Mer D’ Etoiles Pt 2

Undina Samuels

'She is here. Oh my goodness, the photos didn't do her justice. She has grown up so beautiful. I can't wait til Hartley and I meet her after the others leave tonight.' 

I glance out of the kitchen door one more time before getting back to preparing the dinner for the family. They will be arriving soon and I want everything done so I can enjoy the meal with them.

It's been a while since I cooked in this kitchen. The last time I did was when Selina was interning here for her culinarian certification. Selina has certainly come a long way and is now working her way towards becoming a certified executive chef. I am so proud of the woman she has become. After getting the chance to stay here in town and go to school she eventually found she really enjoyed her cooking classes. 

I think I almost cried when she approached me about what she needed to do to become a chef like me. I miss all the time we spent in the kitchen perfecting her techniques and skills. Now she is a celebrity chef winning cooking shows and running a business of catering for other celebrities. 

I finish up the entrees for tonight and leave instructions for my sous chef to handle the desserts so I can go freshen up before heading downstairs to meet up with the others so we can get the main media segment done for the night. I'm looking forward to us relaxing and eating with minor interruptions from whichever reporter won the right to interview us between courses.

'Just get through the dinner then I can finally reunite with Adele. Well I guess she goes by Elaine now. Whatever her name is now, all that matters in the end is getting to see her in the flesh again.'



I'm not afraid to admit if asked that I gasped at the beauty of the set up. 

They had strings of lights strung up over head creating a twinkling canopy. Each of the 8 round tables presented had a shimmery navy blue tablecloth making it seem like the night sky was cut and placed on each table. 

Even the glittery tiled flooring made it all feel like we were truly dining among the stars. I nodded at the other guests and did not really look at anyone as we walked to my table. Even though I didn't look at anyone I still noted that 3 out of the 7 other tables were occupied. 

The maitre d' handed me an appetizer and drink menu before explaining the procedure of the experience. " Miss, as you can see you have been given an appetizer and drink menu. You may make a selection from the menu and inform the waitstaff of your selection when ready. At that time please inform them of any food allergies you may have and they will then inform you of what is available for your dinner options."

"About half way through your dinner course they will offer you the dessert menu. You may make your selection then and they will bring it out to you after you have finished with your entree. Should you decide you wish to take your dessert with you may. We don't normally do this but you have been flexible with us so we will shall we say be flexible as well." He grinned at me conspiratorially.

 "If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask. There is a restroom just to the right after you go through the glass doors, so you will not need to go downstairs. If there is nothing else, please enjoy your time with us and I hope everything will exceed your expectations." The maitre d' bowed before heading back to the patio doors around the corner.

He must not have gone far since I could hear him speaking to someone. 

" She is the last of the reservations. There should be no reason for any of the downstairs guests to come up or for any to the rooftop guests to head down. Let's get through this night with no incidents. The boss said she will close the restaurant for the next two days to give us a rest and to also allow her to celebrate her niece's upcoming birthday with the rest of her immediate clan members. 

" You and 3 others have it relatively easy tonight. Congratulations." The maitre d' and the server laughed a bit before the maitre d' walked out of hearing range and the staff member closed the door. 

'That is very nice of the owner to close things down like that for the staff. Also it's sweet they are taking time off so they can celebrate their niece.' I thought to myself. 

I looked over the menu for a few minutes before looking up and making eye contact with one of the waitstaff at the roof top bar. The server walked over with a smile before greeting me with a short bow. " Welcome to Mer D' Etoiles, I will be one of your servers tonight. My name is David. Are you ready to begin your night of dining with the stars?" 

I nodded my head with a smile as I responded, "Yes, David I'm ready to begin."

"I would like to start off with lobster stuffed mushrooms as my appetizer and the house special Arnold Palmer as my drink. I have no known food allergies but I would appreciate it that if any of the dinner entree options are cooked with onions or bell peppers that they don't end up on my plate. I'm not super fond of them.

David wrote onto his pad, then flipped back a page before looking at me again. "This evening we have salmon wellington, oven baked pork chops with potatoes and coq au vin for our dinner entree options. I would recommend the baked pork chops and potatoes to best pair with your Arnold Palmer." 

Taking a moment to think, I then nodded in agreement. "I will go with your recommendation then. May I also have a glass of water? The night is a bit more humid than I was expecting at this time of night." 

David picked up the drink and appetizer menu from the table before chuckling. "You must not be from around here if you think this humid, miss. I will be right back with your appetizer and drinks." I watched David walk away for a moment before my attention was caught on a commotion coming from over the side of the building. I was close enough to the wall that I could look over without straining. 

A black SUV pulled up out front. Camera flashes started going off as two men emerged from the back and one got out from the front passenger side of the vehicle. They posed together in front of the restaurant, letting the paparazzi take their photos. 

The driver of the SUV drove away, letting a sedan pull up next. The driver got out to let an older couple step out onto the sidewalk. They were encouraged to take pictures with the three men by the photographers. I can't quite tell from here but I'm going to assume they are related or at least very familiar with each other since they are posing close together.

 That sedan was driven off before another sedan drove up in front of the restaurant, this time the driver opened the door for a young woman to get out. She went excitedly over to the group and posed for the cameras with them. She did solo shots, shots with just the men and then shots with the couple in quick succession like a pro. 

As I watched them, I started to get a bit of a headache. 

'Must be all those flashing lights.'  I think to myself as I lean back to my table and dismiss the situation downstairs from my mind. 

David has good timing for he has returned with my first course and drinks. I settle in to eat what smells like delicious stuffed mushrooms and just a sip of this amazing Arnold Palmer proves it deserves to be a house special. 

As I was enjoying my impromptu me date, I had no clue my whole world was about to change or I guess rewound might be the better phrase.