Chapter Eight: The Token of Ten Thousand Demons

Five years later, a figure clad in black robes knelt on the ground, their entire head obscured by the hood, making their face indiscernible. With hands trembling slightly, they presented a white jade token. The token was finely carved with intricate patterns, emitting a faint glow, and engraved with a large character for "demon" in the center.

The hand holding the token shook nervously as it cautiously glanced up at the person before them. However, a loud reprimand shattered their courage, causing them to cower even further, trying to appear as weak and ineffectual as possible.

On the bench in front of them, the man remained reclined, seemingly oblivious to the kneeling figure.

The man's face was adorned with unkempt, overgrown facial hair, appearing quite disheveled.

Upon waking, the man, with eyes devoid of vitality, surveyed the figure before him, eventually fixing his gaze on the white jade in the hands of the person.

Suddenly, his dull eyes gleamed with an unfamiliar light, akin to a wild beast spotting its prey. Without languor, he abruptly sat up from his reclined position, catching the person below off guard, who was still kneeling.

With a greedy gaze fixed on the white jade, the man, almost salivating, lightly caressed the moon-like surface of the jade. However, even his gentle touch caused the white light emitted by the token to intensify, becoming particularly dazzling.

With a foolish grin, the man inquired, "Is this the Token of the Demon Clan?"

The person below, who raised her head slightly, revealed a delicate face of a woman. She dared not meet his gaze, only lifting her eyes slightly.

With a deferential smile, she replied, "Indeed, my lord, this is indeed the Token of the Demon Clan."

The man let out a hoarse, hearty laugh. "Hahaha, that old codger Red Wolf still thinks he can negotiate terms with me, utterly ridiculous, hahaha."

Turning his gaze back to the woman, his eyes were filled with contempt for this creature of the demon race.

"But I owe this success to you, hahaha."

"Red Wolf could never have imagined that I would plant a member of the demon race by his side."

The girl raised her face, revealing a finely crafted visage with flawless, fair skin and eyes as clear and sparkling as dewdrops on the white jade, translucent and pure.

Underneath the black robe, a purple skirt peeked out, as the girl's clear voice rang out again.

"Congratulations, my lord. Obtaining the Token of Ten Thousand Demons required considerable effort. Will my lord march tomorrow... to avenge me?"

The girl's eyes sparkled with hope. She had waited for this moment for so long. She wanted revenge, to exterminate the demon race.

Unfortunately, all her efforts turned out to be nothing but a fantasy. Instead of the satisfying agreement she had hoped for from the man, she received a sudden, ruthless blow to her heart.

Trembling, the girl struggled to rise from the ground, looking at the man with incomprehension.

But the man, with furrowed brows, roared at her, "How dare you, a mere traitor of the demon race, presume to teach me here! Trash is trash, don't harbor any delusions of turning the tables one day."

With that, he picked up the Token of Ten Thousand Demons again, admiring it.

"But you promised me! You promised to help me exterminate the demon race, to help me seek revenge!"

The girl struggled to crawl to the man's feet, clutching his robe tightly, pleading through tears.

But the man couldn't be bothered to even look at her, treating her as nothing more than a disposable object.

The man let out a greedy laugh. "Hahaha, when did I ever promise you, hmm?"

The last word sounded like a threat...

Ignoring the girl, the man focused all his attention on the jade token in his hand, unaware of what awaited him behind...

The girl rose from the ground, wiping the blood from her lips, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of her tightly closed mouth.

Raising her hand again, she unleashed a blue light blade at the man, with such force that he was sent flying and crashed onto his couch.

The man was caught off guard by the sudden attack.

As he regained his senses, he saw the girl aiming a purple bow at him.

With a cold smile, the girl said, "I thought you might still be of some use, but it seems... you're just trash. Now, it's time for you to leave!"

Clearly dazed by the girl's blow, the man paid no attention to what she said.

His two eyes stared fixedly at the purple bow in the girl's hand.

The arrow was formed of demon energy; an ordinary demon wouldn't have been able to do it.

"Who are you exactly?" the man asked.

With a light laugh, the girl replied, "After all this time following you, don't you know who I am?"

Suddenly, the man remembered. Five years ago, he and the Red Wolf clan conspired to kill the Demon King and seize the Token of Ten Thousand Demons.

After the Demon King's death, his daughter disappeared. They assumed she had died and paid little attention to her whereabouts.

Afterward, he demanded the Token of Ten Thousand Demons from the Red Wolf King, only to find out he intended to keep it for himself.

The Red Wolf King used the token to banish him from the demon realm.

Then, a demon girl suddenly appeared in the Demon's Lair, claiming that the Red Wolf King had killed her entire family and she sought revenge.

He took her in, asking her to help him retrieve the Token of Ten Thousand Demons, promising to help her seek revenge.

Hahaha, what a perfect plan. He had always thought he was the mastermind behind it all, but little did he know he was just a pawn in Zisang's hands.

