Chapter Thirty-One: Between Good and Evil

"You want to kill the Demon Lord?" Wuchen thought he must have misheard. Lih Qiuzhe, who had always been obedient to the Demon Lord, actually uttered such words today.

Seeing Wuchen's surprised expression, Lih Qiuzhe laughed. "It's just an outburst. Don't take it seriously."

"More importantly, you should rest. My medical skills aren't good enough to bring the dead back to life," Lih Qiuzhe said, about to leave, but Wuchen stopped him.

"You are a healer. Your hands should save lives, not take them," Wuchen said.

"I have no other choice. This path, I must walk," Lih Qiuzhe responded.

"Walking it or not is just a matter of your decision," Wuchen continued. "The Six Realms are in chaos and war. Trying to stay out of it is a fantasy. But the Six Realms are vast; you needn't worry about finding a place to settle. Your medical skills are exceptional, and many people need your help. You should go help them."

Wuchen, usually taciturn, was surprisingly eloquent today. Lih Qiuzhe, who had thought of him as a ruthless killer, now saw that he also had a compassionate side.

Lih Qiuzhe couldn't help but smirk. "I used to think you were a silent type, saving all your words for today."

Wuchen's face darkened, glaring at him.

"Alright, alright, I'll consider your advice," Lih Qiuzhe said with a chuckle. "Maybe the next time you see me, I'll be treating women and children somewhere in the Six Realms."

With that, he waved his sleeve and left gracefully.

Mount Jiuli

After staying for a few days, it was really time to leave. Although it had only been a few days, they had experienced joy, sweetness, sorrow, pain, and even despair. Despite the many unhappy moments, it was hard not to feel reluctant when it was time to go.

While packing, they realized every corner of the house was filled with memories, fragments that tugged at the heart. Though they were just bits and pieces, they were unforgettable.

They really had to leave. Goodbye to those once beautiful memories.

The bamboo grove in front of the wooden house was the path they had to take to leave. Having walked it countless times, they should have been familiar with it. But today, they kept going the wrong way. Not only that, they noticed the terrain and surroundings were different from before. Though it was autumn, it was past noon, and the forest shouldn't be so foggy. The thick fog made it hard to see the road ahead, forcing them to stay close together to avoid getting separated.

Suddenly, a green blade of light appeared in the dense fog. Zisang dodged slightly, but before she could react, another blade came at her. She was pulled behind someone. The blade was strong, and although Nan Xianyi blocked it with his Fuxue Sword, his hand was still numb from the force. It was clear that the attacker's target was Zisang and they meant to kill.

Zisang had many enemies, so it wasn't surprising that someone wanted to kill her. But who hated her so much that they used seven or eight layers of strength in their first attack?

"Who's there, sneaking around? Show yourself!" Nan Xianyi shouted. As soon as he finished, a figure flew out. The person moved quickly, and after several exchanges, they still couldn't see their face clearly. It wasn't until the person stopped attacking and descended slowly from the air that they realized it was Yu Fu.

This was the second time Nan Xianyi had seen Yu Fu emerge from the fog, but her expression and demeanor had changed. The first time he saw her, though her words were somewhat annoying, he had to admit her appearance was striking. She wore a luxurious feathered dress, a bright yellow inner garment paired with a light green outer one, and a peacock feather-like hair accessory, looking like a princess.

In contrast, now she wore a dark green long robe and heavy, garish makeup.

"Yu Fu? What happened to you?" Lu Yan called out, unsure if he had mistaken her.

Yu Fu snorted coldly and laughed. "Why did I become like this? You should ask your princess what she did," she said, turning to Zisang. "I just have one question. Why did you kill my father? Just because he contradicted you in front of the other demon kings, you took his life?"

Tears welled up in Yu Fu's swollen eyes.

"I... I didn't mean to. They attacked first. I was just defending myself," Zisang stammered, almost losing the ability to speak. She truly didn't know how to explain. It was all the fault of King Hengsong. If he hadn't incited King Chenrui to seize the Demon Command Token, she wouldn't have fought them. If he hadn't harbored malicious intent, she wouldn't have accidentally killed King Chenrui. It was all his fault.

"On purpose?" Yu Fu laughed bitterly. "Why would a demon like you need an excuse to kill? They were right. You're a murderous demoness. Why do you live in this world? Why do you oppose me at every turn? Why?"

As she spoke, her demonic energy surged within her, bursting out.

Zisang frowned. "You're mad. You went to the Demon Lord to make a deal. Don't you know he wants your demon soul?"

"Ha, to kill you, I have to pay a price," Yu Fu replied, clearly driven mad.

Nan Xianyi, who had been silent, suddenly stepped forward, drawing his sword and shielding Zisang behind him. This made Yu Fu, already heartbroken, even angrier.

"Get out of the way! This is between her and me. It has nothing to do with you," she shouted.

Nan Xianyi looked at her calmly. "I'm not an outsider. I hid the truth, it has nothing to do with her. If you have a problem, come at me."

"You knew? If you knew, why did you cover for her? Aren't you a disciple of the celestial sect? Aren't you supposed to hate evil? So why do you protect this murderer standing before you? Is it because it's her that you abandon your principles?" Yu Fu screamed, her voice filled with pain and disbelief.

Nan Xianyi's eyes flickered, his long lashes lowered, making his deep eyes unreadable.

"Impossible," Lu Yan said firmly. "Zisang may be unruly, but she's not unreasonable. How could you believe such rumors and not trust the people around you?"