Chapter One Hundred and Two: The Valley of the Underworld

Yunsi's heart was gripped with fear, silently cursing herself for establishing the persona of a prodigious young genius. Now, she couldn't back down without losing face.

If she didn't leave now, she might die in there!

It was as if two voices were arguing in her head. One urged her to maintain the composure of a gifted genius, unflinching in the face of danger, befitting of a true master. The other warned her that it was all a facade; if she went in, she would surely die. She should return and let her master handle this!

"Does anyone wish to withdraw now? If you step forward, you can leave immediately, but you will lose everything. Think carefully. Does anyone want to leave?" a disciple shouted loudly.

Yunsi's left leg moved forward involuntarily...

"If you dare to leave, I'll end you right now." The threat in her ear made her tense up, and she quickly pulled her leg back.

Her expression was increasingly hard to control. She looked pitifully at the transparent Junfeng beside her. "But... but what if I die in there? I haven't even said a proper goodbye to my master!"

"Stop whining. If you back out now, won't all the Emperor's efforts be wasted?" Junfeng's expression was stern.



Yunsi wanted to say more, but Junfeng's stern glance silenced her, making her swallow her words.

"It seems no one wants to back down. Very well. The Heavenly Pivot Pavilion needs brave young people like you. Since that's the case, I will now open the barrier to the Valley of the Underworld," Wenshi Ming declared.

With a few swift gestures in the air, a beam of light flashed across the pitch-black entrance of the cave.

Yunsi tentatively placed her left foot into the cave. She felt a strange force pulling her in.

She looked back at Wenshi Ming, only to meet his approving gaze. Silently cursing her fate, she proceeded.

Unlike others who might pray fervently in such a situation, Yunsi was different. Despite her association with Buddhism, she never believed in such things and didn't expect any divine protection. She remembered her first day in the temple when her master asked her to kneel before a statue. She had ignored him, turned around, and kicked over the incense burner. For this, she was punished with a day and night of kneeling.

Upon entering, darkness engulfed her. She couldn't see or hear anything.

Relying on her senses, she took a few steps forward until the ground beneath her gave way. She felt herself falling, heavier and heavier, as if all her strength had left her...

She couldn't remember what happened next. When she woke, it was from the pain in her wrist, a sharp sting that jolted her into consciousness.

The unfamiliar surroundings confused her. Water droplets echoed, bringing a chilling sensation. Leaves rustled in the eerie silence that followed the wind.

The blurry image of leaves in her vision was neither the vibrant green of summer nor the golden hues of autumn but a sinister blackish-green.

Everything felt out of place: the dim sky, the eerie forest, the cawing of crows, and the fierce glares from strange people...


Pain shot through her wrist again. She turned to see a rusty blade slicing a not-too-deep cut into her pale arm.

Only then did Yunsi realize she was bound tightly to a wooden cross, her arms covered in several other wounds besides the fresh one.

Yunsi watched in horror as her blood gushed out, collected in bowls by her captors, who then drank it down in one gulp.

She stared, wide-eyed and stunned, forgetting how to react. Her eyes were as wide as saucers.

If it weren't for the excruciating pain, she would have thought this was a nightmare!

"Who are you? Let me go!" Yunsi screamed with all her might. But they acted as if they couldn't hear her, staring at her expressionlessly as if she were a living, bleeding wooden dummy.

Yunsi felt like their evening meal. One would finish drinking a bowl of her blood, leave contentedly, and then another would pick up the rusted knife and wooden bowl, pouncing on her like a hungry wolf.

She was already feeling dizzy from the blood loss. If this continued, she wouldn't last until the end of the incense stick, maybe not even through the next cut.

One emaciated man eyed her pale arm greedily. The rusted blade traced up and down, searching for the perfect spot.

Finally, it settled on the largest vein in her elbow.

Yunsi panicked. She knew the consequences of that cut and couldn't let it happen.

While the man was distracted, she grabbed his wrist with all her strength, causing him to drop the knife.

Quick as a flash, Yunsi caught the falling knife and slashed at the vine binding her wrist. The vine bled and recoiled like a snake.

