Chapter Thirty: People at the End of the Road

Nan Xianyi didn't hesitate for a moment and directly replied to Yaoxi.

"My mind is made up. Thank you for coming all this way," he said, bowing to her in apology.

Yaoxi sighed deeply, her voice filled with resignation. "You shouldn't have done this," she said. "From the beginning, you shouldn't have saved her, shouldn't have brought her to Fusang, and shouldn't have left Fusang on your own for her."

Yaoxi, known as the most beautiful woman across the four seas and eight lands, had a face as gentle as jade. Every frown and smile was enchanting, even when she furrowed her brows, she looked pitifully charming. Even women would be moved by her beauty.

However, Nan Xianyi had never been swayed by her looks. He had always seen her as an elder who had watched him grow up, and had never entertained any improper thoughts about her.

Glancing at her, Nan Xianyi smiled and said, "You know me well, fairy. How could I stand by and do nothing when someone needs help?"

Nan Xianyi, trying to brush it off with humor, noticed her eyes redden, making him drop his playful demeanor.

"But she's a demon, and you're different. Though you're human, you're in the celestial sect," Yaoxi continued, her eyes welling up but holding back tears, a last act of defiance. "One day, you'll ascend to immortality, and she will be a stumbling block on your path."

Nan Xianyi placed a handkerchief in her hand and bowed. "You've taken good care of me, fairy. Out of gratitude and respect, I should invite you inside for tea to warm up. But my humble abode might not be to your liking. Another day, I'll surely present you with a modest gift as thanks."

With these words, Nan Xianyi subtly indicated it was time for her to leave.

"I..." Yaoxi began.

"Take care, fairy," Nan Xianyi interrupted coldly.

Realizing she was being dismissed, Yaoxi had no choice but to leave reluctantly.

Watching Yaoxi walk away, Nan Xianyi turned to Zisang with a smile, clearly aware she had followed him. He had known she would, which was why he had readily stepped outside with Yaoxi.

"Did you know I would follow you from the start?" Zisang asked.

Nan Xianyi's eyes sparkled with amusement. "I just wanted to tell you that I won't leave you, so don't think about leaving me either."

His words were so tender, it was easy to fall for him. Zisang averted her eyes to avoid his affectionate gaze.

Biting her lower lip, she said, "I overheard that you left Fusang without permission. Why did you lie to me?"

Though her words sounded like an accusation, her tone seemed almost happy.

Seeing her like this, Nan Xianyi couldn't help but laugh, teasing her. "Didn't I say? I came to repay a debt of gratitude. You saved me, so I must repay you."

Zisang laughed, as if hearing a joke. "Really? You, know about repaying kindness?"

"Of course. I'm not someone who forgets kindness," Nan Xianyi said earnestly.

"So, are you still mad at me now?" he asked.

"Stop joking around. If you dare provoke me again, you'll regret it," Zisang warned. "I'll show you that the princess of the demon clan is not to be trifled with."

"Yes, yes, my princess," Nan Xianyi replied.


Hei Feng Cliff

Wuchen had been healing here since he left, but his wounds hadn't improved. The injury festered, oozing black blood and foul-smelling pus for more than ten days. His injuries were severe, his magic largely depleted, and he was now surviving on the last remnants of his power.

During the soul-stealing attempt by the Demon Lord, his soul had been forcibly torn from his body, using all his power to resist. Though his scales provided some protection, his flesh and blood couldn't escape their fate.

Looking at his reflection in the water, Wuchen saw his haggard appearance. His face was pale, even tinged with green, hair matted with sweat, and cheeks hollow from days without food. The sight was ghastly.

Despite his state, he forced a smile, a mix of sorrow and self-mockery.

At least she didn't see me like this. She would have been too scared to approach.

"Look who it is! How did you end up like this after just a few days?" A red figure appeared in his blurred vision just as his eyes were about to close.

When Wuchen next awoke, the pain was significantly reduced. He opened his eyes slowly, surveying his surroundings. He was still at Hei Feng Cliff, but now there was a red figure nearby.

Having been injured for so long, sitting up suddenly made him feel dizzy, his vision blurry. But he could still guess who it was from the red figure.

After ruining the Demon Lord's plan, Wuchen had disrupted five years of effort. Given the Demon Lord's ruthless nature, it was no surprise he sent Lih Qiuzhe to kill him.

It didn't matter. Wuchen had been prepared to die when he did what he did. He wasn't afraid of the overdue blade.

His only regret was not fulfilling his mother's last wish, failing to live up to her expectations.

"How did you find me here?" Wuchen asked, holding his head.

"I'm here on the Demon Lord's orders to kill a traitor," Lih Qiuzhe replied with a sneer, confirming Wuchen's suspicions.

"Then do it quickly, before I change my mind and fight back," Wuchen said, baring his chest, ready to die.

But the expected fatal blow didn't come. Instead, he heard a laugh.

"You know, I once respected you for daring to defy the Demon Lord, but now I see you're just a lovesick fool," Lih Qiuzhe taunted.

"What do you mean?" Wuchen asked.

"Have you hurt your brain? If I wanted to kill you, why would I heal you?" Lih Qiuzhe retorted.

Realizing this, Wuchen understood why his pain had lessened. "Why did you do this? What's your plan?"

"I just pity you, another soul driven to the brink by fate," Lih Qiuzhe said. "I had hopes you might help me kill the Demon Lord, but seeing you now, surviving is an achievement for you."

Wuchen had heard bits about Lih Qiuzhe's past. The Lih clan was renowned for their medical skills, even though they were demons, they never took lives. This led to rumors and accusations of betrayal against the demon realm.

After the clan's downfall, Lih Qiuzhe joined the Demon Lord to protect his people, transforming from a healer into a killer.

Their fates were indeed similar, both driven to darkness by destiny, forced onto a path of no return.