His ex is pretty

Addy was about to leave the penthouse, when she noticed how quiet it was. She searched around the house and noticed Zayne was gone, she sighed in relief, she wasn't one for visitors.

There was a board meeting today, which meant she was going to see Lucian. As they both walked down the corridor of the company, all female employees swooned. 'Oh my god, the news was true!!!', one employee murmured from the sidelines.

Lucian left the building and left for his company. Addy was busy in her office when she had an idea, she called for Zoe and ordered 'get me dumplings from across the street'. 'Dumplings?', Zoe wasn't sure she heard her right, 'a voice screamed in her head, 'since when did the president like dumplings?!!!!'. Addy kept on with her work and didn't bother to look up, 'dumplings Zoe'. 'Yes, president ma'am', she left immediately to get dumplings.

'All reviewed proposals are on the right side of my desk, sort them out, I am done for the day', Addy ordered the moment Zoe walked in with the dumplings. Zoe was bewildered, 'Since when did the president skip work!!, this lady was a workaholic'. Addy had already left with the dumplings before she came to her senses.

In Lucian's office, a woman dressed in red and a neutral makeup look, sat down elegantly with her legs crossed. Her face was stunning, even her eyes were a dashing shade of green, but these eyes held no warmth.

Lucian sat behind his table, while the woman sipped her tea. 'For how long are you planning to ignore me?', the woman's voice was angelic. There was no response, the woman stood up and walked towards him.

Adamantia parked her car in the underground parking lot of Lucian's company. In Lucian's office the woman stood by Lucian's table and leaned in, she knew a thing or two about business, and was staring at his computer with interest. As she dropped her tea cup to focus, the tea cup fell and spilled it's content all over his Lucian's pants.

Lucian's fore head had already formed lines in annoyance. The spill was his last thread. 'Leave', his tone was commanding, making the lady feel a shiver in her spine. Lucian left for the suite that was behind his table to change his clothes.

It was at this moment, Addy finally got to her husband's office. Cane wasn't expecting her to come over, especially since, they had a meeting an hour ago. Cane stood up in a hurry to meet her halfway, asking her why she was here. Addy's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, she simply walked past him and went in.

The scene she met in the office was one to break whatever feeling or emotion, she was developing towards her husband. Lucian walked out the suite wrapped in a towel right above his waist. Addy smiled with mischief, in all the romance novels she had read, there had always been office s*x. She walked further into the office, and her eyes dimmed as her smile faded.

There was a woman sitted on the black sofa, what was more outrageous was the woman's dress, Addy's thought were muddled, 'she is giving rich Alica, what am I saying!!!, she is in my husband's office and he is in a towel!!!'. Lucian on the other hand was rooted to the floor, his face pale. The woman stood up and headed towards Addy, 'hi, i.....', Addy had already walked out, before the woman had a chance a speak.

Cane was already as nervous as can be, when Addy walked out with a blank face, he started to feel sympathy for Lucian. 'That's why I am still single, too much drama', Cane sat down on his seat to eat some chips not sure if he had to book an hospital for Lucian in advance, cause in the movies the wives always beat up the husband. Cane laughed so hard just thinking about his boss being beat up.

The woman's name was Alexa, she picked her bag up and left the office smiling, it seemed like lady luck was on her side. The initial plan was to shake him up, but his wife visiting made it ten times better.

Addy had no idea what to think, she drove back to her office, and threw the dumplings of a bridge on her way back. She acted like nothing happened, but called Zoe into her office later into the day. 'Get the footage of Lucian's parking lot and have a background check on a woman...., dressed like a high class h**'. Zoe's face turned pink, 'her boss was cussing!!!!!!!'. She bowed respectfully and took her leave.

On his way home, Lucian could barely keep still, his thoughts got more exaggerated the more he thought about anything. He wasn't in love with this woman.....yet, they had both agreed to try to make it work. If the marraige broke because of his actions, his grandparents would kill him!!!!.

He walked into the house, with jitters in his legs. Addy was on the couch watching TV as usual. She was busy eating the snacks he got her, she didn't even notice his entrance. 'Oh you are back, hello', Addy was actually smiling at him, ok maybe things were not that bad. He approached her and stopped in his tracks as blood drained from his face. 'It was 11pm and this woman was watching 'HOW TO KILL A MAN', why did this show even exist!!!!!!!'.

Addy smiled at him innocently, If he didn't have a reputation to keep, he would have ran up the stairs immediately.