Chapter Forty-Six: Are You That Concerned About Him?

The two mountain spirits heard and behaved themselves, standing in line obediently.

"Sir, there's a rogue intruder at the entrance of the cave, and we were just about to drive him out!"

Nan Xianyi gave them a cold glance and gestured with his hand.

"Mountain God, I am Nan Xianyi, a disciple of Fusang Lingxuan Emperor. I come seeking an audience with you today, and I hope you can forgive my intrusion."

Initially, upon seeing the two little mountain spirits, Nan Xianyi had little hope for the so-called mountain god. However, the mountain god's subsequent actions changed his perception.

"Are you the one who came with the girl earlier?"

Although the voice of the mountain god was deep, it sounded gentle and amiable, unlike the imagined arrogance.

Nan Xianyi's tone also became more respectful.

"Since the mountain god remembers, you should also know the purpose of my visit today. I have come to..."

"Go back! I don't know what the girl asked me."

"As far as I know, Lizhou was originally the residence of the traitors from the Meizu who defected from the Demonic Clan. It has been a thousand years now. Shouldn't the mountain god have heard of it?"

The mountain god, being a deity who had lived for tens of thousands of years, was supposed to know at least something about the events of that time. Moreover, based on how Wuchen usually treated Zisang, it didn't seem like he would deceive her.

However, what the mountain god said next completely changed Nan Xianyi's opinion.

"Although the matter back then was widely known throughout the six realms, there were still things unknown, such as what you mentioned about Lizhou. Although we knew that the Meizu fled to Lizhou, where exactly Lizhou is, no one knows."

"I heard that it was a Meizu traitor who leaked the information to the Demon Ancestor, but those matters were ultimately internal affairs of the Demon Clan, and we had no way of knowing."


Nan Xianyi had rushed all the way here, not only to retrieve Zisang but also out of anger.

Why did she leave? Was it because of Wuchen? Was she angry because he deceived her? Did she care about him that much?

A chill rose in his eyes once again as he reached out and lifted her chin.

"Are you that concerned about him?"

Tears blurred her vision, and Zisang hadn't reacted yet when her lips were fiercely kissed...

"I've given you all my tenderness, but why can't you see it?"

"You've left me for the second time. From now on... don't ever think about leaving me again, forever."


After wandering aimlessly, he finally returned to the starting point, as if everything he had done before was meaningless.

Tired from walking, it was time to return to the original harbor, despite everything having changed. It was still the only place she could go now.

Zisang turned over, completely forgetting that she was sleeping on a tree and fell abruptly to the ground.

Zisang grimaced in pain as she got up.

A white spirit emerged from her body and took human form about a yard away from her.

"Father... Emperor."

Zisang looked at the glowing figure before her in disbelief, realizing it was her father whom she had longed for years.

"Haha, Sang'er, after all these years, you haven't changed a bit."

"Just sleeping on a tree and still managed to fall down."

Yuqing smiled as he approached to help Zisang up, but she hugged him tightly instead.

"Father, please don't leave Sang'er anymore, don't go."

Nan Xianyi happened to pass by and saw this scene. He was first stunned, then after a while, he quietly retreated...