Chapter One Hundred and One: The Valley of the Underworld, Hidden in the Cold Cave

In any situation, there will always be a leader, someone who drives the events. This leader uses the followers to his advantage, manipulating them to oppose anything unfavorable to him, thus feeding his vanity. The cleverest part is that he uses these followers as a shield, merely uttering a word to gain their support while he reaps the final benefits.

"The Pavilion Master hasn't spoken yet. What are you yelling about?"

"Yeah, I think he's talking about you! How can you even dare to speak with those few tricks that look like a monkey playing with cotton?"


"Enough!" Wenshi Ming's furious roar silenced the crowd instantly.

"I make the rules. Whatever I say, you do. If you don't want to comply, the gate of the Heavenly Pivot Pavilion is right there. You can leave anytime."

Despite his age, Old Master Wen was still vigorous, likely due to his cultivation. Though old, his body was as strong as a middle-aged man. His voice, full of power, demonstrated his robust energy.

The atmosphere grew tense, heavy with a seriousness that stifled any movement. In the ensuing silence, their compliance with Wenshi Ming's order seemed almost unanimous.

They were soon led to an ancient thousand-year-old tree. At its center was a large gap, big enough for a person to enter. The pitch-black tree hole seemed to harbor countless mysterious creatures, peering out into the world from the darkness.

For some reason, the sight of this dark hole made everyone's heart race with a fear and oppression akin to being prey under a predator's gaze.

According to the pavilion disciples, this was the Valley of the Underworld, a place where the most heinous criminals were sent. In this vast world, there were countless cultivators of both good and evil. In this imperial capital, practicing demonic arts was a capital offense.

However, the compassionate emperor did not want to execute all of them. The court came up with a solution: give them a chance at life by imprisoning them in the Valley of the Underworld. If they could find an exit, they could survive.

But in all these centuries, no one had ever come out alive. Rumors among the common folk claimed that the Valley of the Underworld was a one-way prison, with no exit at all. This hellish place had trapped countless souls, thus earning its name, the "Valley of the Underworld."

Hearing this, Yunsi couldn't help but sigh, thinking, "Isn't this just a way to trap us to death? Is the Heavenly Pivot Pavilion planning to summon our souls after we all die?"

"You should all be quite familiar with the Valley of the Underworld by now. You have one incense stick's time. Those who come out alive will become disciples of our pavilion. It's up to you to decide whether to enter or not," said one of the pavilion disciples.

No sooner had he finished speaking than someone objected, "Everyone knows the Valley of the Underworld is a death trap. Going in is the same as sentencing us to death!"

Wenshi Ming calmly stroked his beard and said, "Rest assured, I can guarantee that I will cast a spell to open the gate of the Valley of the Underworld again after one incense stick's time. Those who come out alive will undoubtedly be the most outstanding disciples of our pavilion, and you will get everything you desire."

Everything they desired? These words were indeed the most persuasive. Even the most fearful, whose legs were trembling, did not take a step back.