Chapter Fifty-Six: Stop Crying! You Silly Fox

In a daze, it seemed like someone was calling out to him, over and over again, with a tone of urgency and worry. For some reason, his empty mind conjured up the face of Zisang, her adorable face filled with concern, as if she were on the verge of tears.

A prickling sensation, like a needle, tingled in his heart. How could he bear to see her cry for him again? Didn't he promise not to let her shed tears anymore?

Unconsciously, he reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, but a pair of delicate, slender hands covered his. Those eyes instantly squinted into crescents. With a smile, he said, "Stop crying! Silly fox, you have no idea how ugly you look when you cry!"

But those delicate hands fell back, seemingly devoid of warmth. "Silly... silly fox, Nan Xianyi, look clearly, it's me, Yaoxi!"

Yaoxi! Nan Xianyi shook his head, then took another look, realizing he was lying in the arms of the esteemed Palm Blossom Fairy, whom he had always respected.

Sitting up abruptly, he hastily straightened his clothes and respectfully said, "Nan Xianyi has been offensive, and I hope the fairy will forgive me."

It wasn't that he was afraid of her, but in certain matters, he had to act this way to avoid idle gossip and, secondly, because the Palm Blossom Fairy was a young lady. If any malicious rumors were spread, it might tarnish the girl's reputation, especially since she was now of marrying age. It could lead to misunderstandings when it came time for her to choose a good husband.

"Why do you treat me so differently? Is our friendship of over twenty years worth less than that of a fox demon?"

She was a sensitive person. When something like this happened, she couldn't help but feel her eyes well up with tears.

When she entered just now and saw him lying on the ground, his pale face devoid of color, she was terrified. She had infused him with spiritual energy, and seeing him finally awake, reaching out to wipe away the tears from his eyes, moved her deeply. It was as if his past coldness towards her had suddenly turned into warmth, even though his hand was so cold.

Cold enough to make her want to warm it up. But then, the words he spoke later were like a bucket of cold water poured over her head, awakening her from her reverie.

Fox! Even now, he was still thinking about that fox demon. Why? Why couldn't he see the person right in front of him?


Nan Xianyi didn't answer. He truly didn't know how to respond, so he chose silence.

But just as he moved, he felt that the wound on his back seemed to have healed, and he no longer felt any pain. Needless to say, he knew that it was the Palm Blossom Fairy who had treated his wound. Because whenever he was injured, she was always the first to come and heal him, despite the fact that everyone said it was the Lingxuan Emperor who adopted him.

But all along, she was the one who took care of him the most, tirelessly looking after him. Even when he made mistakes, she would forgive him.

Back then, when he was young, he liked to play with her, but as he grew older, he understood the difference between men and women, and gradually distanced himself from her.

But he never expected her to care so much about this matter.

Seeing Nan Xianyi's silence, she didn't pursue it, quietly lowering her head to tidy up the scattered books.

"I brought dinner for you. Eat something first to fill your stomach, or your body won't last long."

One moment she was pointing out his emotional distance from her, and the next she was worried about him starving!