Chapter 9 The wolves return.

  The lynx weighed more than 50 kilograms.

  Su Lin couldn't finish it in one meal. He ate about 7 or 8 kilograms and couldn't eat anymore.

  Swallowing lynx meat provided him with nearly 20 evolution points. It was another small step towards the next upgrade and evolution.

  The meat of the Arctic reindeer had been left overnight and became very stiff.

  The wolf sister couldn't bite it at all.

  She worked hard to gnaw on the carcass of the Arctic reindeer for a long time, but couldn't bite off any meat.

She couldn't help but howl a few times in grievance.

  Seeing this scene, Su Lin had no choice but to get up, tear off a few pieces of the Arctic reindeer meat, and bite it into small pieces before throwing it to the wolf sister.

  After all, the wolf sister was now a blood relative, and he can't watch her starve.

  The wolf sister also howled happily and ate the meat thrown by Su Lin.

  This made the little lone wolf drooling on the side very envious.

  As for the gray wolf cub, it lay on the ground very tactfully, motionless.

  At this time, after Su Lin tore off enough meat for the wolf sister to eat, he went outside the cave for a patrol.

  The blizzard outside was slightly smaller, but it was still freezing cold.

  "The severe cold weather brings damage, Qi and blood value -5!"

  "The severe cold weather doubles the host's physical strength consumption, please pay attention to saving physical strength."

  The reminder echoing in his ear made Su Lin return to the cave quickly after a patrol.

  After returning, the energetic little lone wolf also jumped to the entrance of the cave.

  But soon, a gust of wind blew its young wolf body over and rolled back into the cave.


  The unyielding little lone wolf began to fight against the cold wind at the entrance of the cave again and again.

  Su Lin took a look and said nothing.

  After all, the vigorous energy of the wolf cubs always needs to be vented.

  Next, after seeing that his cousin began to take up vigilance, he found a stone in the leeward direction and fell asleep.

  Reborn as a wolf, without the colorful life of humans, every day is so boring.

  But fortunately, there is no pressure from life, study, work, family chores, etc., and life is quite comfortable.

  Seven days passed in a flash.

  During the seven days, the blizzard was intermittent until today.

  Now, Su Lin in the cave has eaten all the lynx.

  A lynx has provided him with more than 20 points of evolution value in the past few days.

  Obviously, the reduction of evolution value brought by carnivores is much less than that of herbivores.

  Even if it is eaten to the end, the meat of the lynx can still provide Su Lin with 0.2 evolution value.

  In addition, the meat of the Arctic reindeer has been eaten almost.

  Especially the little lone wolf, who has been eating freely these days, and a lot of what he eats is equivalent to the amount of food of an adult Arctic wolf.

  But it must be said that the little lone wolf is growing very fast.

  At present, his size is larger than that of Su Lins cousin.

  In addition, maybe it was because of the food supply, Su Lin found that the little lone wolf had some other changes these days.

  The gray hair on the wolf's body became darker.

  The originally thin limbs became stronger, especially the wolves claws, which could be hidden in the thick hair like cats, but could stretch freely.

  In addition, the little lone wolf's resistance to blows, endurance, physical strength and attack power were much higher than those of wolves of the same size.

  Su Lins cousin was no longer the opponent of the little lone wolf.

  Su Lin looked at the little lone wolf.

  The numerical attributes of the little lone wolf appeared in front of him again.

  Species: Arctic Wolf (Mutated)

  Level: Level 2.

  Qi and blood: 265.

  Endurance: 27.

  Strength: 28.

  Defense: 25.

  Speed: 23.

  The attributes of the little lone wolf have been greatly enhanced in just a few days.   

  And there was an additional note after the species.

  "Hmm? Mutated species?"

  Su Lin stared at the little lone wolf, with curiosity flashing in his blue wolf eyes.

  In the past, he had also checked the attributes of the little lone wolf.

  He was very sure that there was absolutely no such word as alien species.

  It should be because there was enough food these days that it was able to develop its own potential.

  This is probably the reason for the changes in the little lone wolf these days.


  At this time, the little lone wolf looked at Su Lin walking towards it, and hurriedly howled obediently.

  Su Lin is now the boss in the cave.

  Even if the wolf father and others are back, Su Lin is still the boss in the little lone wolf's heart.

  Because when Su Lin doesn't like him, he will really teach him a lesson.

  And if he slaps with his claws, even if he doesn't use much force, little lone wolf will be slapped dizzy.

  In the worldview of the wolf clan, the strong are respected.

  Su Lin is so strong that even if he often teaches him a lesson, he still recognizes Su Lin as the boss.

  Of course, the most important reason is that only in these days with Su Lin can he be considered to have truly filled his stomach.


  The little lone wolf howled and licked the hair on Su Lin's legs.

  Seeing that Su Lin was still staring at him, he quickly rolled on his back exposing his belly to show the greatest intimacy and flattery.

  When the wolf clan turns up its belly, it is almost equal to absolute trust and absolute intimacy.

  The belly is the softest and most vulnerable part of the wolf clan.

  Therefore, seeing the little lone wolf's flattering behavior, Su Lin just howled, stretched out his claws and patted its head again.

  Although the little lone wolf has developed its potential and evolved into a different species.

  But its personality has not changed much.

  And the little lone wolf with the strength of a different species may be able to help him do something in the future.

  So he decided to completely accept the little lone wolf as his younger brother.


  At Su Lin's low howl, the little lone wolf turned over.

  The wolf body curled up, with its tail tucked on both sides of its crotch, and howled low to show submission.

 The extremely obedient little lone wolf made Su Lin very satisfied.

  In addition, he also gave the little lone wolf a new code name.

  The little lone wolf was originally an Arctic wolf with gray hair, and now its hair is dark gray all over.

  So he was given a code name called Little Gray.

  Of course, only Su Lin knew this code name.

  With the little wolf's limited wolf wisdom in his mind, he still couldn't understand the existence of names and code names.

  Now, after accepting the little lone wolf as his younger brother,

  Su Lin walked out of the cave and jumped onto a rock at the entrance of the cave.

  His white wolf hair was shining under the long-lost sunlight on the Arctic continent.

  Today, Su Lin is the size of an average adult Arctic wolf.

  And in terms of strength, he is far superior to ordinary Arctic wolves.

  He climbed up and looked into the distance, scanning the quiet and peaceful Arctic continent after the snowstorm.

  In his heart, he also felt that the snowstorm had completely stopped.

  Wolf Dad and Wolf Mom should be coming back soon.

  Just as Su Lin was lost in thought, he saw a group of wolves in formation, holding a lot of food, walking slowly from a distance in the white snow.


  Looking at the group, Su Lin couldn't help but howl.

  Then, the howls of wolves in the distance echoed one after another!



  The loud and long wolf howls echoed over the empty Arctic continent.