
Marcus's heart raced as he stared at the buzzing intercom.

He couldn't afford to lose his cool now.

Taking a deep breath, Marcus pulled on the metallic mask of The Librarian. It was a bit tight, but it fit well enough.

He limped over to the intercom using his cane and pressed the button.

"Yes?" Marcus tried to keep his voice calm and steady, trying to replicate the unassuming voice of the Librarian.

"This is Detective Vega from the local law enforcement," a firm voice responded. "We've had reports of gunshots. We need to check in on you, Librarian."

Marcus's mind raced. Detective Vega would be suspicious if he didn't let them in.

"Of course, Detective. Just a moment," Marcus replied.

He quickly scanned the room to ensure everything looked as it should.

The dead body of the original Librarian and Junk he moved to hide under some debris in the corner and the room otherwise looked cluttered enough to be normal. Marcus looked at the blood, attempted to clean it up with a rag then shrugged and simply spilt some books and clutter all over the floor in an attempt to hide the murder.

He hobbled to the door and opened it cautiously.

Three officers stood outside, led by a woman with sharp eyes and an air of authority. Detective Vega was a woman in her late twenties, with sharp features and a strong jawline. Her dark hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, emphasizing her high cheekbones and piercing brown eyes. She stood tall and confident, with an air of authority that commanded respect. She wore a crisp navy blue suit, complete with a badge and gun holster at her hip. Her expression was serious and focused as she surveyed the scene in front of her.

"Evening, Librarian," Vega said, nodding to Marcus. "We need to come in. Procedure, you understand."

Marcus stepped aside, letting them enter. "Please, make yourselves comfortable."

Detective Vega's eyes swept the room, taking in every detail.

"Are you alright? We had reports of gunfire, also... I don't remember you using a cane." she said, her gaze piercing through Marcus.

"Ah there was an accident in the lab, hurt my leg in the process, made quite a loud noise." Marcus replied, doing his best to imitate The Librarian's wary demeanor.

One of the officers began walking around, carefully observing. "This place looks different from what I remember," he murmured.

Before Marcus could respond, Detective Vega turned to him with a smirk.

"You seem different, Librarian. Less… anxious. Before you would only speak to us through the intercom but now you invite us inside? Have you finally considered joining up fully with the police? We grant you some privilege's now but if you truly helped us only we could give you much more."

Marcus's heart skipped a beat. He had to think fast.

"I've been working on some relaxation techniques, and I just wanted to see a beauty like you in person." he said, forcing a smile.

Detective Vega's mouth went agape and her face blushed red, the officers around her snickered and she walked up to Marcus furious, ready to grab him by the collar.

Just then, the intercom buzzed again.

"More of your men?" Marcus asked.

"No." replied detective Vega.

Marcus's stomach sank as he turned, waddled back down the hallway to see a shadowy figure, armed, was trying to break in. Detective Vega followed wondering what was wrong until she too saw it.

"Stay here Librarian." Vega commanded.

She moved to the intercom and pressed the button.

"This is Detective Vega. State your business."

There was silence for a moment. Then a cold, menacing voice replied, "I have business with the Librarian."

Marcus's mind reeled. This must be Mr. Black's assassin.

"Come back later-" the detective began but the doors blasted open, and the assassin stormed in, laz-pistol in hand.

The assassin was dressed in all black, from head to toe. They wore a tactical vest with various pouches and pockets, holding different weapons and tools. Their face was concealed by a dark mask, only revealing their cold, calculating eyes. They stood tall, very tall and lean, with their weapon gripped tightly in their gloved hand. 

Their movements were precise and efficient, as they quickly surveyed the room, looking for their target. The glare of the overhead lights reflected off their glossy black armor, giving a menacing aura to their presence.

Marcus peeked at the mans stats:


[Strength: ??]

[Agility: ??]

[Intelligence: ??]

[Endurance: ??]

[Skills: ??]

[Knowledge: ??]

[Current Mood: ??]

Marcus's eyes went wide at the lack of information and the system chimed in.

[Warning. Target has a skill that blocks observations at this level, recommended action: Escape!]

Marcus rushed to the closest place he could hide, behind one of the metal shelves.

The officers immediately drew their guns and opened fire, but the assassin was too skilled, dodging easily.

He took down one officer quickly, a clean shot to the head.

Detective Vega ducked behind a table, signaling the other officer to flank the assassin.

"Stay down, Librarian!" Vega shouted at Marcus.

Marcus peeked out from behind the shelf.

He had to think of something, or he would be next.

The firefight raged on, with the assassin skillfully evading the officers' gunfire.

Detective Vega managed to land a shot, grazing the assassin's shoulder, but it barely slowed him down.

With ruthless precision, the assassin knocked out the second officer, leaving only Vega standing in his path.

She was a fierce fighter, but the assassin was relentless.

He lunged at her, disarming her with a swift kick and striking her across the face with the butt of his laz-pistol.

Detective Vega stumbled back, her vision blurring from the impact. Blood dripped from her nose as she struggled to stay conscious.

The assassin smirked and stepped closer, ready to deliver the finishing blow.

"Retreat now, Detective," he growled. "You've lost this fight."

Vega spat blood and tried to punch him but the Assasin simply back handed her and she fell back unconscious, the remaining survivors of her squadron quickly collected her and made a swift retreat to the demise of Marcus.

"Useless police!" Marcus cried.

With Vega out of the way, the assassin focused his gaze on Marcus.

Fear gnawed at Marcus's insides, but he steeled himself.

He had to play his part convincingly.

"You've made a mistake, I killed the Librarian already, Mr Black hired me!" Marcus said, giving up on this ruse in the face of death.

The assassin's eyes narrowed. "Mr. Black told me you were smart. Do you think I cannot see the blood on the ground, the previous assasin is dead and you are the Librarian. You cannot fool me!"

The assassin moved first, firing a shot that Marcus barely dodged, moreso he fell unexpectedly before it hit him. He grabbed his laz pistol as he stumbled pulling it out quickly.

He returned fire, hitting the assassin's arm, causing him to drop his weapon momentarily.

Seizing the opportunity, Marcus lunged shot more but the assassin, despite the injury, quickly recovered, his movements fluid and deadly, easily dodging poor shots.

He closed in with astonishing speed, grabbing the cane and twisting it out of Marcus's grasp.

Marcus stumbled back, his balance faltering.

The assassin closed in, delivering a series of rapid punches that left Marcus gasping for breath.

In desperation, Marcus managed to land a lucky shot to the assassin's leg, causing him to stagger.

But the assassin's pain seemed to fuel his aggression.

With a fierce growl, the assassin knocked the pistol out of Marcus's hand and pushed him back into the workbench causing it to tip over, the prototype robot and Marcus fell to the ground in a painful clump.

Before Marcus could react the assassins' foot landed heavily onto Marcus's chest breaking a few ribs and making him cough blood.

"Any last words?" the assassin hissed, eyes gleaming with malice.