She is the daughter of the Demon Emperor—Zisang.

As the man recalled everything, he seethed with hatred, clenching his empty hands, which suddenly manifested into an iron hammer. Just as he was about to strike at Zisang, the next moment, he was pierced through the heart by an arrow shot by Zisang. Then, he fell heavily to the ground.

Retrieving the Token of Ten Thousand Demons, Zisang glanced at the fallen man and smirked, "You want the Token of Ten Thousand Demons... Huh, are you even worthy?"

Suddenly, Wuchen appeared behind her, accompanied by a man dressed in green robes holding a folding fan. The man in green robes was named Luyan and belonged to the Fox Demon clan.

"Have the Red Wolf clan been dealt with?" Zisang inquired.

"That Red Wolf King was hardly worth mentioning. He was taken care of by this big log here in no time," Luyan said proudly while fanning himself.

Glancing at Luyan, Wuchen made no unnecessary remarks as he walked up to the fallen man, his expression devoid of emotion. "He was originally the left guardian of the Demon Lord. Since the Demon Lord was sealed, he harbored ambitions of dominating the Demon Realm. After unifying the Demon Realm, he sought to dominate the Six Realms. Unfortunately, his ambitions exceeded his abilities."

Wuchen finished speaking and looked at Zisang, but she was lost in thought, staring at the Token of Ten Thousand Demons in her hand.

A fleeting sense of disappointment flashed in Wuchen's eyes, an emotion so subtle that it was imperceptible.

"In three days... he should also come out, right?"



Upon arriving at Fusang, Zisang was surrounded by the Fusang immortal attendants.

"How dare you, demoness, show up here again!" one of the attendants shouted at her.

Ignoring him, Zisang walked forward, with the attendants closely following her.

Growing impatient, Zisang, who had only come to find Nan Xianyi, had to endure the attendants, who stuck to her like flies.

Zisang had to stop and stood with folded arms amidst the crowd. "Where is Nan Xianyi? Hasn't the five-year deadline already passed? Why hasn't he been released yet?"

While she appeared calm on the surface, she was actually extremely anxious.

She feared that someone might suddenly tell her, "He's dead."

Her palms were sweaty as she clenched them tighter.

Someone replied, "Nan Xianyi is out of Lei Huo Valley today, but..."

"But what?" Zisang hurriedly asked.

"But Nan Xianyi's punishment hasn't been completed yet."

"Wasn't he only sentenced to five years of the Lei Huo punishment? Are you immortal beings always so fickle?" Zisang's impatience made her speak disrespectfully. Perhaps she had angered the immortal official, who angrily said, "Humph, who told you it was only the Lei Huo punishment? According to our rules, Nan Xianyi should receive five hundred years of the Lei Huo punishment. If it weren't for the fact that he's a mortal, the five hundred years would have been reduced to five, I'm afraid he would have been dead long ago."

Zisang gritted her teeth and asked, "What other punishment does he have to endure?"

As soon as the words fell, a thunderbolt struck inside Fusang. Whether it was because of the sound of thunder or something else, Zisang's eyes widened as she looked ahead. Without waiting for the attendant's reply, she already knew what Nan Xianyi was going to endure next— the Thunder Punishment.

The Thunder Punishment was something even demons who had practiced for thousands of years found difficult to endure, let alone a mere mortal.

This thought lingered in her mind, and despite the obstruction of the attendants, she forcibly entered Fusang.

When Zisang arrived, Nan Xianyi had already been simply tied to a stone pillar. He hung there like a boneless man, but in fact, without that iron chain, he would not have been able to escape.

At that moment, Zisang felt her heart shatter. What kind of feeling was this?

Zisang hadn't thought about it, she just felt she couldn't bear to see him harmed in any way.

"Demoness, since I, the Emperor, didn't come to find you, you took the initiative to come to me. Take her down!" A group of attendants swarmed over. Zisang didn't fight back, she just stared straight at the Emperor of Lingxuan, a mocking smile in her eyes.

"Lingxuan—Emperor, hehehe, how ridiculous, how absurd," she said. "That so-called savior of the people, but harbors murderous intentions toward a powerless mortal, hehehe, ridiculous, isn't it?"

"Nonsense, you demoness, stop spreading rumors here."

"Am I talking nonsense, or is there some truth to what I'm saying? Lingxuan Emperor, you should know in your heart," Zisang said, seeing a hint of wavering in the Lingxuan Emperor's heart.

"You dare say you haven't harbored selfish desires to avenge Lin Yi?" Seeing that the Lingxuan Emperor was moved, Zisang continued, "Take a good look at Nan Xianyi, take a good look at him. He was raised by you since he was a child. Do you really have no paternal feelings for him?"

She had thought she could persuade the old man, but who knew he was as unyielding as a rock. Despite her persuasion, he still cast his spell, summoning the thunder.