Chapter Seven: Separation

Supporting Nan Xianyi as they left, Zi Sang noticed that Fusang's barrier had already been broken. Realizing that the man in black was responsible, she decisively led Nan Xianyi away.

"Ugh, Nan Xianyi, have you gone mad? Let go of me!"

Suddenly, Zi Sang felt a tightening around her neck, a force locking her in place. Coming to her senses, she saw Nan Xianyi, seemingly crazed, with strong hands choking her. Each breath became a struggle.

The sudden attack angered Zi Sang, and she gathered her fury into her palms, ready to strike. But her hand stopped mid-air. Zi Sang stared at Nan Xianyi, noticing his pain and struggle. She realized it wasn't his intention; he was merely controlled. After all, he had saved her life. If he wanted it back, she would return it.

Just as Zi Sang hesitated, the man in black appeared and knocked Nan Xianyi unconscious. Turning around, she found a dagger pressed against the man's throat, ready to end his life with a slight push. Yet, he seemed indifferent, calmly gazing at Zi Sang, devoid of fear. This further infuriated her, and she pressed the dagger deeper.

Blood from Wuchen's neck moistened the blade. Zi Sang, enraged, demanded, "What have you done to him? I didn't bring the sword out, so why is he like this?"

Her anger peaked, but the man casually replied, "Demonic energy has invaded his body, disturbing his mind."

"You…" Zi Sang was nearly apoplectic, thinking this man truly was ruthless, willing to do anything to achieve his goals.

Wuchen stood awkwardly by, a palpable tension emanating from him. Zi Sang scrutinized him. Supporting Nan Xianyi, she found a dilapidated temple to stay in. But Wuchen had followed them all the way here and showed no sign of leaving. Zi Sang rested her chin on her hand, watching Wuchen, who stood silently.

Both remained motionless, living up to the saying, "When the enemy doesn't move, I don't move."

Finally, Zi Sang couldn't stand it anymore and asked, "Aren't you leaving? What do you want, following us all this way?"

"I told you, I have something to discuss with you."

"What is so urgent that it must be said now? Don't you see our current situation?"

"Besides, Nan Xianyi is still lying here. If you don't help me wake him up, we can't discuss anything."

"You mean… if he wakes up, you'll agree to my request?" A light flickered in his dead eyes.


Before Zi Sang could reply, Wuchen already produced a pill and gave it to Nan Xianyi. Seeing Nan Xianyi's condition improve, Wuchen turned to Zi Sang to negotiate.

"A thousand years ago, the Demon Lord was sealed in the Xuanming Sea. In this millennium, the demon clan has splintered. Some ambitious ones seek to become king, while others desire to unify the demon world. Now, the two largest factions have united, controlling the demon clan's fate. Their next target might be the demon realm…"

"So?" Zi Sang responded indifferently, waving her hand dismissively.

Wuchen remained unfazed by her interruption and continued to watch her.

"What are you trying to say? Do you want me to help you rescue the Demon Lord?" Helping the Demon Lord was impossible for her; they were enemies with deep-seated grudges.

"No," Wuchen said resolutely. "I want you to take the throne as Demon Lord," he said, presenting the black sword he had taken from Fusang.

Zi Sang was surprised. A demon clan member not seeking to rescue the Demon Lord but instead proposing a new one? What a situation! But her concern was the sword in his hand.

So, he had brought it out. Zi Sang hesitated before asking, "This sword is…"

"This is the Absolute Slaughter, forged from the Demon Lord's own blood, symbolizing the Demon Lord."

"When the Demon Lord was sealed, the Absolute Slaughter was also sealed in Fusang."

"Now that the seal is broken, naturally, ill-intentioned people will try to seize the demonic sword."

Ill-intentioned people! Ha, what a fitting term! It seemed there were such people everywhere!

"With this sword, the demon clan will follow you."

Hearing this, Zi Sang burst into laughter as if she had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"So, by your logic, you are the Demon Lord since you hold the sword. Yet, you want me to be the Demon Lord. This is confusing."

Ignoring her mocking laughter, Wuchen calmly explained, "You misunderstand. Though I hold the Absolute Slaughter, I am not the rightful owner. Only you can wield it and rule the demon world."

"Ha! Rule the demon world? I can barely manage my own demon clan. How could I have time to deal with your demon clan's affairs? What a joke!"

Zi Sang turned to leave, uninterested in the idea of unifying the demon world.

"But you promised me."

Zi Sang stopped at the door, looking back at Wuchen with a half-smile. "When did I promise you anything?"


Wuchen, usually silent, was now at a loss for words, infuriated by Zi Sang's teasing. Seeing his frustration, Zi Sang softened and approached him again, speaking earnestly.

"I am a demon, and becoming the Demon Lord sounds beneficial, ruling both the demon clan and the demon world."

"But have you considered if the demon clan would truly obey me if I became the Demon Lord?"

"And what if the Demon Lord breaks free from his seal one day? What then?"

"Even if we don't think long-term, my demon clan is in turmoil. My father's fate is uncertain, and there's internal strife. What should I do?"

Her eyes mixed with emotions—disappointment, helplessness, and above all, powerlessness.

"I can't do what you ask. Find someone else." With that, she waved him off and left.

Zi Sang arrived just as Nan Xianyi was trying to leave. She pulled him back in time. His wounds hadn't healed, yet he insisted on returning to Fusang. Was he seeking death? She wouldn't allow it. She had worked hard to save his life.

Soon, Wuchen brought news that Fusang's people had reached the mountain. Nan Xianyi slowly rose from the bed.

"Zi Sang, let me out. You should leave quickly. If my master sees you, you might get dragged down with me."

"Stop talking nonsense. Stay in bed. I've set up a barrier; they can't get in."

Before long, noise came from outside. Zi Sang stood at the door, watching Fusang's celestial servants gather outside the barrier. It seemed they would break through eventually.

Just as she prepared to fight, she felt a weight on her shoulder. Nan Xianyi, weakly, supported her shoulder and stood beside her.

Fusang's celestial servants shouted, "Nan Xianyi, you killed a god and harmed your comrades. Come out and face your punishment!"

Nan Xianyi was close, his breath warm against Zi Sang's cheek, causing a slight sting.

Zi Sang felt him lean closer, his warm breath by her ear, speaking gently, "Open the barrier and let me out."

Zi Sang's body trembled slightly.

"They said you would be punished if you go out!"

Her words came out slowly, each one seeming to take a long time to say.

Nan Xianyi saw her concern. She… cared about him?

A smile unknowingly curved his lips. In this moment, all his pain vanished. How he wished… time would stop here.

Nan Xianyi smiled at her, saying, "For killing a god and injuring comrades, the sect rules demand five hundred years of thunder and fire punishment."

Zi Sang's eyes widened. Five hundred years… a human's lifespan is at most a hundred years. Five hundred years would be worse than death.

Seeing her reaction, Nan Xianyi's smile grew brighter.

"But I'm lucky. For me, it's only five years. I'll be out in five years."

Tears welled up in his eyes. Five years wasn't long, but he feared… he wouldn't survive the punishment, feared he'd never see her again.

Nan Xianyi slowly stepped over the threshold, each step taking him further from her. He thought he heard her say, "I'll wait for you here in five years. You must come back to me."

He looked back at Zi Sang, smiling through his tears. Watching the distance grow between them, he blamed himself for walking too quickly. How did he get so far from her in just a few steps? And why did the path seem so long, making it hard to see her face clearly…