Chapter Eighty-Eight: The Emergence of the Medical Sage

Yunsi slowly opened her eyes to be greeted by a pink bed curtain.

Recollections of the previous night flooded her mind—being grabbed by a demon, struggling in vain against its grasp, and the unforgettable pain as its talons pierced her skin, trapping her as if to crush her...

But beyond that, her memory was blank, save for a vague silhouette of a person, whether seen in a dream or reality, she couldn't tell, only faintly recalling their departing figure.

Yunsi gingerly sat up, fearing that any sudden movement might aggravate her wounds and bring about excruciating pain.

To her surprise, however, no matter how she moved, she felt no discomfort. Initially, she thought she might have passed into the afterlife, hence the lack of sensation.

Glancing at where her injuries had been last night, she found nothing. She even checked her entire body, but there was not a single wound to be found. It was as if everything from last night had been nothing but a dream.

Yunsi leaped out of bed and ran outside until she reached the "battlefield" of the previous night, where the fallen branches and leaves, remnants of the struggle, seemed to confirm the reality of what had occurred.

But... how could such a large wound heal so quickly, leaving no trace of injury?

It all seemed too incredible, leaving Yunsi bewildered. The only explanation she could convince herself of was that her master must have saved her, for no one else could possess such remarkable abilities.

In recent days, rumors had been circulating in the Jianghu about the emergence of a medical sage, coming to relieve the suffering of the people.

Who was this medical sage? Where had they come from? No one knew, only hearing of their attire—clad in red robes and a plain bamboo hat.

Despite having recently emerged, the medical sage's name had already become well-known. Everyone sought after the medical sage, some for medicine to cure illnesses, while others sought the elixir of immortality.

As time passed, the real medical sage remained elusive, but the streets were filled with people dressed in red robes and bamboo hats. While not all of them were genuine, at least four out of ten were.

Having just left the Yu Residence, Yunsi was oblivious to the events outside. The moment she stepped out, she encountered a crowd of people dressed in red robes and bamboo hats. Naturally, that was their only commonality; their attire varied greatly, some resembling beggars, others exuding a martial spirit, and still others emanating an exotic aura.

Seeing Yunsi's bewildered expression, Yulanxing, who was leading the way, explained, "Don't be afraid of them." Yulanxing leaned closer to Yunsi and whispered, "They're all just scammers from the Jianghu. If we don't provoke them, they won't dare to do anything."

Yulanxing's sudden proximity made Yunsi uncomfortable, causing her to take two steps back.

Their interaction was suddenly interrupted by a large hand that pushed Yulanxing away.

Qingwu coldly closed his eyes. "General Yu, please behave yourself."

Embarrassed by Qingwu's words, Yulanxing chuckled awkwardly and turned to continue leading the way. However, in that moment of turning, his smile turned sinister, a look of a fish taking the bait.

As Yunsi walked along, her gaze towards Yulanxing became increasingly strange, and she suddenly remembered what had happened that day...

That night, unable to sleep, Yunsi decided to take a walk outside, only to encounter Yulanxing, who was also suffering from insomnia.

Initially, upon seeing him, Yunsi pretended not to notice him and planned to leave, as she had never had a favorable impression of him since their first meeting. She always felt that he was too scheming, with a duplicitous nature that didn't seem genuine.

Despite intending to avoid him, she was caught off guard when he called out to her first. Yunsi could only respond with resignation.