Chapter Six: Awakening the Spiritual Body

"Complete your task first," Yushi replied before leading Su Xue'er out, leaving Yun Ziqi alone. He watched them leave with a helpless look and was about to depart when he noticed the writings on the desk.

"This must be Su Xue'er's handwriting. It looks so familiar," Yun Ziqi frowned, pondering. "Why does it resemble Yun Chuxue's handwriting? Never mind, I'll take it back and show it to my junior sister."

Yushi led Su Xue'er into the inner sanctum of the Spirit Master's Hall. Though impressive from the outside, the interior was equally intricate and mysterious.

Upon entering, Su Xue'er was awestruck by the hall's vastness, "It's so big!"

The hall was empty but brightly lit. The only seat was on the high platform at the far end, highlighting Yushi's esteemed status on the continent.

They reached a secluded side room. Inside were various books, paintings, and calligraphy tools. Yushi opened a secret passage leading to a hidden chamber containing a single jade bed.

"What is this place?" Su Xue'er asked, puzzled.

"This is where you awaken your spiritual body," Yushi explained. "Lie down here, Xue'er," he gestured to the jade bed.

As Su Xue'er lay down, she asked, "What is a spiritual body?"

While arranging the formation, Yushi explained, "A spiritual body is a channel through which your physical body absorbs and utilizes external spiritual power. There are generally different types of spiritual bodies: ice, fire, wind, thunder, healing, light, shadow, and space-time. These correspond to different spiritual bodies, which are classified as basic or sacred."

Su Xue'er nodded, "So, are you helping me awaken my spiritual body? I heard from that old man that the best age for awakening is seven or eight."

Yushi shook his head with a faint smile, "It's optimal, but not the only time. Alright, let's begin. I'll try to reactivate your spiritual body."

As the formation around Su Xue'er started to operate, Yushi cautioned, "Xue'er, the process might be painful. You have to endure it."

"Mm-hmm, I'll persevere."

Endure, I must endure! Su Xue'er silently chanted, knowing that in this world where strength reigns supreme, she must grow stronger to avoid being bullied.

Yushi activated the formation, attempting to awaken Su Xue'er's spiritual body. A beam of light enveloped her, so bright that Yushi couldn't discern directions. Amidst the light, a black figure emerged.

"Yushi, is this my spiritual awakening?" Su Xue'er asked in surprise, looking at her body.

After the light dissipated, Yushi used his spiritual power to probe Su Xue'er's body, his expression turning odd.

"Xue'er, promise you won't be surprised by what I say?"

"What is it?" Su Xue'er asked, puzzled.

"I couldn't determine your spiritual power level, but I did identify your spiritual body."

"What kind of spiritual body?" Su Xue'er asked, excitedly.

It has to be a high-level spiritual body, it must be, she thought.

"It's a Thunder Attribute Sacred Spiritual Body," Yushi smiled. He was pleased for her but puzzled that he couldn't gauge her spiritual power, perhaps because she had once been stronger than him.

"However, some people with low-level spiritual bodies can cultivate faster than those with sacred ones."

Su Xue'er was stunned, "How is that possible?"

"Why not? There was once a genius on the continent, but now no one knows where she is," Yushi said, sitting upright with a hint of animosity, as if this person was an enemy.

Su Xue'er didn't press further. She stood quietly, closing her eyes to feel the spiritual power flowing through her. It was comfortable and relaxing. She felt no pain throughout the process, assuming it was because she had been strong before.

Little did they know, they were both mistaken.

Yushi didn't disturb her, sitting quietly to protect her.

After a while, Su Xue'er opened her eyes and saw Yushi watching her.

"Have you been sitting here the whole time?"

"Yes. Congratulations, you're now at the initial stage of a Spirit Mentor," Yushi replied quickly, seemingly happy.

Su Xue'er was shocked, "What? So fast? Didn't I have to burn my life force for such a rapid advancement?"

Yushi shook his head, "No, even an ordinary person awakening their spiritual body at this age would generally reach the Spirit Mentor stage. I don't fully understand the specifics."

Su Xue'er pursed her lips, "Alright," and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Yushi immediately stood up.

"Going back. What else would I do here?" Su Xue'er asked, puzzled.

"I'll take you to find a spiritual weapon," Yushi said, pulling her further inside.

"A spiritual weapon? What's that?"

"With a spiritual body, you need a spiritual weapon to harness and maximize your power," Yushi explained.

The room where they awakened the spiritual body had an inconspicuous door. Inside, various spiritual weapons hung on the walls, each radiating different colors.

Su Xue'er marveled at the array, "I didn't expect you to have so many spiritual weapons."

"Of course," Yushi said proudly.

He took down a lightning-attributed spiritual weapon and handed it to Su Xue'er, "This is a Lightning Attribute Spiritual Weapon called the Purple Jade Sword. It's an excellent sacred weapon, perfect for you."

Su Xue'er knew how precious such weapons were, but refusing would be futile. As she accepted the sword, a faint glow appeared on the scabbard, "This sword feels familiar, like I've seen it before, but I can't remember."

"No matter, just bind it with a drop of your blood."

Su Xue'er lightly cut her finger, letting a drop of blood fall onto the blade. The sword glowed with a purple light, then quickly dimmed.

"What's going on? Usually, a spiritual weapon would challenge its master until subdued. Why didn't it do that?" Yushi asked, surprised.

Su Xue'er shook her head, "Maybe I'm too weak for the weapon to recognize me."

Yushi smiled slightly, and Su Xue'er said, "Now that everything's settled, let's leave."

As they exited the room, they saw a graceful woman standing there with a stern expression, staring at Yushi and Su Xue'er.

"Yueru? What are you doing here?" Yushi asked, confused.

This was his junior sister, Shen Yueru.

Her expression softened, "Nothing, just looking around."

Knowing her feelings, Yushi ignored her and pulled Su Xue'er's hand as they walked past. When Su Xue'er passed Shen Yueru, she saw the latter's fierce gaze and instinctively avoided it.

Outside the hall, Su Xue'er quickly withdrew her hand and asked, "Who was that?"

"My junior sister," Yushi replied indifferently.

"I think she likes you," Su Xue'er said seriously.

"Be confident, remove the 'think,'" Yushi replied without hesitation.


"I held your hand to dispel her thoughts," Yushi explained.

Su Xue'er turned away, thinking, why use me as a shield? That woman's gaze was terrifying.

"Let's go back. I'll guide you on how to recover your strength," Yushi said.

"Alright," Su Xue'er agreed.