Beat him up

Lucian's gaze wandered, from her neck to her jawline. As his eyes moved his lips followed suit. He finally arrived at his destination, his lips were on hers, as he savored her taste he moved in a way she was now beneath him.

Realizing he had been starving himself of such a delicacy for so damn long, Lucian wanted to beat himself up. His tongue danced in her mouth as she pulled him closer with her arms around his neck. He had no intention of letting her go, until he realized she was out of breath.

A low chuckle escaped from the depths of his throat. Addy was startled by his smile, his next words made blood rush to her ears. 'Dawm...., his fingers started to are sweet'. His fingers caressed her hair, as his fingers trailed downwards, he distracted her thoughts with his thin lips.

His hands stopped as they landed landed on her perfectly sculpted molds. A gasp could be heard from Addy, as Lucian explored her body.

The next morning, Lucian's aura was almost invisible. Addy opened her eyes groggily, but the pain in her legs slapped the sleep out of her eyes. Lucian was sitting by the balcony and walked in when he found, she was awake. He bent down smiling, the smile faded quickly. Addy had flicked his head hard!!!.

She tried to get up but couldn't, he bent down to help her, then she hit him again!!. She walked towards the bathroom limping, he was about to carry her in his arms, then she hit him again!!!. She tried to remove her clothes that were barely hanging on her skin, she could barely move her legs, he tried to help her, then she hit him....again!!!.

Lucian walked out the room with his smile upon side down. Zayne choked on his food when he saw him, after nearing death he laughed his head off. 'Your..... head', he could barely speak a sentence. Lucian's fore head was now as red as a tomato. ' need....a doctor?', Zayne was gasping for air but couldn't stop laughing anyways.

Ignoring his brother that was choking on his breath, he walked into the kitchen. The head maid and the butler, could barely believe their eyes. The pair had been serving him since he was a child, and they even followed him to the penthouse. In all their years of serving him, they had never seen him look at the kitchen, it was unspeakable that he walked into it.

Lucian ignored their gaze and picked a pot, and boiled water. He poured the water in a bowl and left. He had already walked up the stairs before the maids realized, they let him boil water!!!!. He picked up a towel and massage oil then headed for the master bedroom.

He walked into the room on tiptoes with a bowl of hot water. She had already changed her outfit to Lucian's shirt. Lucian's aura was even lighter when he spotted her in his shirt. If looks could kill, he would have died the moment he stepped into the room, her gaze was piercing.

'What did I do so wrong, Addy?', hearing her name from his lips softened her gaze. She made an outburst that blew up his eardrums, 'I can't walk!!!!', she wanted to cry. 'How was she meant to go to work, when the middle of her legs were aching like hell!!!?'.

Realizing the issue, Lucian was about to smile when he realized she would beat him up again. He approached her with caution, when she raised her arms up to beat him up again, he grabbed her hands and threw her over his shoulder. He dropped her on the bed carefully and spoke, teasing, 'If you beat up your husband, who would help you get a child, hmm?'

Her face turned red and not with anger this time but with embarrassment instead. This guy needed more beating!!!. He raised his shirt up to her thighs, he was about to raise it up to her waist when she stopped him. Her gaze was doubting, 'what are you doing?'. He picked up the towel and spoke up, 'it's a massage'.

She let go of his hands and closed her eyes, her face flushing in embarrassment, not believing she was letting him do this. He raised up her shirt and mopped her skin with the hot towel, his gaze deepened and he gulped to maintain control. His mind ran wild as he remembered all he did to her last night, as he massaged her skin.

He poured some massaging oil on her skin, seeing her skin glow, he stopped for a moment to catch his breath, his breathing had already turned rough at this point. Feeling him stop his activities, Addy sighed in relief, his hands brushing her skin repeatedly had sparked a flame in her, she was glad he didn't seem to notice her little movements, she had been rubbing her thighs all along trying to hide her arousal. Eventually Lucian left the room two hours later, with his fore head redder than before.

Addy limped down the stairs in another outfit. She picked snacks from the kitchen and walked back up the stairs. Lucian had apologized over a dozen times, but all he did was hurt the middle of her legs more. She stayed in bed all day until Lucian arrived with snacks. She walked down the stairs in a hurry, and met the dinning table filled with all sorts of snacks.

Lucian was standing by the table with an apologetic look.