Chapter Eighty-Two: Can She Endure?

"Chief, I have something important to report."

"Come in."

A middle-aged man in silver armor walked in. He was the tribal general - Muyang. Seeing Yun Chuxue sitting nearby, he hesitated to speak.

Yun Chuxue attempted to leave but was stopped by Muya. She spoke to Muyang, "It's okay, you can speak."

"Chief, recently I've noticed unusual activity on the Snow Mountain. It seems that the Thousand-Year Ice Lotus will bloom soon."

"The Thousand-Year Ice Lotus? Although this herb has a single medicinal effect, its long growth period may result in additional effects. I wonder why Muya needs it," Yun Chuxue thought to herself.

"By your estimation, how many people do you think we should send?"

"In my opinion, five Spirit Saint Realm experts should suffice."

"Five?" Muya's expression changed slightly.

Muyang hesitated to speak.

"There are only five Spirit Saint Realm experts. What if the northern spirit beasts attack? What would you do?" Muya's tone grew colder.

"I... I..." Muyang's back went cold, unsure of how to respond.

"Besides me, who is in the Spirit God Realm, and the High Priest who is at the peak of the Spirit Saint Realm, if you all leave, the spirit beasts will definitely attack. Do I need to teach you this?"

"I apologize, Chief. Please instruct."

Muyang's voice trembled, and Yun Chuxue could tell he was likely only at the Spirit Emperor Realm.

"I'll go myself, and you all will stay to guard the tribe."


Seeing Muyang hesitate, Muya sneered, "Seems like you're questioning me?"

"I dare not."

"Keep an eye on the Thousand-Year Ice Lotus. Report any movement immediately."


After Muyang left, Yun Chuxue stared blankly at the book in her hand.

Muya gently grabbed Yun Chuxue's slender leg, startling her.

"Yun Chuxue, what are you thinking about? So absorbed?"

The seductive voice echoed in Yun Chuxue's ear. She shook her head. "Nothing. I was just wondering which group of spirit beasts is eyeing the tribe."

"The Cangming Poisonous Wolf. The strength of the Wolf King is at the early Spirit God Realm."

The Cangming Poisonous Wolf? Yun Chuxue recalled, it used to be ranked tenth among the ten most ferocious beasts. The former Wolf King was slain by Yun Chuxue and ordered to leave the mainland, but it seems it ended up here.

Seeing Yun Chuxue smile, Muya held Yun Chuxue's hand and murmured, "If it weren't for them, I wouldn't need to pick the Thousand-Year Ice Lotus to enhance my and the High Priest's strength."

Muya's words revealed her helplessness. As the chief, she must bear the heavy responsibility of protecting her people.

The next day, Yun Chuxue cleaned the house as usual. She sat on the bed, gazing outside, when Muya walked in with a tired body and ordered, "Boil some hot water for me. I want to take a bath."


Yun Chuxue took the pole and two buckets to fetch water from the nearby well. After filling the buckets, she walked back along the stone pillars in the creek. At that moment, soldiers patrolling the road approached. They intentionally leaned on Yun Chuxue, causing her to lose balance and fall into the creek, soaking her entire body, revealing her petite figure.

Yun Chuxue said nothing. She gently wiped the water off her face with her hand and then picked up the pole and two buckets. After emptying the water, she returned to the well to fetch more.

Unfortunately, as soon as Yun Chuxue came ashore, she was intentionally pushed by the soldiers again, causing her to lose balance and fall into the creek once more.

Yun Chuxue remained calm. She returned to the well to fetch water again, but after coming ashore for the third time, she was pushed into the creek once more by the soldiers leaning on the pole.

This back-and-forth happened seven or eight times. On the ninth occasion, just as the soldier was about to act, they heard Muya's reprimand.

"Stop it. Is this fun for you? Go back and lead eight hundred troops to patrol outside. Don't let me catch you doing this again."


Those soldiers hastily left the scene, and Muya walked over, seeing the distressed expression on Yun Chuxue's face.

"Put down the buckets."

Seeing Yun Chuxue ignoring her, Muya flicked the pole and buckets away with a finger, then pulled Yun Chuxue inside.

Once inside, Muya handed Yun Chuxue a towel and sat down indignantly.

"Why didn't you tell them you're my maid? I don't believe they would dare to bully you."

"Aren't you going to bathe?"

"No, I'm not. Dry your hair and change into clean clothes."

Can she endure this? Still asking Muya if she wants to bathe.

At night, Muya habitually held Yun Chuxue. As she grasped Yun Chuxue's hand, she felt it was moist. When the light was on, she saw tears slowly streaming down the sleeping Yun Chuxue's face.

"Is she dreaming? I thought she was pretending, but I didn't expect her real strength to crumble in her dreams."

Muya lay down, turning her back to Yun Chuxue, pondering over what the High Priest had said to her before.

"This person cannot stay. If she stays, she cannot be wronged and must be treated as an honored guest."

"No, since she came, the Star of Calamity has appeared, and the border spirit beasts are restless. Isn't this all her doing?"

"Chief, this may not be the case. From my observations, the Star of Heavenly Secrets seems to be faintly emerging."

"The Star of Heavenly Secrets? Kindness and softness... in opposition to the Star of Calamity... Fine, do as I say. If the Star of Heavenly Secrets appears, then report back to me."


Then Muya remembered her conversation with the High Priest earlier that day.

"Chief, I observed the night sky. The Star of Calamity is weak, and the Star of Heavenly Secrets is rising. This is a good omen. But, are your demands regarding Yun Chuxue still the same?"

"Can she handle great responsibilities without enduring some hardship?"

"Yes, I understand."

Muya tossed and turned, unable to comprehend why those people were playing tricks on Yun Chuxue. She hadn't uttered a word. Was it tolerance or simply not taking them seriously at all? It was hard to understand.

A few days later, on a chilly morning, Yun Chuxue continued to serve Muya as usual.

After breakfast, Muya stood at the door, feeling the gentle breeze caressing her cheeks.

"Hmm... it's getting colder. Looks like it's going to snow soon."

Yun Chuxue stood behind her, silent as the cold wind blew.

Quite enduring.

Muya handed Yun Chuxue a cloak. "Here, this is a cloak made from the fur of the Snowfield Wolf. Accompany me to the Snow Mountain to pick some Thousand-Year Ice Lotus."


Yun Chuxue put on the cloak, white and perfectly fitting, as if it were tailor-made for her.

Muya led Yun Chuxue outside. For the first time, Yun Chuxue surveyed her surroundings and noticed the dense houses and busy activities of each household.

Muya walked ahead, with Yun Chuxue following behind.

Every time Muya passed a household, people greeted her, and some were curious about the person behind her. Muya's response surprised Yun Chuxue.

"Just a friend."

"Oh, it seems the chief also likes to keep someone in the lap of luxury."

"What's that? Haha."

Muya got along well with the people in the tribe, and she truly had their hearts.