Mer D’ Etoiles Pt 1


Once I got back to my cottage, I relaxed and treated myself to a mini spa session. So I washed, blow dried and curled my hair. After finding a nail kit in my travel bag I gave myself a manicure and pedicure. 

By this time I was feeling hungry so I ordered a late lunch of sandwiches and chips from the nearby diner. For entertainment, I watched a few movies until it was late enough for me to start getting ready for dinner. 

I admit I'm excited to try this place out. We had even heard of Mer D' Etoiles over in Othya. We had been to one of the other 6 restaurants that are owned by the executive chef of Mer' D Etoiles before and it was amazing. They recommended that if we ever got the chance to come to this one where the chef had launched her career from, we would be in for a treat. 

It's a bit disappointing to not be experiencing this place with my family and friends but it's not like we won't ever get a chance to come here together another time so I try to perk up and continue my preparations. I head into the bathroom to put on the crystal jewelry I bought earlier and apply some light make up before putting on the sky blue dress I bought earlier that fits like it was made for me. Next I take my hair down from the curling rolls and comb it so the curls will fall nicely over the night. 

Taking one last look, I make sure everything is on point in the mirror and blow myself a kiss then head out of the bathroom. I slide on my sandals, grab my purse and jacket then exit the cottage. I decide to walk to the restaurant since it is only a 12 minute walk away.

'I do wonder about this potential surprise. I know whatever it is Cal arranged it with love and the best intentions so I'm going to keep an open mind. Knowing him it probably has something to do with my past. He has never pushed me to go searching for my past but he also won't let me avoid it if it comes up or I get triggered. Between all three of them; mom, dad and Cal they have been very consistent in making sure I'm as mentally cared for as possible. It has been both a funny experience during the mistakes and wonderful heartwarming occasions at the wins we have had over the years.' I mused on my walk. 

As I reached the restaurant I could tell they were setting up for some kind of event.

'I hope they aren't about to tell me my reservation is cancelled. Going to another restaurant would be disappointing and just going back to the cottage would be depressing.'

With apprehension, I entered the establishment and was greeted by the person behind the podium. 

"Hi, I'm here for the reservation under Tharani for 7:30 pm. It will just be me. The rest of my party will not be coming." 

The man behind the counter, glanced at his tablet, then back at me with a curious smile. " Miss Tharani, welcome to Mer' D Etoiles. We are sad that the rest of your party will not be joining you but we promise to still make your experience with us one you will not forget." The maitre d' bowed to me before grabbing a menu and leading me across the floor.

'This place is beautiful. I'm getting that feeling again that I've been here before. I wonder if this place still looks the same or if there have been changes.' 

The cozy feeling of the place is displayed everywhere giving the place an authentic homey atmosphere. The dimmed lighting, small tables, scents of food and hushed conversation all encourage a patron to relax and enjoy their meals.

Looking around I could see chairs and tables being moved aside so that a long rectangle table could be placed half outside on the patio and half inside in the dining room. Balloons and other party decorations were being placed inside to reflect the decorations outside. It seemed all a bit extravagant but it's not my party so who was I to judge another's tastes when it didn't affect me.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, what is going on tonight? The floor appears to be in the process of being cleared out. Will I be in the way if I stay?"

The maitre d' shook his head as he responded, "No, miss you will not be in the way. You will be seated on the roof top with other VIP guests who had booked in advanced." We reached a set of stairs that we began to ascend when he answered my first question. 

"A hometown celebrity unexpectedly decided to come back into town this week for her birthday. She is a chef and she apparently wished to have a family meal here tonight at our restaurant. Luckily you will be up top so you will not have to worry about the dinner interrupting your evening. It's a warm clear night and we offer you a complimentary appetizer and dessert to make up for any inconveniences that occur tonight."

I researched this establishment and I know that it is an exclusive restaurant that caters to wealthy clientele after 7 pm. The rooftop area is considered elite seating due to the limited space and is normally reserved only for the elite society members which I am not. 

'I especially like that this place is covering their bases and treating guests extra well to cover any inconveniences that might occur tonight. I can definitely be bribed with food.'

As we reach the second floor I see there is more seating up here but it is empty of patrons at the moment. I see and hear a manager directing others on how to behave since there will be camera crews coming as well. I could not help but feel thankful that I will be up here and not apart of that. 

Even though I don't mind dealing with paparazzi and the media related parts while in my bodyguard role, personally I wanted to stay away from it. I always surprised Cal and the band in the beginning when I just knew what tips to give them when it came to the media and music label management when they first started gaining fame.

 I was actually their manager and agent there in the very beginning before I switched over to body-guarding them with a team I put together over the years before the fame really hit. It's funny to think I'm actually just as wealthy if not little more so than Cal and the band due to owning my own private security company, my herbal remedies side business and the investments I inherited from our parents. 

So yea, I totally don't have to work but I made a deal with Cal and the others that if I didn't continue as manager than I would work as their bodyguard so we could continue this musical journey we all started together. 

 It appears that due to the chaos of the staff, we are having to walk along the edges of the room to get to the patio. Because of this I notice there is a second kitchen up here. Out of the corner of my eye, the gaze of someone looking at me is felt from the direction of the kitchen. When I turn my head they have moved away so I don't catch who it was. I shrug and follow my guide through the patio doors out into the night.