Chapter Six: Falling into Evil

When the demon clan was in trouble, the Demon Emperor risked his life to save Zisang. But now, Zisang found herself stranded in Fusang, and the elder of the demon clan probably already believed she was dead. Amidst the chaos within the demon clan, it was likely that everyone was eyeing the Tiger Token, and she couldn't leave. Moreover, external news couldn't reach her. Zisang felt as helpless as an ant on a hot pan.

Nan Xianyi happened to overhear passing celestial officials talking. "That Nan Xianyi must have stumbled upon some incredible luck," one said. "A mere mortal joining us in cultivating immortality, and even honored by the Lingxuan Emperor as his disciple. We have to nod and bow to address him as 'Young Immortal'," remarked another.

"Why bother about him? He's just a mortal, even if he's been blessed to be recognized as the son of a celestial emperor," a third chimed in.

"And in a few decades, he'll still have to leave. Why bother getting upset with him?" the conversation continued.

Nan Xianyi couldn't help but shake his head, chuckling at their words. He had heard similar remarks before. He had always been carefree and disliked being forced into anything.

The Lingxuan Emperor had rigorously guided him in hopes that one day he would become an immortal. This would bring honor to Fusang and fulfill Nan Xianyi's long-held wish. But no one had ever asked if he was willing to bear this burden.

Fearful of rumors spreading, Nan Xianyi, being originally a mortal, was accepted as a disciple by the Lingxuan Emperor, and some were envious but helpless, so they resorted to spreading gossip and causing trouble.

The weight of these burdens gradually accumulated, triggering a rebellious streak in him. He no longer paid attention to such remarks and seemed to treat cultivation as a mere show for the Lingxuan Emperor.

As he was about to leave, he nearly collided with the High God Linyi, startling him. He wondered when the god had appeared there. Surprisingly, Linyi seemed to hear his thoughts and responded, "I've been here for a while."

Seeing Nan Xianyi's surprised expression, Linyi continued, "Are you wondering how I knew what you wanted to say?"

He chuckled lightly before adding, "Your expression says it all."

Silent throughout the journey, Nan Xianyi's demeanor seemed to have revealed something to Linyi, who comforted him, saying, "You don't need to care about others' opinions. Living like you do must be exhausting."

Nan Xianyi forced a smile, replying, "As the High God says."

He didn't know how to explain to Linyi that he had already forgotten about the comments made earlier; they were the least of his concerns. His mind was preoccupied with how to settle Zisang. He couldn't keep her living under the trees forever.

Linyi laughed at the situation, saying, "Everyone in Fusang has watched you grow up. Why do you treat them like strangers?"

Feeling embarrassed, Nan Xianyi tried to find a way to leave quickly.

That night, the moon was almost entirely hidden by clouds, and the surroundings were eerily quiet. Despite the unsettling atmosphere, Zisang managed to fall asleep.

As Nan Xianyi emerged from the Ink Pavilion, a celestial official approached, informing him that the Lingxuan Emperor had summoned him to the Sword Pavilion. Although he found it strange, he dismissed the thought quickly.

A chilly wind brushed past Zisang's ears, causing her to wake abruptly. With a furious tone, she demanded, "Who's there... lurking in the shadows? Show yourself if you dare!"

Moonlight filtered through the clouds, illuminating the blue sea of flowers. Wisps of black mist gradually gathered and dispersed, revealing a man in black standing there.

As the moonlight faded, Zisang couldn't discern his expression in the darkness. Yet, she felt a chilling aura emanating from him.

Involuntarily shivering, she steadied her voice and asked, "Who are you?"

The man didn't respond immediately but took two steps forward.

"Speak if you have something to say, but don't move from where you are," Zisang commanded.

Upon hearing her words, the man stopped in his tracks.

A soft voice drifted past her ears. "I am Wu Chen of the demon clan. I have important matters to discuss with you."

Frowning, Zisang leaped down from the tree, arms crossed. She scrutinized Wu Chen before slowly asking, "What business could a member of the demon clan have with me, a member of the demon clan?"

"This matter is complicated. Let's leave this place first, and I'll explain it to you," Wu Chen replied calmly, stepping forward as if to pull Zisang along.

However, Zisang instinctively stepped back, her face cold but calm. "Leave? Do you think Fusang is your den, to come and go as you please?"

"Fusang is surrounded by barriers. Even if you manage to escape, there are countless celestial officials outside. How can you be sure you'll escape?" Zisang challenged.

Though she wanted to leave, she was reluctant to follow a demon clan member she had never met before.

"Today's Fusang may be difficult to leave, but things are different now," Wu Chen responded cryptically.

"Why?" Zisang pressed.

Wu Chen remained silent, his gaze fixed on a particular spot. Following his line of sight, Zisang saw a flickering red light. Wasn't that the Sword Pavilion?

Panic rising within her, she glared at Wu Chen before rushing towards the source.

Meanwhile, at the Sword Pavilion...

Nan Xianyi emerged from a secluded space, his Ink Sword in hand. Dark energy enveloped him and his surroundings, and his eyes gleamed with a murderous intent, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor. It was as if he had been possessed!

Advancing steadily, Nan Xianyi forced the celestial officials to retreat. As a Young Immortal appointed by the Lingxuan Emperor himself, they dared not challenge him, even if they disliked him.

Inside, someone kept calling out, "Nan Xianyi, snap out of it... Nan Xianyi..."

Perhaps annoyed by the incessant calls, Nan Xianyi raised his Ink Sword without hesitation and swung it towards the source, sending everyone sprawling to the ground.

Linyi arrived and witnessed the chaos, initially shocked but then summoned a sword to block Nan Xianyi's attack. He managed to get close and pleaded, "Nan Xianyi, snap out of it! Don't let the demonic sword cloud your mind!"

In an instant, Nan Xianyi exerted unexpected strength, knocking Linyi down.


When the Lingxuan Emperor arrived, the scene was one of carnage, with bodies strewn everywhere and blood flowing like a river. The celestial officials wore expressions of panic and disbelief as they looked around.

Their gazes settled on two figures beneath a stone pillar. Linyi lay lifeless in a pool of blood, while Nan Xianyi knelt beside him, unmoving, with his Ink Sword still embedded in Linyi's body.

Seeing this, the Lingxuan Emperor's eyes reddened, veins bulging. His gaze, devoid of any warmth, bore into Nan Xianyi, his voice trembling with rage as he muttered, "Beast... How could you..."

Each word seemed to be squeezed out of clenched teeth, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

A golden sword materialized in the air, aimed at Nan Xianyi by the Lingxuan Emperor's hand.

As the golden sword flashed like lightning, everyone thought Nan Xianyi was doomed. Some even smirked with malicious glee, thinking, "The Star of Death is finished this time, haha!"

However... a sudden gust of wind swept in from the horizon. Amidst the chaos, a dark figure silently spirited him away...