Chapter Sixty-Seven: Quelling the Rebellion

While flying, Yun Chuxue realized that the Departed Flame Bow had surfaced. She suddenly stopped, a worried expression on her face.

"Could it be that the keys in Yu Shi and Patriarch Tang's possession have been stolen? Who would be so bold? Could it be Shen Yueru?"

"Quite possible. That woman is not simple. Be careful in the future."


With that, she swiftly flew towards the palace.

At this moment, the palace was a river of blood. Luoyang was being toyed with by three generals, with several wounds bleeding profusely. The commander of the Imperial Guard and the national advisor were fighting the Four Elders of the Sacred Sect, both of them struggling. Yu Xun and the Scorpion Lady were in combat with Liusha, Mie Wu, their subordinates, and the three princes, all covered in numerous wounds.

"Your Majesty, I didn't expect you to see this day, hahaha!"

"Your Majesty, quickly abdicate and stop wasting our time."


The three generals mocked Luoyang as they fought. Suddenly, three arrows with true fire shot towards the three generals. One general was struck in the head, falling to the ground and turning to ashes. Another arrow pierced a general's shoulder, pinning him to the ground, causing him to scream in agony as the true fire burned. The last arrow pierced the body of the final general, who fell and turned to ashes instantly.

Luoyang gasped for breath. Yun Chuxue arrived at his side and helped him up.

"Are you alright, old man Luo?"

"No problem, my bones are still sturdy."

Yun Chuxue walked to the surviving general and stomped on his hand with her heel, piercing his palm.

"Ah! Yun Chuxue, spare me!"

Ignoring his pleas, Yun Chuxue slashed his throat with her sword.

"Old man Luo, rest here for a bit. I'll go help them."


Yun Chuxue stepped forward, drawing her bow and aiming at a familiar target.

At this moment, Luo Xue was enjoying the pleasure of torturing others, unaware of the imminent danger. He suddenly felt pain in his back and turned to see an arrow with true fire. He spat blood and half-knelt. The other Elders hurried over.

"What's wrong? What is this?"

"Not sure."

"This is the arrow to send you to the afterlife."

Yun Chuxue shouted loudly, then drew her bow and aimed at Luo Xue again. Another arrow was shot, but this time it was blocked by another Elder.

"Yun Chuxue, you're not dead?"

"Rest assured, your grandma here has a hard life." Yun Chuxue put away the Departed Flame Bow and drew her Xueyue Sword.

Without the help of the other two Elders, the commander of the Imperial Guard and the national advisor forced the remaining two Elders to retreat.

Yun Chuxue instantly activated the Time-Space Domain, causing the Four Elders to feel their movements slow down. This was the Time-Space Domain - Time Freeze.

Seeing the Elder protecting Luo Xue, Yun Chuxue flickered closer.

"Time-Space Cage."

Unaware, the Elder was trapped in a milky white cage. He hurriedly attacked it, but it was futile, as breaking the Time-Space Cage was nearly impossible for those of the same level.

Yun Chuxue, wielding the Xueyue Sword, attacked. She controlled the cage to shrink, squeezing the Elder into a distorted shape. As she approached, she split him in half with a single stroke, splattering blood onto herself.

Luo Xue immediately recognized her. "Yun Chuxue, you actually... cough cough."

Yun Chuxue placed her sword against Luo Xue's neck, her expression cold and ruthless. "Luo Xue, I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it. Now, die."

"Hmph, I won't let you off even as a ghost."

Yun Chuxue decapitated him with one stroke, blood staining the scene.

Under the combined attack of the national advisor, the commander of the Imperial Guard, and Yun Chuxue, the remaining two Elders were also killed.

The commander and the national advisor were gravely injured. After settling them down, Yun Chuxue turned her gaze to Yu Xun and the Scorpion Lady in the square.

Yun Chuxue leaped into the crowd, killing the surrounding soldiers with a single sword strike, causing them to fly back, spitting blood and dying.

Although Yu Xun was not seriously injured, the Scorpion Lady was covered in dozens of wounds from the group's attacks. The three princes and two city lords, along with their subordinates, were also severely injured. Seeing Yun Chuxue standing there, they knew Tang Xiaotian was dead, and their expressions turned uneasy.

