Chapter Thirty-Six: Don't Be Afraid! I'm Here!

Zisang's evasive eyes met Nan Xianyi's fierce gaze, and she grew even more indignant, silently gritting her teeth. "Nan~ Xian~ Yi, are you looking for death?!"

Like a child, Zisang stomped her feet in anger and stormed off. Seeing this, Nan Xianyi hurriedly followed, recklessly bumping into people as he went. The mud figurine fell to the ground, breaking into a mess of mud. Knowing it was already ruined, he still instinctively went back to pick up the remaining pieces.

A startled horse neighed, followed by a heavy kick to his chest, sending Nan Xianyi flying several meters. Zisang, who had initially stormed off, rushed back immediately. "Nan Xianyi, are you okay? Nan Xianyi!"

Nan Xianyi gasped for air, his head spinning, but he could still hear the faint calls. He wanted to respond, but the clotted blood in his throat rendered him speechless. All he could do was clutch the broken pieces of the mud figurine.

Thankfully, it's not completely broken...

He held it tightly between his hands, protecting it even though his own body was wracked with pain. After a while, the blurred voices became clearer. A sorrowful voice reached him, intermittently.

"...Didn't you say it was ugly? It's broken now, so why risk getting it back...?"

Nan Xianyi only caught the last few words, missing what Zisang had said earlier. If he had heard, perhaps the days to come wouldn't have been so tormenting. He turned his face to see her delicate features, now twisted with worry and sorrow.

So, you can show this expression for me! I thought you didn't care at all!

It proved that she did care about him. He wanted to feel happy but couldn't, because he had vowed never to make her wear such an expression again. He would keep his promise and didn't want to make her worry.

Nan Xianyi forced a smile at Zisang, struggling to stand up. Though he tried to appear nonchalant, his injuries were too severe to hide. Despite the smile on his lips, his labored breathing betrayed the pain he felt. "It's ugly, but still tolerable."

Zisang could tell he was pretending. His voice trembled as he spoke. She thought he was trying to save face, so she didn't expose him. Instead, she took back the scattered mud, murmuring to herself. "It's broken, so I'll make you a new one once I learn how."

She was about to scatter the pieces, but Nan Xianyi stopped her just in time. Fortunately, as a practitioner, Nan Xianyi had endured countless injuries since childhood. Though pain was inevitable, he recovered faster than most people.

Zisang soaked a cloth in the river and returned. Nan Xianyi leaned wearily against the bridge, closing his eyes as the pain numbed. A chill swept over him, starting from his forehead and down his cheeks. He awoke, startled by the cold sensation.

In October, the air was already filled with a cold wind, some places even experiencing snow. Though this area was usually hot and dry, it couldn't resist the October chill, especially with the ever-flowing river.

Zisang, a pampered princess of the demon clan, didn't understand this. Nan Xianyi gently pushed away the cold cloth on his face, accidentally touching her even colder hands. Instinctively, he grabbed her ice-cold hands, now reddened from the cold.

She didn't seem to notice, but it pained him to see her like this. She could endure it, but he couldn't bear to see her suffer. He breathed on her hands, rubbing them to warm them up. Zisang awkwardly pulled her hands back.

Their intimate actions drew the attention of passersby. Zisang could read their thoughts—publicly pulling and holding hands was indecent and improper. Their hot stares, filled with disdain and rejection, made her anxious.

Zisang felt scared, truly scared. Their intense gazes weighed on her, making it hard to breathe. Seeing her unease, Nan Xianyi flashed her a bright smile. "Don't be afraid! I'm here!"

His words calmed Zisang's anxious heart. Funny, her father used to comfort her with the same smile. Since his passing, she felt like she had been locked in a lonely island, constantly guarding herself and letting no one in.

But meeting him broke down her defenses. He entered her isolated world without her even realizing it, lighting up her darkness. She longed for it yet feared it, afraid of losing it someday. She hid her desires, pretending not to care.

Maybe this way, it wouldn't hurt so much when she finally lost it...

Heavenly Realm

The Heavenly Emperor's grand birthday celebration was a joyous occasion for all. The mystical bird, Xuan, sang and flew into the celestial gates. The entrance to the Heavenly Palace was shrouded in mist, which parted to reveal towering heavenly pillars.

Golden dragons seemed to coil and spiral upwards on the pillars, almost alive. Steps led straight to the clouds, with various celestial officials bustling about. At the end of the cloud steps, golden-armored celestial soldiers stood tall and resolute.

Ahead, dozens of heavenly palaces soared into the clouds, radiating golden light and auspicious energy, adding a solemn grandeur to the serene celestial realm.