
Her mother's eyes were still a striking shade of blue, everyone in her family aged like fine wine, her mother was no exception. Her mother's gaze was cold, Adamantia had searched in these eyes years ago, looking for emotion, back then there was nothing, there was still nothing.

'It was you all along,what the h*ll do you want?', Adamantia's words were direct, she had no time for a reunion, she needed materials, and this crazy woman had them. Her mother.... Camelia Martinez.. pouted her lips looking pitiful. She leaned forward and spoke with little emotion, 'that is no way to speak to your mother'. Adamantia's nails were digging into her palm, she stared at the woman who had made her life a nightmare.

'I simply needed to meet you darling, not like you had accepted my invitation, my letters got to you... did they not?', Camelia turned her back and walked ahead, making Adamantia follow behind. 'I shall have all my men release the materials, stay for tea and bond with your sister', her mother's voice seemed exceptionally gratifying in this factory. 'I would rather die', Adamantia spoke and took her leave.

Camelia had no intention on stopping her, she simply needed to check if Adamantia was handling her company well. Since she had achieved her goal, there was no need to stop Adamantia.

Zoe and Jake were wishing for the car ride to the airport to end more than anything. Adamantia had her eyes closed, but the doors of her aura were wide open and her aura was killing them. Zoe and Jake kept communicating with their eyes, wondering what the h*ll was going on with their boss. 'If you are uncomfortable, get off the freaking car', Adamantia's voice made them freeze, even though her eyes were frozen shot.

Adamantia went straight home, into her bathtub. Anne figured she needed her space and didn't speak a word, her madam heart was as solid as a rock, the only person on earth who could rattle her emotion was second madam, even Anne hated Camelia. That woman broke Adamantia.

She moved back into the penthouse the next day, since it was a weekday. Her mood had improved alot, but she was in no mood for Lucian.

Earlier that morning,

Lucian was having breakfast, when Adamantia walked past, noticing her change in mood, he followed her. 'Have breakfast', his regal voice rang out from the doorway, his eyebrow was arched wondering what the h*ll was wrong with this weird woman.

She ignored him and left in navy blue Ferrari, the fact that he was acting so ignorant vexed her more than anything. She had married him for stocks didn't mean he shouldn't respect her, his attitude made her sick to the gut.

Lucian was in a foul mood when Alica walked in with only four buttons done as usual. She was dropping things and picking them up again. With each item she picked she got closer to him, that's when he snapped. 'fired', thinking she had him wrong she spoke up, 'what's wrong president sir?', her coquette voice made him frown. 'Leave', he didn't even spare her a glance.

'I apologize for whatever I did, and I promise I will do better', her voice was panicked since she realized what was going on. She had pissed this man off and she didn't know how. 'You were a competent secretary.... I will give you that, but you are nothing but a peasant how dare you compare yourself to my wife!!', his tone rose with each passing word. 'I thought you wanted...' her tiny voice was wavering. He had no patience, 'Speak up, woman!'. 'I thought you needed a woman!', she yelled out not caring about the consequences.

A devilish smirk appeared on his lips, 'I do need a woman, I do want sex, but I don't want you..., if you are satisfied with my response leave', he kept on typing like nothing had happened. Alica was on the floor looking like her dreams had been crushed, it was at this moment that Addy walked in.

Adamantia was in a good mood for the first time in days. Her husband wasn't so useless after all. She walked in with long strides and had her seat directly on Lucian's desk. It was time to declare who owned who, 'leave', Alica walked out with her legs wobbly.

The moment she left, Adamantia's confident smile dropped. She left the desk and sat on the seat before Lucian. 'You still have to explain why that woman picked your call with yourself in the shower', she was playing with a pen and was staring straight into his soul. Lucian stood up and walked towards the large painting behind his desk, he pushed a button and the painting slid to the side.

There was a whole suite behind the painting. 'If I knew my wife was so petty I would have gone on the trip, instead of Cane', he had a teasing look on his face as he explained, 'I was in the shower in that room over there, and left my phone out, she probably took it then' her gaze didn't soften. 'From now on I shall bath with my phone', his voice was still teasing. She cleared her throat and stood up, 'there is no need', she took her leave right after. This punk knew how to play his cards, she chuckled and left the building.

In a luxurious plane headed for Z city, a man with an aura unavoidable scrolled through his phone. This man owned the plane and everything in it. He was about to have a nap when an article popped on his screen, 'PRESIDENT OF ML HOLDINGS WEDS', the man chocked on nothing and almost threw his phone out the plane.

'What happened while I was gone?', the man's eyes were piqued in curiosity. As the plane landed the man's smile got wider. He made a call, 'I am back'.