chapter 8 Snowstorm

  After the wolf sister and cousin had eaten, Su Lin asked the little lone wolf and another little wolf to eat.

  The little lone wolf was already starving, as he started to eat the carcass of the reindeer.

  Although he was still a young wolf, his eating speed was not slow.

  Su Lin didn't care.

  He found the stone behind him and fell asleep.

  There was plenty of food in the cave now, so even if the wolf father and mother came back, they could have a good meal.

  After fighting desperately with the lynx, Su Lin was a little tired today. After the wolf sister had eaten, she returned to Su Lin, arched her little body and slept close to him.

  In the Arctic, the daytime is very short.

  It was night in a flash.

  After waking up, Su Lin stretched and found that the wolf father and mother had not returned yet.

  As for the carcass of the reindeer, after the little lone wolf had finished eating, they had consciously moved it deep into the cave.

  To prevent other hunters from smelling the blood and finding the cave.

  Seeing that the little lone wolf, who usually only wanted to eat and drink, could do this, Su Lin silently gave it a good score in his heart.

  He stood up and walked towards the cave entrance.

  As soon as he arrived at the cave entrance, he felt a gust of cold wind blowing in his face.

The fact that Su Lin, who had transformed into a wolf and was covered with thick fur, could still feel the cold shows how low the temperature in the Arctic continent is.

  At this time, he looked into the distance.

He found that the cold wind was getting stronger and stronger, and even rolled up the ice and snow that had not melted all year round on the ground.

  Could it be that a blizzard is coming?

  Su Lin's heart sank. The fact that Wolf Dad and Wolf Mom did not come back might also be related to this.

  After all, there were a total of eight adult Arctic wolves in the wolf pack, and they were all out.

  In the Arctic continent, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke overlords like polar bears and grizzly bears, there are almost no hunters who can pose a threat to them.

  Even the Lynx, who was fighting fiercely with him, dared not even provoke a real pack of Arctic wolves, let alone take action.

  It could only run away in shame with its tail between its legs.

  "I guess the wolf pack have discovered the snowstorm and are probably hiding somewhere."

  Su Lin didn't think of the worst.

  The wolf father and the wolf mothers pack are all experienced hunters and won't do anything too dangerous.

  At this time, Su Lin saw that the wind and snow outside were getting stronger and stronger, but he didn't worry too much.

  Because today's harvest was not small.

  The body of this Arctic reindeer weighed nearly 200 kilograms, enough to eat for several days.

  Su Lin patrolled near the cave and

  made sure there was no danger. He didn't stay too long and went back soon.

  The weather outside was very cold and the physical strength was consumed too quickly.

  After returning, he found that the wolf sister in the cave was still sleeping.

  The little lone wolf and the gray-haired little wolf were also sleeping in a corner.

  The little lone wolf put his wolf head on the gray-haired little wolf, making it very comfortable to sleep.

  "You know how to enjoy yourself."

  Seeing this scene, Su Lin couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

  At present, only his cousin is awake and is responsible for the security of the cave.

  It can be seen that his cousin has worked hard as the big sister of several cubs.

  Su Lin howled softly, signaling her to be on guard.


  She also communicated with Su Lin briefly through howling, told Su Lin some warnings, and then went back to sleep.

  The cousin now no longer regarded Su Lin as the little wolf brother.

  Instead, she began to regard Su Lin as the leader of the pack like the wolf father.     After all, Su Lin has started hunting to feed them.

  The laws of nature are often simple and unadorned.

  Since he went out hunting and brought them food, Su Lin is their boss.

  In Su Lin's cousin's mind, the wolf tribe has always been the strong who are respected.

  Now Su Lin has become the well-deserved boss among the wolf cubs.

  There was no conversation all night.

  Since he had slept yesterday afternoon,

  Su Lin did not feel sleepy that night.

  While on alert, he found that the wind and snow outside the cave were getting stronger and stronger.

  Many animals living in the Arctic began to look for places to avoid this sudden snowstorm.

  An Arctic tern, not knowing whether it was because of the heavy snow or because it was lost, actually flew to the entrance of the wolf pack's cave. It

  even wanted to fly into the cave to avoid the wind and snow.

  Su Lin, who was on alert, directly raised his spirits, and then jumped up at a super fast speed, drawing a beautiful white line in the air.

  He took a swing at the Arctic tern with one paw.

  The Arctic tern species is very beautiful, with a black head, white back and red tassel beak.

  It is said that the Arctic tern once set a world record.

  It is the only animal in the world with the longest migration distance.

  This bird travels about 40,000 kilometers every year, flying from the Arctic to the Antarctic.

  The Arctic tern is even listed as the oldest existing bird in the world.

  If Su Lin had encountered this bird when he was still a human, he would have definitely studied it carefully.

  After all, as a student of archaeology, he is naturally very interested in this oldest existing bird.

  But now, after Su Lin took the life of Arctic tern with his claws, he didn't even look at it.

  He simply plucked the feathers away from the tern and ate its body.

  Now that he is a wolf.

  He has no sentiments for the spirit of protecting birds.

  "Ding! The host eats the Arctic tern and gains 1.5 evolution points."

  "Ding! The host eats the Arctic tern and gains 1.3 evolution points."

  A weak Arctic tern provided Su Lin with less than three evolution points.

  It was also an unexpected surprise for the night watch.

  After Su Lin yawned, the sky was also dawning.

 Su Lins cousin, wolf sister, little lone wolf, and gray wolf cub all woke up.

  They started to play around out of boredom.

  Of course, after Su Lin's lesson, the little lone wolf no longer dared to bully the wolf sister.

  It could only wrestle with the gray wolf cub.

  The poor gray wolf cub had to be the wolf meat pillow for the little lone wolf at night and a wolf-shaped sandbag during the day.

  The wolf sister also followed her cousin and played.

  From time to time, she would come to Su Lin and play with this wolf brother who was obviously much bigger than her.

  But Su Lin just lay lazily on the stone, too lazy to move his eyelids.

  He almost always ignored the wolf sister's play.

  After all, as a human being, he really couldn't get excited about this childish and funny play between wolf cubs.

  After a while, Su Lin was a little hungry. He started to invite a few wolf cubs to eat.

  He still didn't eat the carcass of the Arctic reindeer, although the meat of the Arctic reindeer tasted better.

  But eating lynx can still provide him with a lot of evolution value.

  "Ding! The host eats lynx and gains 2 evolution points."

  "Ding! The host eats lynx and gains 1.8 evolution points."

  "Ding! The host eats lynx and gains 1.6 evolution points."