Day 1

Lucian was in the underground parking lot of his company, about to head for home, when his phone rang. 'I am back, come pick me up', a smile appeared on his thin lips and he changed destination and headed for the airport instead.

Zayne Macquinn was the second eldest grandson of grandfather Macquinn and Lucian's cousin. They were born two weeks apart and had been two peas in a pod ever since. He walked out the airport with a grin on his face, when he realized his brother wasn't there yet, his grin turned downwards real fast. He made a call for the second time, 'where the h*ll are you?', he heard a chuckle over the line, 'punk, are your glasses blinding your sight?'..., Zayne was confused and looked around. 'I am right ahead', Lucian was staring at him with a fed up look.

They were already in the car, with Lucian driving when Lucian spoke up, 'you will stay at an hotel tonight, then I will get grandfather to get a driver to pick you up tomorrow'. 'I am staying at your place', Zayne didn't bother to open his eyes. Lucian's lips formed a thin line, then he headed for the penthouse.

He had Zayne stay in the car, while he spoke to Addy, about their 'visitor'. Zayne walked into the penthouse midway, 'what are you hiding?, since when did I need to wait in a car?'. He kept blabbing the stopped abruptly when he spotted Addy. 'Oh....ohhh...ohhhh, you got me a wife', he was grinning and looking at Lucian with appreciation. He walked towards Addy, ready to give her a hug, when Lucian stood between them.

Addy was gobsmacked and managed to utter a few words, 'didn't know you had a twin'. This man looked exactly lIke her husband!!!. Unless you looked closely, her husband's features were shaper, and his lips were thinner.

'He is my younger brother and will be staying for the night', he shifted his gaze to Zayne, his voice hardening, 'she is my wife'. He walked up the stairs and pulled Zayne along, Zayne had no words and followed behind like a dummy.

'So the articles were true', he was murmuring, oblivious of the fact there were already in Lucian's study. 'You will stay in my room for the night, then head.....', Lucian's eyes turned dark, since Zayne just dropped a knock on his head, 'you got a wife without speaking to me' Zayne had a hurt expression on his face, Lucian rolled his eyes and called a maid to get Zayne a room.

Adamantia was settled in her bed, when Lucian walked in. Her eyes shrank, not because he walked in but because he was holding a pillow. She forgot they had to share a room when they had visitors. 'Stay in the other room, I will come later', Lucian for the first time since she had met him, looked embarrassed. He nodded quickly and left.

I need to shower, she was headed for the shower when she realized she had already done so. She sat down on her bed and started to oil her legs, after realizing what she was doing, she threw the oil far away, and headed for the master bedroom.

She walked into the room quietly with red ears. Lucian swallowed hard when he saw his wife, she was wearing a silk wine night gown with a shawl that barely covered anything. Addy's face was as red as an apple when she felt his gaze, he didn't even bother to be discreet, all her night gowns looked like this, she found the most conservative dress she had, and it didn't even reach her knees!!!.

She cleared her throat and her raspy voice seemed louder in the master bedroom, 'give me one of your t-shirts'. Lucian's eyes deepened as he imagined his wife in his t-shirt. He got her a t-shirt from his closet. She walked into the room in his t-shirt. 'I should have left her in her gown, dammmnnnn'. Lucian started to regret his decision.

She moved towards the bed and acted like she was asleep, Lucian switched of the lights and layed by her side, with raspy breaths. The moonlight seeped in through the window, casting a halo on Addy's skin. 'The universe wasn't helping!!!!'.

He couldn't hold back and called out. 'Wife'. Adamantia tried so hard to ignore him until she felt his cold fingers on her hot skin, his fingers were on her arm!!!. She turned to her side and he stared at her blue eyes with need. Seeing such a look on his face shocked her to the core.

He suddenly seemed ten times more handsome under the moonlight. She just seemed to notice that are husband's eyes looked like a pair of black jades, his jawline seemed as sharp as a knife, his thin lips seemed attractive.... it seemed....kissable. she almost hit herself when she realized where her thoughts were headed.

She didn't realize Lucian's thoughts had gone way beyond hers. Lucian stared at the beauty before him, her hair was like silk and it's unique color of magma, his gaze moved towards her face, her eyes looked like a sea of poison, if he stared into them for too long, he would be lost in them forever. His eyes moved lower and landed on her lips, those lips that had called him a punk numerously.

He moved closer to her and called out to her. 'Wife'. Adamantia turned around again but didn't expect his face to be so close to hers, their lips were almost touching. She was to surprised to speak when he spoke up again. 'Say my name', she was stunned. His cold voice rang through her ears once again, 'say my name Addy', that was the first time she had heard him speak her name, her name felt good on those thin lips of his.

'Lucian', she spoke and Lucian lost all sanity, he leaned in closer and a devil's smile appeared on his lips.