"Division Chief" - Senior Brother

Murong Feng sat in the study, casually flipping through an old thread-bound book on the desk, a Qing Dynasty edition of "Brushwork Essentials" by Yu Shinan from the Tang Dynasty, which was indeed a rare find.

As he turned a page and began reading aloud, "Regarding line calligraphy, it is somewhat similar to regular script. When it comes to its twists and turns, it is like a fierce beast's attack; its advances and retreats, like the swift strikes of an autumn hawk. Therefore, the brush should press and proceed straight, with the wrist rotating inward and expanding outward, moving in circles and knots. The movement of the brush should be continuous, like threads that come and go naturally, like a long floating thread in the sky..."

Murong Feng read softly, feeling as though his mind was soaring with the words, like threads unwinding from the tip of the brush. Chen Xuebin walked in cheerfully with someone, laughing, "Little Murong, are you reading books on calligraphy?" Murong Feng quickly put down the book and replied with a smile, "Yes, I really enjoy it, but I didn't take it seriously when I was young. Now it seems a bit late to start practicing. Professor, your Qing Dynasty edition of 'Brushwork Essentials' is quite a treasure!"

Chen Xuebin laughed, "You have a good eye!" He then turned to the person following him and smiled, "Come here, Ruoyun, let me introduce you. This is your junior, also a graduate of the Chinese Department at Northern University. Soon, he will be my graduate student as well. His name is Murong Feng." He then turned to Murong Feng and said, "This is Wang Ruoyun. He was also my student before."

The man following Chen Xuebin into the study, Wang Ruoyun, appeared to be in his forties, with an elegant face and a well-fitted black suit. Despite his modest demeanor, Murong Feng felt an inexplicable aura about him. He quickly stood up and respectfully nodded, "Hello, Senior Wang."

Wang Ruoyun's eyes flashed like lightning as he glanced at Murong Feng, noticing the affection in Chen Xuebin's eyes. He smiled and said, "Hello, junior brother!"

Chen Xuebin smiled and said, "No need to be so formal. Come, have a seat. Ruoyun, I was just discussing with little Murong about joining our research team. You should guide him more in the future." Seeing Murong Feng's confusion, he explained, "Ruoyun now works in the Department of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). This research team was established with the support of the NDRC, and Ruoyun serves as the deputy leader. Little Murong, you can discuss any questions with Ruoyun. He knows much more than this old man. It's a coincidence that he happened to come by today."

Wang Ruoyun respectfully said, "Professor, please don't say that. I can't compare to you; there's a long way to go. By the way, Murong, what kind of work are you doing now?" Murong Feng replied, "I'm a freelancer, currently working as an editor at a magazine." He was too embarrassed to mention it was a fashion magazine.

Wang Ruoyun was curious why Chen Xuebin valued a student working at a magazine so much. With sharp eyes, he noticed Murong Feng's distinguished attire and calm demeanor. He understood that Murong Feng must have a significant background, perhaps with family connections to the professor. His tone became even kinder.

After a few polite exchanges, Wang Ruoyun explained his visit, "Professor, the topic you proposed has garnered great interest from our NDRC leaders and many consulted economists. Director Liao Ping even reported it to Vice Premier Wang. Due to the unique significance of this topic in the context of rapid domestic economic development and cultural invasion, Vice Premier Wang suggested that you be invited to Zhongnanhai to give a lecture to the leaders. Director Liao asked me to come and inform you, hoping you will prepare."

Chen Xuebin was visibly moved, surprised that his research topic, still in the exploration stage, had attracted such high-level attention. He happily said, "Wonderful. As they say, though one may be at the edge of the seas, their heart resides in the court. It's good for this old man to contribute what he can. When will it be?"

"It's tentatively scheduled for next month. The exact date will be confirmed by the Central Office."

Listening to Wang Ruoyun, Murong Feng was astonished by the high level of this research team, feeling a bit uneasy. Chen Xuebin noticed his unease and smiled, comforting him, "Murong, don't worry. This research topic is broad, and I believe you can make a significant contribution. Focus on thinking positively, reading more, and learning more. That's what you should be doing now."

Murong Feng nodded in agreement, feeling more at ease.

Murong Feng and Wang Ruoyun left together. Chen Xuebin usually took a nap in the afternoon, a part of his health regimen. Knowing this, they didn't stay long and left quietly.

Both headed to the parking lot, chatting as they walked.

"Murong, this is a great opportunity. Becoming Professor Chen's graduate student and joining this research team shows the professor has high expectations for you," Wang Ruoyun said, increasingly liking Murong Feng's modest demeanor.

