Chapter Eighty-One: Strange Muya

In the evening, the door was gently pushed open, and Yun Chuxue saw that it was Muya accompanied by someone standing at the entrance. Yun Chuxue remained seated on the ground, and Muya, seeing this, looked displeased.

"Are you just going to sit there like that?" she asked.

"What do you want me to do?" Yun Chuxue replied.

Muya smirked, finding it amusing. "Have you thought it over?" she inquired.

Yun Chuxue didn't answer. Muya, with a seductive sway, approached Yun Chuxue.

"If you don't agree, at most you'll end up dead, and we'll feed your body to the spirit beasts. If you agree, at least you'll still be alive. Serve me well, and maybe I'll let you go."

"You'd be so kind?" Yun Chuxue asked coldly.

Muya simply smiled faintly and walked to the door, facing away from Yun Chuxue. "If you agree, come out. It's damp in there."

Struggling to support her weary body, Yun Chuxue reluctantly stood up and glanced at the sky outside, feeling somewhat helpless.

She stepped out, and Muya, observing Yun Chuxue's helplessness, taunted her.

"I never expected Yun Chuxue, who used to be so willful, to one day compromise. Come with me."

As they walked with Muya, Yun Chuxue kept her head low, paying little attention to the surroundings of the tribe.

The tribe wasn't large, nor was it small. Muya's residence was located in the center, heavily guarded. A small stream flowed through the middle, with a large well on the other side, where people fetched water.

Muya's house was two stories high. Upon entering, soldiers withdrew, leaving only Yun Chuxue and Muya.

Taking a quick look around, Yun Chuxue noticed Muya's private chambers behind the curtains, a vanity table at the head of the bed, with two chairs, and a closet opposite it.

Outside the curtains was a table, likely used by Muya for meals, and there was also a door leading to a study area, with the opposite end of the study being the only hall in the tribe, not particularly large, only able to accommodate a dozen chairs and small tables.

The layout of the room was simple, and Yun Chuxue glanced around briefly.

At that moment, Muya took out a light blue dress and shoes from the closet and handed them to Yun Chuxue.

"Put these on. Let me see how they fit."

Yun Chuxue put them on. The thin, fitted skirt had two one-inch wide long cloth strips tied at the waist in the back, just reaching Yun Chuxue's heels. The high-heeled shoes fit perfectly, as if custom-made by Muya for Yun Chuxue.

Yun Chuxue remained expressionless, standing still.

Muya walked behind her, scrutinized her for a moment, then adjusted the long hair around Yun Chuxue's waist. "Not bad, fits perfectly. From now on, you're my exclusive maid. Remember, exclusive. No one but me can command you."

Then she sat on a stool, crossed her legs, and continued, "You'll wake up at dawn every day to dress and groom me. After breakfast, accompany me to the study, and then there's lunch and dinner. After dinner, you'll accompany me for a bath. That's the basics. If there's anything else, I'll let you know when I think of it."

Glancing around, Yun Chuxue asked, "Where do I sleep?"

"With me," Muya replied.


"Not willing?"

"Aren't you afraid I'll kill you at night?"

"Do you think an ordinary person like you can kill me, a spiritual god-level expert?"

Yun Chuxue was indeed just an ordinary person now, essentially a spiritualist without spiritual power.

That night, Yun Chuxue and Muya bathed together in the adjoining room. Yun Chuxue sat quietly in the bathhouse, motionless, her expression icy and chilling.

"Yun Chuxue, do you ever get tired of wearing that expression all day?" Muya asked.

Yun Chuxue ignored her, so Muya splashed water on her face. "Yun Chuxue, I'm talking to you."

"...Not tired."

After bathing, Yun Chuxue and Muya went to bed.

The night was dark, with the sound of insects outside. Muya couldn't sleep; she looked at the direction where Yun Chuxue was sleeping, her fists clenched.

At that moment, Muya wrapped her arm around Yun Chuxue's waist and pulled her close, startling the sleeping Yun Chuxue. Muya thought Yun Chuxue would be angry, but to her surprise, Yun Chuxue remained silent.

"Yun Chuxue, are you that tolerant? Turn around," Muya ordered.

Yun Chuxue obeyed Muya's command and turned to face her.

With a snap of her fingers, Muya illuminated a faint light on the vanity table, just enough to see Yun Chuxue's face clearly. Muya caressed Yun Chuxue's "cold face" and lightly pinched it.

"Yun Chuxue, it's not good to always wear such a cold expression. It makes me uncomfortable," she remarked.

She's uncomfortable? That sultry voice makes me uncomfortable.

Yun Chuxue could only think to herself, not wanting to upset Muya.

"Sorry," she said.

Hearing Yun Chuxue apologize, Muya chuckled. "Oh, you're quite amusing."

In an attempt to please Muya, Yun Chuxue asked, "Could you tell me how you saved me?"

"You want to know?" Muya whispered into Yun Chuxue's ear. "You'll have to get closer to me."

The seductive tone sent shivers down Yun Chuxue's spine.

Yun Chuxue shifted closer to her. At that moment, Muya reached out and pulled Yun Chuxue even closer. Their heights were similar, and Yun Chuxue found herself closer to another person than ever before.

Yun Chuxue noticed a small mole on Muya's forehead, visible only up close and with careful observation.

"You were lying not far from our tribe, discovered by patrolling soldiers. They dared not handle it privately, so when I arrived and saw you covered in blood, I heard you whispering, 'Save me, save me,' your voice barely audible. I ordered them to bring you back. After seeing your face, I found you quite beautiful, so I ordered them to heal you. I'm very curious about what you've been through, with wounds all over, especially the whip marks on your back."

Muya touched Yun Chuxue's back. "They're gone now. From the look of it, you were probably running for your life. The wounds must have been left at least a few days ago."

"Thank you for saving me. I..."

"I know what you want to ask. I can't answer that question. You'll find out one day."


After chatting for a while, Muya, feeling drowsy, hugged Yun Chuxue tightly and fell asleep. Yun Chuxue, feeling helpless, had no choice but to sleep as well.

The next morning, Yun Chuxue opened her eyes slightly to find Muya not by her side. Looking up, she saw Muya sitting by the vanity, staring at her.

"Yun Chuxue, it's past the fifth watch. Aren't you awake yet?"

Past the fifth watch?

Yun Chuxue glanced outside and noticed the first light of day. She quickly apologized, "Sorry. I'll get up now."

Yun Chuxue hurriedly tidied up the room, making the bed, sweeping the floor, and wiping the table.

When Muya returned, she found the room clean, with breakfast set on the table, and she was pleased.

"Yun Chuxue, you've done well. Come with me to the study later."

In the study, Yun Chuxue sat beside Muya while she attended to official matters.

The study wasn't large, with only some old cabinets and desks around.

Yun Chuxue heard footsteps approaching the door nearby, the clear sound of armor clashing.