Chapter Sixty-Eight: Yun Chuxue's Advice and Yu Yue's First Kiss


The soldiers got to their feet, relieved that Luoyang did not punish them. They looked at the formidable figure before them with gratitude and curiosity.

"Who among you holds the highest rank?" Luoyang asked, clutching his wound and speaking with difficulty.

Two imposing young men stepped forward and respectfully replied, "Your Majesty, I am the deputy general of Liuying City."

"I am the deputy general of Xilu City."

"Lead your men and gather near the city gate."


The two men led the soldiers away. The bloody scene was nauseating. Only a few dozen imperial guards remained, carrying the bodies of their fallen comrades. Their faces were expressionless, not because they were cold-hearted, but because they were beyond tears. They had resolved to avenge their brothers by eradicating the demonic cult.

Luoyang could barely stand. He slowly walked to a clean step and sat down, his weak voice calling out, "Yun Chuxue, come here."

Yun Chuxue walked over. Luoyang said, "Yun Chuxue, what should we do now? You decide. I am too tired."

"Old man Luo..."

Yun Chuxue wanted to question Luoyang, but he shook his head and closed his eyes. He was exhausted, not just physically but also emotionally.

Yun Chuxue took a deep breath. "Old man Luo, the Luoyang family is almost gone. I have a suggestion: hand over the Western Cloud Empire to the Yu family. To be direct, let Yu Xun become the king."

Yun Chuxue's words took the national teacher and the commander of the imperial guards by surprise. They looked at each other, not agreeing with Yun Chuxue's suggestion.

Luoyang opened his eyes slightly and smiled. "Yun Chuxue, you are indeed bold. You are the first to speak to me like this. However, the Western Cloud Empire has no strong individuals left to hold its ground. It is at its weakest. Letting the Yu family take over is the only way to maintain the empire's status on the continent. I agree. Let the Yu family take over for now. After the eight-year agreement, I will abdicate."

The national teacher and the commander of the imperial guards were stunned by Luoyang's words. Luoyang struggled to stand and, supported by the national teacher, slowly walked inside.

Yun Chuxue watched Luoyang's retreating figure, feeling helpless and forlorn. Luoyang, once a dominant force on the continent, had seen the Spirit Master Palace willingly submit to the Western Cloud Empire. The contrast between his former glory and his current plight was stark.

Yun Chuxue felt inexplicably sad. She had known Luoyang for a long time, back when he was the king of the Western Cloud Empire and the Spirit Master Palace was not so powerful.

Yun Chuxue stayed in Western Cloud City for a few days, eradicating all demonic cult forces. The soldiers from Liuying City and Xilu City had returned to their respective cities, and the rulers of both cities were left to Yu Shi's decision. In other words, the future of the Western Cloud Empire belonged to the Yu family.

As Yun Chuxue flew toward Qingyun City, a handsome young man was sparring with a middle-aged man wielding a spear at the Spirit Master Palace.

The handsome young man was Shen Zixuan, and the middle-aged man was Ba Wangqiang Ye Yu. Because Shen Zixuan's weapon was a spear, Yu Shi had arranged for Ye Yu to help Shen Zixuan in his training.

"Shadow Chains."

Several dark chains surrounded Ye Yu, but without moving his spear, he shattered them with his protective spiritual power.

"Young Sect Master, is this all you've got?"

Shen Zixuan remained unmoved by Ye Yu's provocation. He wielded his spear, searching for Ye Yu's weaknesses. After several attacks, he found none.

Does he have no weaknesses, or am I too weak?

At this time, Shen Zixuan was only in the early stages of the Spirit Emperor Realm, indeed quite weak.

A spark of inspiration hit Shen Zixuan. He ran in circles around Ye Yu, then unleashed the Shadow Chains. When Ye Yu shattered the chains in the same way, Shen Zixuan launched his strongest attack.

"Moonlight Demon Slayer Strike."

This was the result of his years of training, his strongest move, pushing the unprepared Ye Yu back several steps.

Shen Zixuan respectfully said, "Forgive me, Senior Ye."

"Hahaha!" Ye Yu laughed heartily. "No problem. As expected of the young sect master. That strike felt like it came from someone in the early Spirit Saint Realm."

Shen Zixuan merely smiled, not showing much excitement. Yu Shi observed this with satisfaction. If he continued at this pace, he would surely reach the Spirit God Realm within ten years.

After Ye Yu left, Tang Ruoyu approached with Yu Zixi. Tang Ruoyu handed a towel to Shen Zixuan, wiping his sweat. Yu Zixi's childish voice piped up, "Brother, you're amazing! You knocked Uncle Ye Yu back with one strike."

Shen Zixuan smiled and patted Yu Zixi's head. "Xi Xi, you must work hard too, so you can be even stronger than me someday."

"Yes, hehe!"

Yu Shi walked over with a serious expression. "Are you satisfied with this? Practice with Ye Yu more often; it's good for you."

"Yes, Father." Shen Zixuan bowed.