She wasted no time and ran.

"Catch her! Don't let her escape!" someone suddenly shouted.

A whistle blew, followed by a piercing crow's caw, as if the crow was right next to her.

She glanced back and, sure enough, the crow was inches away. It swooped at her like an arrow.

Yunsi dodged, narrowly avoiding the crow, but its sharp feathers still left a bloody scratch on her cheek.

Before she could react, something wrapped around her neck. The more she struggled, the tighter it became, until she could hardly breathe.

The men laughed and looked at her with greedy eyes.

Yunsi flailed desperately, her arms and legs thrashing in the air, even though she knew it was futile.

Her futile struggle amused them. They looked at her like a fool, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

The emaciated man couldn't wait any longer. It had been decades since he'd tasted anything fresh. He had forgotten what it even tasted like.

He stepped forward, lifting his rusted knife high. Just as he was about to strike, Yunsi, who had been thrashing wildly, suddenly stopped and stared at him with sharp eyes.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Before they could see what was in Yunsi's hand, explosions erupted all around. When the smoke cleared, she was gone!

Having escaped, Yunsi cleaned her wounds by a pool, tearing a strip from her dress to bandage them. Finally, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Taking advantage of the moment of solitude, Yunsi carefully observed her surroundings. The sky was still dark, as if no light could penetrate.

Rustling sounds emanated from the forest. Initially, Yunsi thought it was just the wind rustling through the leaves. But upon closer inspection, she realized it wasn't that simple. Upon a more detailed look, she noticed vines creeping between the treetops, silently observing her every move. And when they sensed she had spotted them, they would shift positions, moving to darker spots to continue watching her.

Yunsi took a deep breath, her instincts telling her she had entered a place she shouldn't have.

From everything she had seen so far, Yunsi began to piece things together. Those men she encountered earlier were the so-called demon cultivators, and she was now inside the Valley of the Underworld.

The saying that no one returns from the Valley of the Underworld seemed to hold some truth. Everything here was so bizarre. It was like a giant maze, constantly changing directions and positions, whether controlled by someone or naturally, she couldn't tell.

Time was running out, and Yunsi knew she couldn't waste any more of it. If she didn't find an exit soon, she'd be stuck in this hellish place forever.

The forest was filled with chaotic noises, indicating the demon cultivators were catching up.

Yunsi's heart chilled. Without hesitation, she gritted her teeth and ran in the opposite direction.

"Ah!!" A sharp object pierced her shoulder. Yunsi stumbled and fell to the ground. She didn't even have time to inspect her wound, hastily grabbing a knife from the ground and holding it defensively in front of her.

"Don't come any closer! Stay away!"

The man sneered, seeing her as nothing more than an ant that could be easily crushed.

He walked forward fearlessly, almost mockingly, with a slow, swaying gait. Each step felt like another cut on her soul.

Her hand trembled uncontrollably, causing the knife to fall to the ground. Although the men weren't burly, their years of starvation had made them exceptionally gaunt, but they were still men and demon cultivators. Yunsi, a mere woman, had no chance against them.

It was like comparing a tiger to a cat.

Without her only weapon, Yunsi's feeble resistance was like an ant trying to stop a cart. She could only retreat on shaking limbs as the men advanced.

"Stay back… stay back! I'm a powerful sorceress! If you come any closer, I won't be nice!"

Clearly, her threat was seen as a joke, further piquing their interest. Their sinister smiles grew, and they quickened their pace.

Yunsi's expression turned serious. She raised two fingers to her lips, muttered a few words, and then pointed at the men as if casting a spell.

The sudden action startled the men, who half-expected something to happen. But after a moment, nothing changed.

They laughed uproariously, their faces turning dark again after a few hearty laughs. In raspy voices, like mountain ghosts, they taunted, "Had enough fun? If so, it's time to go!"

A knife slashed past her eye. She stared wide-eyed, watching the knife's every move, as the man wielding it suddenly fell before her.

Dead... Did someone come to save me?

Yunsi turned her head to see a dark mass surrounding her. This was the true lurking danger, and these men were just worried their "prey" would be taken.

