Magic Words

Marcus lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

Blood dripped from his mouth as the assassin loomed over him. The assassin's boot pressed hard against his chest, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"Well? Any last words?" the assassin hissed again, eyes gleaming with malice.

Marcus's mind raced.

He needed a plan, and he needed it fast.

His vision began to blur from the pain when he noticed the prototype bot lying beside him.

It had a secret compartment.

The special command to open it flashed in his memory. With all his strength, Marcus wheezed out, "...abracadabra."

The Assasin tilted his head confused but the words weren't for him. The bot whirred to life, a small compartment opening to reveal a sleek revolver right beside Marcus's hand.

Marcus seized the weapon with a trembling hand and utilized his quick draw skill to fling it up.

The assassin's eyes widened in surprise but turned into fury quickly.

He lashed out with a kick, but Marcus was quicker.

He fired the revolver, the bullet piercing a hole through the assassin's leg. The assassin stumbled screaming in agony but didn't go down.

Marcus squeezed the trigger again and again, his last two shots.

Bullets flew, and the assassin tried to dodge but the bullet through his leg inhibited him. The two shots took him in the chest and shoulder like a train flinging him onto his back.

The assassin grimaced in pain, rolling on the ground clutching his injured shoulder and broken ribs. The shot had connected but his tactical vest had saved him, evidently resistant to gunfire of this caliber.

The assassin, now bleeding from multiple wounds, realized the tide had turned and scrambled away, fleeing down the hallway and out of sight.

Marcus watched him go, his vision dimming, the empty revolver dropped from his hand.

He had survived.


But just as adrenaline began to fade, exhaustion and pain took over.

[Warning. Extreme blood loss and internal bleeding. Recommended action: seek medical treatment.]

His body gave up, and the darkness consumed him.


Marcus blinked slowly as he regained consciousness.

He was lying on a stretcher, surrounded by concerned faces.

Detective Vega stood nearby, her nose bandaged, and eyes filled with both relief and suspicion.

"He's awake," a paramedic said, relieved.

One paramedic reached out to remove his mask but Marcus swatted the hand away with renewed panic attempting to sit up but Vega placed a slim hand on his shoulder pushing him down. She looked at the paramedic "His mask stays," she turned to Marcus "Alright?"

Marcus nodded, "What... happened?" he croaked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You were very lucky," Vega replied, her tone firm. "We came back just in time. Found you unconscious, what happened to the Assasin?"

"He escaped." he managed to say, each word costing him effort and pain.

Her eyes went wide, then went sharp "You were able to push back that monster?"

Marcus gave a weak chuckle "Guess I was lucky."

The paramedics lifted him onto a gurney and wheeled him away towards a flying ambulance.

Detective Vega followed closely, her sharp eyes never leaving Marcus.


Hours later, Marcus found himself in a hospital room.

His injuries were treated, ribs bandaged, and fluids pumped into his frail body.

Detective Vega entered the room, her authoritative presence filling the space.

"We need to talk, we found two other unidentified bodies in your library." she said, pulling up a chair beside his bed.

Marcus nodded, knowing this conversation was inevitable.

"You need to explain everything," Vega pressed.

Marcus took a deep breath, wincing at the pain in his chest but his brain intertwined a web of lies. "Those were assasins was sent by one Mr. Black. I have some information on him that is quite critical to his operations. He doesn't like that."

Detective Varga sucked in a breath "The Mr. Black? CEO of Gambling LLC?"

Marcus tilted his head "You know him?"

Detective Vega's face hardened at the mention of Mr. Black. She nodded slowly.

"Yes, we've been trying to get credible evidence against him for years," she said, her eyes narrowing. "What information do you have that could be so vital?"

Marcus knew he needed to be careful. Revealing too much too soon could risk exposing his own plans.

"I have to un-encrypt it first, I was in the process but the first two assassins' interrupted me, the last one nearly killed me." Marcus lied smoothly. "Who was that?"

Vega's eyes lit up with a glint of hope hidden beneath her stern gaze.

"He goes by the name Dagger, he's a killer, the worst of the worst. We'd have locked him up years ago but he's good, deathly good." A flicker of fear filtered across her face but she quickly shook her head changing the topic "We need that information," she said, leaning in closer.

Marcus swallowed at the proximity.

"I'll need your protection," he said, his voice low. "Mr. Black won't stop until he gets what he wants. And neither will his assassins."

Vega considered his words, her hand brushing her bandaged nose absently.

"You have it," she finally said. "But you'll need to work with us closely. No more secrets."

"Agreed," Marcus nodded but inside he was screaming.

Just what he needed, law enforcement running down his neck. Detective Varga got up and was about to leave the room but she stopped glancing back, a somber look in her eyes.

"The doctors found out about your... condition in the scans." she said and Marcus realized she was talking about the Space Plague Stage 4 that he had. Hopeful he leaned up "Can they fix it? If they do I can work faster."

She shook her head sadly.

"They don't have the right equipment on this planet if they did my father wouldnt...." she stopped rubbing her eyes "Only the central planets have technology like that, I'm sorry."

Marcus sank back into the medical bed and waved his hand.

"Don't be, it's simply fate."


Two days later, Marcus was back in the "Library." Only this time, it was a secure crime scene swarmed with police officers analyzing every nook and cranny.

Detective Vega stood at the center, directing the investigation.

Marcus, still weak but functional, sat in a chair, observing while occasionally sipping on a nutrient shake through a straw under the mask.

Given the brutal assault, the police had secured the area thoroughly, covering every possible entry and exit point.

One officer approached Vega. "All clear ma'am."

Marcus gave a weak chuckle. "Excellent, now detective, can I ask that you and your men make yourselves scarce. I have many matters to attend to."

Vega turned to her officers. "Alright folks lets hold up outside, keep the perimeter secure," she turned to Marcus and tapped her wrist-holo against his.

"We will notify you if anyone dangerous is approaching."

Marcus thought of Brick and the Black Hoods request and spoke quickly "Make sure to notify me before taking action, I still have some clients who need my help."

Detective Vega nodded and left.

Marcus quietly exhaled.

As long as he played his cards right, he could turn this situation to his advantage. He just needed to blackmail as much as he could out of Mr.Black, stall the police and leech the money from the Black Hoods for the prototype.

Easy. Right?