Chapter Ninety-Seven: Paper Folding Immortal Technique

Reflecting on the troubles she had caused her master over the years, Yunsi realized that despite his assistance in resolving them, she could have avoided falling into mediocrity as a disciple of the Immortal Sect if she had been willing to put in the effort in her cultivation. However, Yunsi remained like a stubborn piece of wood, resistant to refinement no matter how much effort was exerted.

Initially, she had hoped to handle the matter with the Fifth Prince on her own, aiming to impress her master and change others' perceptions of her. However, she stumbled right from the start, a pitiful and lamentable situation indeed!

Now, her only option was to seek Junfeng's assistance. After recounting her recent encounters to Junfeng, instead of sympathy, she received mockery.

"Even as a disciple of the Immortal Sect, you've been following Qingwu Zun for so long, yet you still haven't mastered any spells?" Junfeng's eyes showed disdain.

Recalling a phrase from Yufu about Zisang's innate talent, Yunsi couldn't help but wonder if her mind had been damaged when she returned to mortal life.

"It's not that I haven't mastered any spells, but none of them seem to interest him. Did you even listen to what I said?" Yunsi stood firm, her last shred of resilience showing.

"Isn't that the same thing?" Junfeng scoffed.

"Look at you, pitiful thing. Fine! Today, as the Emperor, I'll teach you a few tricks."

With that, Junfeng took out a stack of white paper from his pocket and tossed it into the air. He then made a few gestures, and the falling sheets of paper instantly transformed into lively little birds.

The birds chirped as they flew in circles, but with a flick of Junfeng's finger, they turned into small dogs that barked playfully and circled Yunsi.

With another flick of his finger, the lively little dogs turned back into sheets of paper and flew back into his hand.

Excitedly clapping her hands, Yunsi exclaimed in amazement, eager to try it herself. She took a few sheets of paper from Junfeng's hand and mimicked his actions, throwing the paper into the air and making gestures. Soon, the paper turned into wolves, surrounding Yunsi menacingly, their eyes fierce and their teeth bared as if ready to pounce at any moment, creating a terrifying sight.

Even Junfeng was shocked by the scene. Wasn't she supposed to have mediocre aptitude? Then how could she do this?

"Quickly, change them back!" Seeing Yunsi overwhelmed and confused, Junfeng couldn't help but shout in exasperation.

Yunsi quickly made a few more gestures, and the pack of wolves dispersed, the shredded paper floating upwards until it gradually took the form of two people.

As the paper gradually took shape, Yunsi suddenly fainted.

Black and White Impermanence exchanged a glance and wordlessly helped Yunsi up.

With a wave of his hand, Junfeng transformed Black and White Impermanence back into sheets of paper and stored them in his sleeve.

"Well, what do you think? Can this Paper Folding Immortal Technique help you get into the Heavenly Pivot Pavilion?" Junfeng asked.

Yunsi sat on the ground, holding her head in a daze, as if she had hit her head when she fell earlier.

Looking at Junfeng, who stood proudly as if waiting for her praise, Yunsi slowly got up from the ground, dusted off her clothes, and casually remarked, "It's not as impressive as you make it out to be, is it? If you were to perform it in front of Master Wen, it wouldn't be much better than showing off a skill he already possesses!"