hours'. Adamantia headed back to her villa to get a file, on her way back, she sent a text to Lucian saying she will be gone for a while, the punk didn't respond though'.

After checking into their rooms, they were to meet later in about two hours. Adamantia layed in the tub, staring at her phone like it took all her money. 'The punk hadn't responded!!!!!, the temerity of this punk!, how dare he!!!'. Her stunning face was glowing with annoyance. 'Who cared even?', she failed at her numerous attempts to get Lucian off her mind.

She gave up on trying after numerous attempts, 'who the h*ll cared anyways, he was her husband anyways'. She patted her face to cool her face and patted her face repeatedly to cool her face.

She put the punk on video call, with a stone look. The receiver picked the call, Alica's flushed faced popped on the screen, she had even less than four buttons buttoned today, all her buttons were undone!', trying so hard not to be the jealous wife she responded calmly, 'Where is my husband?'. Alica's next words made her loose all sanity and cut the call....., 'he is in the shower'.

She washed her self quickly and rescheduled the meeting to, 'right away'. Even Jack noticed the change in her mood. He stayed in her suite after the meeting to have wine. Your birthday is in three days from now isn't it?', she was in a relaxed mood, sipping wine in her balcony. Jake looked surprised, 'you remembered?'. 'Hmmm, what do you need.., gifts, a party.. name it', her voice sounded lazy. 'I wouldn't dare demand for a thing when you are in the wrong mood', his gaze was curious.

Her chuckle broke the atmosphere, 'I don't remember us being so close to the extent, I need to explain my mood, I really do appreciate your care, it's been a while someone's asked'. She stood up and walked into her suite. 'Write whatever you need on the paper over there..., she was pointing at the table they had their meeting..., and take your leave',she walked into her room and closed the door behind her, leaving Jack with the wine.

The next day, the team headed straight to the wood company. The noise made the frown on her face look deeper than ever. The CEO walked out with a smug smile, Adamantia walked right past him, walking into the factory.

The CEO ran after her in a hurry, but she had disappeared into the twist and turns of the factory. Adamantia held the file she took from home firmly in her hands, the file was the pic of a woman, the woman had jet black hair, blue eyes so unique they looked like ice,eyelashes so long it looked like the god of perfection lived in her, this woman was an exact copy of Adamantia.

Adamantia looked at the pic with anger, the woman in this pic birthed her. As she walked deeper into the factory, all the noise around her seemed to disappear. There was a large meeting room, with a bunch of people that looked like directors, sitting around the conference table.

There was a woman with beige hair and blue eyes sitting at the head seat. The woman looked up, and her eyes like glass stared in Adamantia's icey gaze. 'It's been a while sis, you can wait outside I am quite busy', the woman chuckled and kept the meeting running. Adamantia had come for a tiger but she had caught a bunny instead.

She walked out in annoyance, a woman in the pic she was holding appeared before her. 'Darling'.