Feeding her Chips

She kept walking until she got to the table, staring at the table in awe. She questioned him with her gaze, 'I got Cane to ask your secretary about what you like', he sounded.... timid?. She picked up a snack with grey packaging, 'I only get these when I go to countryD', she opened the snacks and looked up at his face. 'I went to Country D to get them', he seemed proud of himself.

She nodded 'hmm, you went to country D..... she looked up in realization, you went to country D!!!!', she looked like him he was a fool. She looked down at the table and pointed at another snack, 'did you go to country K to get that too?', he nodded proudly. She would have knocked his head again if she wasn't already exhausted.

He packed the snacks into a basket and picked her up in princess style. 'Be careful, what if you dropped the snacks!', he got scolded but didn't mind, since she didn't flick his head again.

He carried her all the way to the pool and dropped her carefully on a pool bench. It was already night time, so the pool seemed more attractive than usual. He placed the snacks by her side then layed by her other side. She was looking at the stars while eating her snacks.

Lucian's eyes were glued to her face, the contentment in her face made him feel happier than he felt whenever he won a contract worth billions. 'The stars are dancing in your eyes', he was suddenly leaning above her body as he stared in her eyes in amazement. 'Why are your eyes so enchanting?', his tone was serious, as if asking something relevant.

She tried to push him away, but he moved before she raised her arms. He suddenly picked up the snack basket and placed it at the far end of the pool. She was following his every move puzzled. He took the bag of chips from her hand and held it in his hands. He picked picked up a chip and placed it in her mouth, until only one remained.

He picked the last one and placed it into his mouth halfway, she looked at him in annoyance. He pointed at the chip and at herself. She understood the assignment, 'he wanted her to take the chip from his mouth, she raised her hand to take the chip and he moved in disagreement. 'There is no way.... I am taking the chip with my lips' she was thinking rapidly, 'this wasn't a freaking drama!!.

She leaned forward, the plan was to deceive him and take it with her hands at the last second. He leaned forward unexpectedly and placed the chip in her mouth.

She moved her head backwards, and was about to escape, until the punk moved her, so she was under him. She wasn't in disagreement herself. She hanged her hands on his neck pulling him closer. They heard a 'click' sound and stopped abruptly.

Zayne was behind them with a bewildered face, 'I didn't ask for a nephew and grandmother isn't rushing you either!!', he was holding his phone that he had just used to take a pic of them both. He layed on a third bench undisturbed. They were both looking at him, speechless. 'If you want to continue go on, but get a room', he spoke facts and gazed at the stars like he was gazing at a loved one.

Lucian's eyebrows twitched in annoyance, wishing he could drown Zayne in the pool. Addy pushed Lucian aside and gazed at the stars as well. 'You guys are how many years apart?', Addy tried to start a conversation to ease the atmosphere.

'Not years.....weeks',Zayne spoke up still lost in the stars. 'Oh', was all she said as she stood up to leave. After she left Zayne left the stars and faced his look alike, 'have you found her?'. Lucian's tone was one of loss, 'no', he was smiling in pain and regret.

'You need to find her L', Zayne's eyes were filled with desperation. Lucian remembered the woman embedded in his memories, he had been searching for over a decade, he had gotten close a few times, but failed every time. While searching he had tapped Addy by the airport by mistake.

In another country, far far away, the woman he had been looking for layed on the floor of a prison like room. With sweat on her face her hair stuck to it, her skin was so pale, it was almost transparent. Her body seemed frail, but her mind wasn't.

Behind the wet hair and pale skin, the girl had two black eyes,that were like an abyss. She stood up and walked to the Iron door, calling the guard by it, 'go..... call your

...master', she could barely speak a word comfortably.

A man in his thirties walked in soon after the guard left. He stayed far away, since the odour from her cell was beyond unbearable. She smiled at him, a smile that brought chill to his bones even though he had locked her up. She sat down weakly and spoke up, 'I am hungry, get me food', she never lost her composure around this man,she could be weak around others but this was her only way of taunting him.

The man smirked and his aura filled her dark cell, 'you are still useful even after alll these years', he walked closer and reached in to pinch her chin. 'When the time is right, I will let you go, dear sister', the man's gaze was piercing. The woman rolled her eyes in annoyance.