A Teacher's Expectations

Murong Feng had been in a good mood these past few days.

Every day he spent time with Ye Zi, busy preparing various stage props. They purchased fabric to make new costumes, rented a large number of essential props for foreign plays from the National Theater and the Renyi Theater, and gathered everything from snuff bottles to four-meter-long tables in the drama club's rented warehouse. They also spent a significant amount of money renting the highest quality lighting and sound systems from Beijing's drama stages, leaving all the drama club members astonished.

Even Wang Yizhi marveled, "This setup rivals even the grand productions of the Renyi Theater." This was by far the most extravagant set of props the Northern University Drama Club had ever seen.

During this period, Murong Feng and Ye Zi grew closer.

Initially, Ye Zi was somewhat reserved around Murong Feng, as she idolized him. But over time, she began to relax and laugh with him. She was particularly impressed by Murong Feng's extensive knowledge and was unknowingly developing feelings for him since their first embrace.

However, Ye Zi noticed that Murong Feng seemed very wealthy. His lavish spending on props and his luxurious duplex apartment and several luxury cars—including the occasional use of a Mercedes SUV for transporting materials—surprised her.

Ye Zi had always looked down on rich kids, thinking they spent their days idling, picking up girls on campus, showing off their wealth, and being shallow. Although Murong Feng, her senior, didn't fit this stereotype, she still had some doubts. Her mother often said, "Men turn bad when they have money."

Murong Feng also liked Ye Zi. She radiated youth, joy, and sunshine. She was smart and kind, and being with her made him feel relaxed and comfortable. However, having recently been heartbroken, he was hesitant to start a new relationship.

Although they spent a lot of time together and liked each other, they remained just good friends.

One day, after finally renting some high-priced props from the National Theater, Murong Feng and Ye Zi were thrilled. After organizing everything in the warehouse, they realized they were starving and rushed to the school cafeteria for a meal.

They grabbed some boxed lunches, sat together, and enjoyed a pleasant meal. 

Suddenly, someone approached their table. It was Zhu Yuchen, the current president of the drama club. He greeted Murong Feng with a forced smile and then turned to Ye Zi, "Ye Zi, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Ye Zi was surprised. She looked at Zhu Yuchen and then smiled at Murong Feng, "I'll be right back." She got up and walked to a corner with Zhu Yuchen.

Murong Feng watched their figures. He saw Zhu Yuchen speaking excitedly, glancing over occasionally. Murong Feng smiled, knowing Zhu Yuchen was probably bad-mouthing him, but he didn't care. Despite only graduating three years ago, he had experienced much and was no longer the same. These university elites were, in his eyes, still kids who hadn't faced life's challenges.

"Ye Zi, you know Murong Feng has a girlfriend, right? She's Zhao Nian from your department. Everyone from previous years knows this. Being with him every day is not good for your reputation!" Zhu Yuchen said anxiously. He had been secretly in love with Ye Zi for a long time and feared Murong Feng would steal her away. Unable to bear it any longer, he finally confronted her.

"What are you talking about? I'm just preparing props with Senior Murong for the drama festival. What's so bad about that?" Ye Zi said angrily, but her heart trembled. Yes, she remembered Murong Feng and his girlfriend being a perfect couple admired by many students.

They had been together almost every day recently, but Murong Feng never mentioned his girlfriend. Maybe they had broken up. Isn't it said that graduation is the grave of college relationships? How many couples go their separate ways after graduation!

"Alright, I understand, Zhu Yuchen. Focus on preparing for the drama performance. Everyone has worked hard, and you are the lead actor. Stop talking about such nonsense!" Ye Zi ended the conversation and walked back to Murong Feng, leaving Zhu Yuchen looking despondent.

Ye Zi knew Zhu Yuchen had feelings for her. Although she admired his talent and acting skills, she didn't have romantic feelings for him.

Murong Feng smiled indifferently and continued eating and chatting without asking what Zhu Yuchen had said. After their meal, he chivalrously escorted Ye Zi back to her dormitory before heading to the parking lot.

As he turned a corner near the cultural hall, he encountered an elderly man. Recognizing him, Murong Feng immediately approached and bowed respectfully, "Hello, Professor!"

The old man saw him and, after a brief moment of surprise, his face lit up with joy. "Ah, little Murong! What brings you back to school? Why didn't you come to see me? Have you forgotten your old professor?" said Professor Chen Xuebin from the Chinese Department, beaming as he patted Murong Feng's shoulder.

Murong Feng respectfully replied, "How could I forget you, Professor? I've been back at school helping the drama club prepare for the drama festival, busy gathering props and running around. I was just about to come see you! How have you been?"

Professor Chen, a highly respected figure in the Chinese Department, was Murong Feng's most admired mentor during his four years of university. However, due to his parents' car accident at graduation, he couldn't fulfill Professor Chen's hopes for him to pursue graduate studies. Feeling dejected and later struggling in society, he was too ashamed to face his professor. Recently, while at school, he had been thinking of visiting Professor Chen, and now he had coincidentally run into him.

Professor Chen, full of smiles, said, "Good! Good. I've been in good health. Are you leaving? If you have time, come to my place for a chat and tell me how you've been!"

Seeing his professor so happy, Murong Feng agreed and followed Chen Xuebin to his residence in the professor's building in Yan Garden.

As a master-level professor in the Chinese Department and a recipient of the State Council special allowance, Chen Xuebin had a four-bedroom apartment in the professor's building for preparing lectures and resting. His children had all gone abroad for study, and he treated students like Murong Feng, whom he was particularly fond of, very kindly, like his own children. During his university days, Murong Feng often visited to play chess, seek advice, and even improve his quality of life.