Yu Xun glared at Yun Chuxue and said coldly, "Yun Chuxue, was that you just now?"

"So what? Any problem?"

Yu Xun was about to speak but was interrupted by Yun Chuxue. "Save your breath. Let's deal with them first."

Yun Chuxue softly said to the Scorpion Lady, "Can you control them, leaving only the second prince?"

"I can, if I use all my spiritual power."

"Good." Yun Chuxue then activated Blood Fury Attack, causing white mist to spread. Seeing this, everyone quickly retreated. At this moment, the Scorpion Lady had locked onto them.

"Soul-Devouring Poison Silk Formation."

Six colorless poison threads silently chased in six directions.

"Time-Space Domain."

Yun Chuxue activated the Time-Space Domain, slowing their movements. The poison threads penetrated their bodies, making them feel as if they were carrying mountains, unable to move.

"Time-Space Annihilation."

"Ah! Yun Chuxue, you won't die in peace!"

The air was filled with screams of agony, and in an instant, the bodies of several men were shredded, leaving only the Second Prince fleeing. Yun Chuxue swiftly caught up to him and kicked him back.

"Yun Chuxue, if you have the guts, kill me... Ah!"

Yun Chuxue stomped her heel through the Second Prince's hand.

"Write down the names of all the demonic cultists in the Western Cloud Empire with your other hand, or I won't let him die easily."

"If I write them down, will you spare me?"

"Of course. I, Yun Chuxue, keep my word."


With that, the Second Prince began to painstakingly write down all the names. Yun Chuxue read the list and took it in her hand, turning to leave. The Second Prince thought he was safe, but then Luoyang approached, holding a sword.

The Second Prince shouted, "Yun Chuxue! You lied to me! You said you'd spare me!"

"I said I would spare you, but I didn't say old man Luo would." Yun Chuxue looked helpless.

"You..." The Second Prince then turned and clung to Luoyang's leg, pleading, "Father, spare me. I was deceived by them. Father, don't kill me."

Luoyang's expression was cold. Without a word, he wielded his sword, slashing the Second Prince repeatedly.

"Ah... Ah! Father, spare me... Ah!"

The screams grew fainter. The Second Prince was reduced to a bloody pulp by Luoyang's relentless assault.

Yun Chuxue shook her head in resignation. At that moment, she sensed a murderous intent nearby. She turned to see Yu Xun pointing a sword at her.

"What? What do you want?" Yun Chuxue asked coldly.

"You killed Yu Shi's master. Do you think I'll let you go?"

Yun Chuxue snorted, "Yu Xun, so what if I did? Without me today, would you still be standing here, arguing like a human? Even Yu Shi doesn't dare challenge me, and you think you can?"

Indeed, although Yun Chuxue had not yet regained her peak strength, even a Spirit God Realm practitioner would not underestimate her. Her legendary status still sent tremors through the continent.

Yu Xun slowly lowered his sword. Yun Chuxue tossed the list to him. "Tell Yu Shi to send people to eliminate these individuals. They're all demonic cultists. If we don't deal with them soon, they'll become a serious threat."

Yu Xun said nothing, taking the list and leaping away, disappearing into the sky.

Yun Chuxue looked at the remaining soldiers. Seeing their fearful expressions, she couldn't help but smile. "There's no need to look. Your leaders are all dead."

"What? What should we do?"

"Yes, we surely won't be spared by His Majesty."

"If we're going to die, let's die together. There's no way out anyway; we might as well fight our way out."

"Are you crazy? That's Yun Chuxue."


Different voices rose from the crowd. Yun Chuxue gave a cold smile. "Quiet."

The entire army fell silent instantly. Yun Chuxue continued, "Your masters were demonic cultists who practiced forbidden arts, gaining power by burning their own lives. Such disgraceful methods are shameful. You followed the wrong people. Now I offer you a way out: lay down your weapons and follow the king of the Western Cloud Empire. He will not punish you. You did nothing wrong; the wrongdoers are already dead. If you persist in your folly, I won't hesitate to kill you all."

The soldiers were stunned to hear that their masters were demonic cultists. After some murmuring, they all dropped their weapons and knelt, pleading, "Please, Your Majesty, forgive us!"