Tang Ruoyu made a small courtesy, and Yu Zixi ran over to hug Yu Shi's leg. "Daddy, brother did very well. Sister-in-law just wiped his sweat for him."

Upon hearing "sister-in-law," Tang Ruoyu blushed, while Shen Zixuan merely smiled faintly.

"Oh? Is that so?" Yu Shi lifted Yu Zixi into his arms. "Come, Daddy will take you to see the flowers."

After Yu Shi left, Shen Zixuan took Tang Ruoyu for a meal and then went to the Spirit Master Hall to handle official duties.

Now that Yun Chuxue had advanced to the Spirit God level, she could fly through the air, but her speed was still relatively slow. After spending quite some time, she finally reached Qingyun City.

Yun Chuxue chose to enter through the north gate because it was closer to the Spirit Master Palace, and there were fewer people coming and going.

Spirit Master Palace, Xueshi Garden.

At night, the full moon rose into the sky. Yu Shi was not in Xueshi Garden at the moment. Shen Zixuan was practicing with his spear in the courtyard, while Tang Ruoyu, feeling bored, sat on the swing, occasionally glancing at Shen Zixuan.

Her feelings for Shen Zixuan had evolved beyond those of ordinary friends. She realized she had developed an affection for him but was afraid to confess due to the events of the past. She feared he might still hold a grudge, call her unworthy, or reject her, leaving her at a loss. She often got distracted while handling official matters, thinking about him. He always showed concern for her, taking on extra tasks to ease her burden, and would wait until she was safely inside before retreating to his own quarters each night. He treated her so well, and she didn't know what to do. Staring at the moon, she silently pleaded for an answer.

At this moment, Yun Chuxue, wearing a bamboo hat and veil, was observing from the rooftop of Shen Zixuan's house. She watched Shen Zixuan practice with his spear, while Tang Ruoyu sat on the swing, lost in thought. Yun Chuxue was puzzled but continued watching. She saw Shen Zixuan escort Tang Ruoyu to her door, only leaving after she entered. He then walked to a seldom-visited corner of his house, a place with poor lighting.

Yun Chuxue concealed her presence and silently approached, looking down from the rooftop. She saw Shen Zixuan crouched there, using a stick to write something on the ground. She heard him crying.

"Mom, when will you come back? Xiaoxuan misses you."

The choking sobs echoed in Yun Chuxue's ears, filling her heart with sorrow. She wanted to return, but she had unfinished business.

Suppressing her inner pain, Yun Chuxue thought to herself, "Don't worry, Xiaoxuan. Mom will be back soon. Just wait for me."

She then turned her gaze to Tang Ruoyu's house. "It seems I need to help Xiaoxuan a bit."

Yun Chuxue quietly left and lightly landed by Tang Ruoyu's window, where she overheard Tang Ruoyu speaking.

Tang Ruoyu sat on a stool, moonlight streaming in. She glanced at the bright moon and said, "Moon, do you know? I don't know what to do. I like him, but I'm afraid that if I confess, he will still hold a grudge over what happened in the past. Will he think I'm unworthy, scold me, and then I still like him? Will he ignore me? I'm so tired. Every time I handle official matters these days, I get distracted. He always cares for me, taking all the burdens on himself. Every night, he waits until I go inside before retreating to his house. He's so good to me, and I don't know what to do. Moon, please tell me the answer, okay?"

"Why don't you try? How will you know if you don't try?"

Yun Chuxue, now sitting on the windowsill, suggested to Tang Ruoyu.

"I'm scared. I'm afraid he won't accept me."

"If you don't try, how will you know if he likes you? Loving someone doesn't mean you must be with them. It's about wanting to be with them and loving them. Go ahead, young girl. I believe in you."

With that, Yun Chuxue disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving Tang Ruoyu to thank her hurriedly, "Thank you, senior."

Tang Ruoyu then rushed out as if she had gone mad, opened Shen Zixuan's door, and ran inside. Shen Zixuan, hearing the commotion, immediately stood up. They met in the living room.

Tang Ruoyu, panting heavily, made Shen Zixuan curious. "Ruoyu, what's wrong?"

Her response stunned Shen Zixuan.

"Shen Zixuan, I like you. Will you be my partner?"

Shen Zixuan was taken aback. Tang Ruoyu, tears in her eyes, choked up as she continued, "I know you might hold a grudge over the past, but it hurts me. I like you, but I'm afraid that if I confess, you will leave me and never speak to me again. But I want to try. Do you love me?"

Shen Zixuan's breath quickened. He had been waiting for this moment for seven years.

He stepped forward and hugged Tang Ruoyu, tears falling. "Ruoyu, I've been waiting for you to say this for seven years."

He gently kissed her lips. Tang Ruoyu did not resist, wrapping her arms around his neck. They kissed for a long time, losing themselves in the moment. It was her first kiss, given to the man she loved.

Yun Chuxue, smiling in satisfaction on the rooftop, whispered, "Congratulations, Xiaoxuan."

Just as Yun Chuxue was about to leave, a cold and familiar voice sounded behind her, "Who are you?"