Seeing they were outnumbered, the remaining men realized they stood no chance and quickly fled.

Yunsi felt her heart leap into her throat. In the past, whenever she encountered such situations, her first reaction was always to shout "Master!" and her master would instantly appear by her side, as if he had never left.

Would it be the same this time? Would her master come to save her if she called out for him?

Though she entertained the thought, she didn't intend to act on it. She had decided to face this challenge alone and wouldn't put him in danger by calling him to her side.

Black fog spread out, enveloping Yunsi.

Panic set in as the layers of black mist surrounded her. She had no idea what she was about to face, and the unknown only fueled her anxiety.

Who... who are these people?

She forced herself to calm down, at least enough to avoid mindlessly running away as she had before. Although she had encountered similar situations before, this was her first time facing such a challenge alone.

In the black fog, Yunsi tried to escape, but the more she struggled, the stronger the force that held her back became. The black mist covered everything in sight, making it impossible to discern any direction.

An unseen force in the darkness tugged at her skin, tighter and tighter, until her fair skin began to seep dark red blood.

This blow shattered the fragile calm she had managed to maintain. The blood oozing from her wounds felt like molten lava, burning every inch of her skin, as if covered with leeches devouring her flesh.

Her once pristine skin was now stained with blood, and her long blue dress was no longer recognizable, transformed into a deep, dark purple by the blood.

The once graceful and delicate girl was now frantically flailing in the black mist, her long, dark hair losing its luster, clinging messily to her pale face.

In her frenzy, she seemed to forget the pain, suddenly stopping her wild movements. Her once lively eyes were now dull, her lowered gaze lifeless.

In the darkness, a glass bead on her neck emitted a faint red glow.

The attack didn't cease; it intensified. Blood streaks began to appear within the black fog, moving rapidly. Each time they passed, a new wound would open on Yunsi, and the blood would be quickly absorbed by the fog, along with her life essence.

Believing she had given up resisting, the demon cultivators began to savor their rare meal, unaware that danger was imminent.

Yunsi slowly crouched down, placing a hand on the ground. Her pale lips moved silently as if chanting something.

After a moment, a formation began to appear on the ground.

Yunsi didn't stop, her lips continuing to move.

The demon cultivators watched her actions in confusion, their eyes filled with bewilderment. Until...

"Ha ha ha ha!!" Sharp laughter echoed, and black shadows flew out from the formation, some laughing eerily, others crying wretchedly.

It was then they realized that Yunsi had been performing a summoning spell, but it wasn't an ordinary summoning. It was as if she was commanding the spirits to do her bidding, a technique known as "Spirit Command"!

The shadows grew in number, merging with the black fog, sometimes blending seamlessly, sometimes darting out unexpectedly. Soon, the demon cultivators lay scattered on the ground, with a few quick-footed ones managing to flee. As the formation dissipated, the shadows vanished like mist.

Yunsi glanced at the fallen men and breathed a sigh of relief, her tense nerves finally relaxing. A beam of white light streaked across the sky, growing larger until it illuminated the dark earth like a bright moon. Yunsi's face broke into a smile, dispelling the coldness.


As she took a step forward, a loud noise echoed from behind her. She turned to see a figure in purple immortal robes, a red umbrella in hand, drifting gracefully in the air. As he glanced back, his face was mesmerizing.

"A... a deity!" she called out silently, tears welling up in her eyes.

Though he was looking at her, his gaze was strange and chilling, like an icy void that made her shiver.

"What does the King of the Underworld intend? I've heard of the Underworld collecting souls, but since when did it become a realm of reapers?" Junfeng's gaze shifted, a coldness mixed with killing intent in his eyes.

"We, the Black and White Impermanence, are here on the orders of the King of the Underworld to take this demon woman back. What does Emperor Qiyang mean by this? Are you intending to oppose the Underworld?" Black Impermanence was not intimidated by Junfeng. As a confidant of the Underworld King, he was bold and unyielding, rudely confronting Junfeng.