"Yes, I do feel a bit nervous, worried that my limited knowledge won't be of much help to the professor and the research team." Murong Feng admitted his apprehension. If it were just a private project led by Professor Chen, he would be at ease. But the official involvement made him uneasy.

Wang Ruoyun noticed the genuine respect Murong Feng had for the professor and admired him more. He patted Murong Feng's shoulder, saying, "Don't think like that. If the professor has confidence in you, shouldn't you have confidence in yourself? I believe you're capable. You have the potential for academic work!"

Thoughtfully, he added, "Young people today are deeply influenced by foreign cultures, admiring Western movies and values, following Korean and Japanese trends, yet neglecting our own traditional culture. Many are lost and aimless in today's money-driven society. These issues are something you, at your age, can deeply understand. The professor might hope that your insights and thoughts can bring new perspectives and solutions to the research team."

Murong Feng nodded, deeply moved.

Seeing the scroll Murong Feng was holding, Wang Ruoyun smiled with a hint of envy, "Murong, the professor truly values you. He rarely writes calligraphy for others, and today he even gifted you a piece!" Murong Feng explained with a smile, "It's the one originally hung in the living room. I shamelessly asked for it as soon as it was taken down."

At the parking lot, Wang Ruoyun headed to his black Audi A6, coincidentally parked next to Murong Feng's A4. Seeing Murong Feng retrieve his keys to unlock the car, Wang Ruoyun felt more certain of his assumptions about Murong Feng's background. Before getting into his car, he handed Murong Feng a business card, saying, "Murong, since we are from the same school, let's stay in touch. If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to call me. I may not have much power, but I can help with general matters." His tone, though modest, exuded confidence and authority.

Murong Feng gratefully accepted the card, "Thank you, Senior Brother." Wang Ruoyun patted his shoulder and got into his car. Murong Feng watched the black Audi drive out of the parking lot, then looked at the business card. Under the name of the General Affairs Department of the NDRC, the name "Wang Ruoyun" took up almost half of the card, with the title "Division Chief" in small characters at the bottom.

Murong Feng was stunned. This kind and modest senior brother was actually a division chief at the NDRC! Understanding the significance and power of the NDRC as a Northern University graduate, he knew it was one of the most influential and powerful organizations in China's economic development. A division chief in such an organization was indeed a high-ranking official!

Driving home, Murong Feng reflected on the day's events, still feeling a bit dazed. A simple act of sending Ye Zi back to her dorm had led to a fortuitous encounter with his long-lost mentor, resulting in the incredible opportunity to become his graduate student and join a prestigious research team. He had also unexpectedly met a senior brother who was a division chief at the NDRC. It felt like a great fortune had suddenly fallen into his lap.

Was heaven truly favoring him? Murong Feng glanced out of the car window at the people on the street, riding bicycles with children, and felt a profound realization that his life had indeed changed!

But would there come a day when he would lose heaven's favor?

Back home, Murong Feng hung Professor Chen's calligraphy on the front wall of his study. After carefully hanging it, he stood in the middle of the room, squinting at the piece.

"Heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman should strive for self-improvement. The earth is vast, and a gentleman should carry virtue." After a long time, his mind suddenly cleared.

As long as he stood firm and strived tirelessly, why worry about heaven's favor? Embrace fortune and let go of misfortune. With a clear conscience, he would live earnestly.

Murong Feng felt as if a great weight had been lifted from his heart, leaving him feeling light and free.

Since winning the lottery jackpot, he had been enjoying life every day, yet it all felt unreal, as if he were dreaming. He feared that one day he would wake up back in his rented apartment on Ping'an Street.

But when he hung this calligraphy piece on the wall of his study, his home gained more than just a piece of art—it became his anchor. This phrase, representing the deeply ingrained cultural heritage and moral cultivation of thousands of years of Chinese tradition, provided him with clarity and direction. After experiencing such a turning point in his life, his spiritual cultivation had reached a new level.

The next day, as Murong Feng walked into the *Fashion Weekly* magazine office, the girls who greeted him with smiles all felt something strange. This already handsome and charming man seemed to have gained an indescribable quality, making him even more attractive. They chatted among themselves, concluding that Murong was now more elegant and charismatic than ever. Little did they know, this aura was what the Confucians called "the demeanor of a gentleman."

Just as he arrived at his desk, Ouyang Lanruo's secretary called, asking him to go to the editor-in-chief's office.

Opening Ouyang Lanruo's door, Murong Feng immediately noticed Tang Qing sitting on the sofa.