Chapter Ninety-Four: A Gaze That Stretches Across Millennia

As the crowd gathered thicker and thicker, Yunsi quietly slipped away, disappearing into the sea of people.

Her next appearance was on a secluded path where she encountered no one along the way, granting her some peace and quiet. However, Yunsi couldn't seem to find any joy in the situation.

After all, this was a rare opportunity, and missing it would make it even harder to enter the Celestial Pavilion in the future.

Sitting by the lakeside, Yunsi brooded silently, her melancholy gaze fixed on the distant horizon. Despite the warm sunlight bathing the earth, the sight of the looming cold mountains ahead sent a shiver down her spine.

But the scorching sun was relentless, and sweat poured down her face.

Feeling overheated, Yunsi scooped up some water and splashed it on her face. It seemed to be a spring flowing down from the cold mountains, offering refreshing relief from the heat. In an instant, much of her dismal mood dissipated.

Just as Yunsi was about to leave, her peripheral vision caught sight of what appeared to be a person lying in the nearby bushes. At first glance, she thought it might be a drunkard, as what sane person would be in such a place?

Except her, of course!

Yunsi hesitated for a moment, considering whether to pretend not to have seen the person. However, against her better judgment, she inexplicably found herself walking over.

Summoning her courage, Yunsi cautiously approached and observed the motionless figure. He appeared to be completely unconscious, lying there like he had passed away. Yunsi's heart skipped a beat, thinking, "Could this be a dead body? It's eerie to encounter something like this in broad daylight."

As Yunsi continued to observe, she had a sinking feeling that she had stumbled into trouble. Just as she was about to bolt, the man suddenly stirred, rolling over and accidentally pulling Yunsi into his embrace.

Yunsi wriggled in his arms like a startled cat.

"Ah! Zombie attack! Someone, help!!" Yunsi screamed frantically.


"Help! Zombie attack! Cough cough~"

After what felt like an eternity, Yunsi finally ran out of breath.

At that moment, a calm male voice spoke up. "Had enough screaming? If you have, then shut up!"

Yunsi's gaze was drawn towards the sound, and she found herself locking eyes with a pair of lightly opened peach blossom eyes. The deep, mesmerizing gaze seemed to possess an inexplicable power that drew her in, making her feel as if time had frozen in that instant...

So, the legend of "a gaze that stretches across millennia" is true. In that moment, Yunsi wished time would stop so that she could remain in that gaze forever, with nothing but him in her eyes and heart.

Yunsi quickly snapped out of her reverie, extricating herself from Junfeng's embrace and avoiding his gaze awkwardly. The intensity of his gaze made her feel both comforted and afraid.

Although she longed to be closer to him, she also couldn't bring herself to do so. Even though he was already approaching her, she was afraid and chose to flee...

Quickly masking her emotions, Yunsi reverted to her usual goofy demeanor, plastering a cheerful smile on her face.

"Immortal! What are you doing here?"

When she turned around, Junfeng had shifted his posture, lying on the grass with his eyes still closed. His long eyelashes brushed against his cheeks, tracing perfect lines on his face.

Seeing that Junfeng didn't seem inclined to respond, Yunsi scratched her head awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

Yunsi's gaze wandered around the surroundings.

At this time of year, it was perfect for autumn harvests, and the ground was covered in golden leaves. When the wind blew, they rustled and fluttered to the ground, occasionally landing on Junfeng.

A sudden realization struck Yunsi, and she picked up a nearby red fairy umbrella to shield him from the falling leaves.

As the autumn wind blew, the rustling of the autumn leaves filled the air. The falling leaves danced gracefully with the breeze, while the figure under the tree remained still. And the girl in the blue dress sat obediently beside him, holding an umbrella.