It wasn't surprising that he was angry. Under the King's orders to capture the demon woman Zisang, he had initially thought it would be easy since she was merely a mortal after falling into the Mortal Realm. Yet, someone always protected her, making it impossible for him to act. He had thought this time was his best chance, but unexpectedly, Junfeng, the notoriously unpredictable Emperor Qiyang, showed up!

"This person's lifespan is not yet over. It's inappropriate for Impermanence to act this way," Junfeng said coolly, his tone reflecting his mood. Despite his calm demeanor, his words sent a chill down their spines.

"This…" White Impermanence hesitated.

"Emperor, this is an affair of the Underworld. It would be best if you did not interfere." Though he lowered his head, Black Impermanence's courage was commendable. Despite being a ghost messenger, he had an extraordinary spirit and pride, refusing to bow to power, truly admirable.

"I have no interest in your Underworld's affairs. I want her," Junfeng pointed at Yunsi and continued, "Today, as long as I'm here to protect her, you will not take her. If the King of the Underworld has any questions, let him ask me."

"Yes, yes, Emperor, you're right. We will leave now," White Impermanence, frightened, quickly responded, eagerly pulling Black Impermanence away as he spoke.

"You… let go of me! Junfeng, you have guts. Today's matter will not end here. Wait for the King of the Underworld to punish you!" Despite being forcibly dragged away by White Impermanence, Black Impermanence stubbornly continued his threats until he was out of sight.

Only after the two had disappeared did Junfeng turn his gaze to Yunsi. His eyes were devoid of emotion, making Yunsi feel uneasy and guilty under his scrutiny.

"What are you looking at me for?" he suddenly asked.

His calm tone added a heaviness to the quiet atmosphere.

"I…" Yunsi avoided his gaze, her mind blank. She had no idea what to say.

"Aren't you going to explain what just happened?" His deep voice rang out again, his attention now fully on her.

Her tightly clenched fingers gripped even tighter. She was still the same as before, clenching her fists and biting her lips when nervous. But no matter how much she liked doing it, there had to be a limit. Who would bite their lips until they bled out of habit?

"…I don't know…I really don't know…" Her weak voice became increasingly faint, almost inaudible, circling around her ears, making her vision blur…

Her blurry vision slowly cleared, revealing the image of a figure with a red umbrella gradually walking away.

"Hmph, foolish!" A cold voice pierced her ears. Dark purple iron boots edged with gold appeared in her vision. As her eyes moved upward, she saw the front of a dark purple robe embroidered with beautiful orchids.

He paid no attention to her as she lay struggling on the ground. Indifferently, he walked away.

The scene shifted to a strange valley where a man and a woman stood among a sea of flowers, embracing and smiling in red robes.

The image darkened, replaced by fragmented scenes: a monk fighting a fox, a woman in white mourning clothes, a man in wedding attire, and another man lying dead in the snow…

Yunsi abruptly opened her eyes, sitting up as if jolted awake.

What was that? What were those images? Was it a dream? Why did I dream of these things?

Her chaotic thoughts scattered as the door opened. An unfamiliar woman entered. Seeing Yunsi awake, the woman first appeared surprised, then smiled warmly.

"You're finally awake, miss. I thought you… oh dear, you don't know how much blood you had when they brought you in. I nearly lost my soul to the King of Hell! Luckily, you're tough."

The woman's animated storytelling, filled with alternating laughter and tears, made her seem like a performer, expressing every emotion to the fullest.

"Did you save me, auntie? How long have I been unconscious? Where am I?" Yunsi looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings, feeling completely lost, unable to recall how she ended up there.

"This is the Tian Shu Courtyard. That day, after you came out of the Valley of the Underworld, you were covered in wounds. The pavilion master brought you here to me," the woman said, growing more animated as she recounted the events.

"You have no idea, miss, when the scholar carried you in, there wasn't a single spot on you that wasn't injured. I used all the elixirs and herbs in the courtyard on you. You've been lying here for seven or eight days. I thought you wouldn't wake up, but heaven had mercy and pulled you back from the King of Hell's hall."

The woman became more and more excited, embracing Yunsi as if she had witnessed a miracle.

Seven days? Has it been that long? It seems I need to handle the matter with the Fifth Prince quickly.