Entering the living room, Murong Feng saw a scroll handwritten by Professor Chen, "Serenity Brings Clarity," hanging on the wall. Seeing the recent date on the inscription, Murong Feng remembered that his study lacked such a piece. Smiling, he shamelessly asked, "Professor, I always find new meaning in your calligraphy. May I request the 'Heaven Moves in Strength' piece that used to hang here for my study?"

Professor Chen laughed and nodded, "Of course! It was only recently taken down. It's in my study. Come, let's talk there."

In the study, four tall bookshelves took up an entire wall, their reddish-brown wood gleaming in the sunlight. Opposite and next to the bookshelves, near the door, were two white sofas. The walls displayed two calligraphies: a horizontal banner of the "Record of Yueyang Tower" in cursive script and a vertical one with the characters "Maintain Simplicity," exuding strength and grace. The windowsill held several green plants and bonsais. A large desk by the window was crammed with books, in addition to a laptop, lamp, and other items. Not only the bookshelves and desk but even the sofas had piles of thread-bound books. Professor Chen humorously referred to this slightly messy study as "primitive state."

Sitting on the sofa by the desk, Murong Feng felt nostalgic, recalling a Mid-Autumn Festival during his university days when a group of Chinese Department students gathered in this study with tea, snacks, the full moon, and books, feeling like a family, reminiscent of an ancient academy.

It was through many academic discussions in this study that Murong Feng truly understood the essence of "scholarship in the study." A teacher like Professor Chen, who upheld the spirit of the May Fourth Movement, was the embodiment of Northern University's long-standing humanistic spirit. Sitting in the study, Murong Feng's mind suddenly calmed, the tumultuous experiences of the past years fading away, leaving only the joy of seeking knowledge and resolving doubts from his first visit.

Sensing Murong Feng's instant change in demeanor, Professor Chen nodded with satisfaction, silently praising his student's high perception. It seemed Murong Feng had gone through much over the years.

"Little Murong, what books are you reading these days?" Professor Chen asked, smiling as he brewed tea.

Murong Feng felt embarrassed. Over the years, he had read a variety of books, mostly historical and contemporary novels, but nothing scholarly. He hesitated, "Recently, I've been reading scripts for the drama festival. Before that, some novels." His face reddened at the word "novels," but he didn't want to lie to his most respected teacher.

Professor Chen laughed heartily, "What's wrong with reading novels, Murong? I've been reading a historical novel series called 'Those Things of the Ming Dynasty.' I think it's excellent—thoughtful, using modern language to tell history from a unique perspective."

Murong Feng was taken aback, feeling the deep inclusiveness and freedom of thought that Professor Chen embodied, characteristic of Northern University.

Chen Xuebin continued with a gentle smile, "Little Murong, if you have time, you should read more. For Chinese people, reading is ultimately about learning how to be a good person. It's about being a good person first, and then doing things. Understanding the complexities of life and mastering interpersonal skills are both essential. You've been out in society for a few years now and must have gained many insights. Reading more can help you organize your thoughts. You have a high level of perception, and I'm sure you will benefit from it."

Murong Feng nodded respectfully, "Yes!"

Chen Xuebin was the teacher Murong Feng respected the most, and he naturally remembered his advice. He resolved to read more when he got back, ensuring that his luxurious study would not be just for show.

Then, Chen Xuebin enthusiastically began discussing his recent economic research with Murong Feng. Murong Feng was surprised that a scholar devoted to literary studies had started studying economics. Chen Xuebin felt that in recent years, the focus on economics in the country and society had caused literature to decline, with money becoming the measure of a person. He believed that scholars should not only immerse themselves in their studies but also research how to promote traditional Chinese culture and ethics in today's economy-driven world. Extreme material pursuit requires the spiritual support of literature to sustain the soul. Therefore, Chen Xuebin initiated a research project on how to integrate traditional culture with China's economy.

Chen Xuebin said, "Considering China's economic development in recent years, one must see that rapid growth has brought numerous problems. Issues with officials and some companies exploiting legal loopholes for short-term success often lead to downfall and bankruptcy. Many successful companies today operate legitimately, with corporate cultures evolving from traditional Chinese values and ethics. Walking the right path is crucial for achieving great things. These matters are worth deep contemplation! Studying economics is essential to understand how traditional culture can promote better and more stable economic development."

Murong Feng nodded repeatedly, recognizing the strong practical significance of his teacher's research topic. As he contemplated, Chen Xuebin suddenly had a thought and said something that surprised Murong Feng: "Little Murong, are you interested in joining my research team? Come back and be my graduate student and research this topic with me."

Murong Feng knew Professor Chen had always valued him, but he didn't expect such high hopes. Being part of a research group led by a master-level scholar like Chen would bring significant honor and achievement, with considerable social influence. As a member of the research group and a student of Professor Chen, he would greatly benefit.

Murong Feng hesitated, "Professor, my knowledge is shallow. I'm afraid I won't be much help." Chen Xuebin laughed and waved his hand, "No worries, I need young people like you to provide insights and examples from current society. You have outstanding talent, and I have always appreciated you. Read more, think more, and I believe you will do well."

Moved by his teacher's earnest gaze, Murong Feng said, "Alright, Professor, I will do my best." Chen Xuebin smiled and nodded.

Generally, applying to be a graduate student under a master-level professor like Chen Xuebin was very difficult. But if the professor personally invited you, it was much easier, especially if you joined his research group. Murong Feng would need to come to school two to three times a week to participate in research discussions and study various works assigned by Chen Xuebin, and visit Professor Chen's home every weekend to discuss his progress. This method of mentoring fit well with Murong Feng's style and preferences.

As they were happily discussing, the doorbell rang, and Chen Xuebin got up to answer it.