
'What are you watching?' Lucian questioned her as he moved towards the stairs with caution. 'something I might need', Addy's voice had no emotion. Lucian walked up the stairs, with as much cool as he could muster.

The next morning, Lucian sat at the table for over an hour, waiting for Addy. After waiting for over an hour, he had one of the maids go knock on her door, but the maid's response made him feel stupid. 'She left two hours ago young master', the maid looked at him with pity.

He left the villa feeling stupefied. Cane was by his side the moment he walked into the company. 'Good morning, president sir. I have contacted the doctor and he shall attend to your health in an hour', Cane seemed like he was in a good mood.

'Cancel the appointment', Lucian didn't bother looking back, he walked into the elevator leaving Cane behind. Cane was confused, 'there is nothing to be embarrassed of, if his wife beat him up so hard, he came to work late'.

In Addy's office, she was going through the file in her hands, Name - Alexa James, Age - 29, Status - single, Occupation - unknown. She rubbed her forehead in annoyance, the fact that stunning woman was single was quiet disturbing for her. A measly secretary was easy to deal with, but high class h**s were quite hard to deal with.

Zoe knocked on the door, interrupting her train of thoughts. She walked in with a food bag and a note. 'From ML Holdings,ma'am', her tone was cautious, she had kept in touch with Cane and he already told her all that happened, if that man wasn't her boss's husband she would have beat him up.

She dropped the bag and took off. After ignoring the bag and note for an hour, she finally picked up the note, curious. The note read, 'Eat well wife, do not starve yourself cause of hunger, you might be pregnant even, don't starve the baby!!'. She crumpled the note and dropped it in the shredder.

'This punk!!!, who the h*ll does he think he is?', she was yelling but it was quite obvious her mood was better. The difference in the note warmed warmed her as well. The last note read, 'I don't like skinny women'. It was quite obvious his tone towards her had changed.

The thought of him trying to please her, brought butterflies to her stomach. 'Since he is trying so hard, it won't be a bad idea to eat a little'. She had left the house early to avoid meeting him, and the maids hadn't cooked by then, frankly speaking she was starving.

After having more than a little, Addy was about to resume her work, when Zoe walked in with out knocking. 'Alexa James, ma'am, she is outside, do I let her in?', Zoe's eyes were piqued with curiosity her ears ready for gossip. 'Let her in', Addy was composed as usual making Zoe happy, she didn't want her boss to end up divorced cause of some high class wh**e,even Zoe cussed in her mind!.

Alexa walked in, dressed in a flower pattern dress, her makeup simple and elegant, even the shoes she wore were flat. Addy looked amused at her style. 'I had no idea I was dealing with a bipolar disorder patient', she almost spoke out loud.

'We didn't have a proper introduction, the other day, Adamantia', her voice had changed from that of an Angel's, her voice was now clear and crisp. 'I was in no mood for that, Alexa', Addy spoke up and sat on the sofa, opposite Alexa. They had both done their homework.

Addy liked a proper opponent, after thinking over her thoughts, it wasn't like she had found, Alexa naked, and Lucian wasn't naked either. This woman had a purpose, and her little games amused her.

'You don't seem curious about my relationship with your husband', Alexa was eating the biscuits Zoe had dropped earlier. 'There is nothing to be curious about Alexa, you are his ex and he is married to me, I don't get what's to be curious about', Addy's response was quick, her tone patient.

'I am not one for lengthy words, so long story short, we are engaged', Alexa had dropped the biscuits, her tone serious. A slight frown appeared on Addy's face. Lucian didn't mention a fiance and Zoe didn't add it to the report either.

'You seem surprised, I thought you were close to him, he should have told you', Alexa seemed pleased with Addy's reaction, if they were not as close as they appeared to be, then her work was now ten times easier.

'You should speak to Lucian for cheating on you, so why are you here, if what you say is true', Addy's eyes were cold, she was getting tired of this game. 'Well we were in the middle of it, when you barged in on us', her tone was provoking.

Addy stood up and left for her work table, after having her seat, her tone now soft, 'Well, I would make sure to let you both, have your space next time, you can leave now Miss Alexa'. 'Of course, thank you for your cooperation, miss Adamantia', Alexa headed for the door, her hand on the know, when Addy's voice rang in her ears. 'It's Mrs Adamantia, Alexa, not miss...., you can leave now'.