
Dagger limped through the dark sewers, each step sending waves of pain through his injured leg.

His mind replayed the encounter over and over, seething with anger. Why had the Librarian fought so hard? Something wasn't right.

He paused under a dim light, pulling out a medkit from one of his many pouches.

His hands moved with precision, treating the wound with antiseptic before wrapping it in a tight bandage.

The memory of the revolver appearing from the bot's compartment made him furious. The Librarian wasn't supposed to have that kind of weaponry, or skills.

Dagger grunted, remembering the mask concealing the Librarian's face.

Something felt off about him—the movements, the quick thinking, the audacity to fight back.

Dagger's lips curled into a twisted smile as he tightened the final bandage. He would relish killing this prey.

This failure needed retribution.

A mouse scurried out in front of him and daggers foot came down quick squashing the creature into a meat paste.

Satisfied with his temporary wound treatment and with the dead critter, Dagger continued through the sewers, his black clothes blending with the shadows.

He needed to update Mr. Black.


Dagger's path led from the murky sewers to a secret entrance behind a dumpster.

A retina scan later, the heavy doors slid open, and he entered the labyrinthine underground tunnels.

The transition from squalor to opulence was abrupt.

Polished marble floors, golden chandeliers, and extravagant decor lined these secret tunnels connected to Mr. Black's grand casino.

Dagger moved silently, effortlessly navigating the corridors.

Entering a plain looking room, he pulled his black mask off, revealing a face marred with scars—each one telling tales of survival, of victory, and of untold brutality.

With careful hands, Dagger selected a communication device and dialed an encrypted line.

Mr. Black's face appeared on the screen moments later—calm and calculated, always exuding an aura of control and power.

"There was an unexpected complication," Dagger started, his voice as cold as ice.

Mr. Black raised an eyebrow, signaling him to continue but Dagger said nothing clenching his fist at his side, nails digging into his skin.

Mr. Black sighed heavily, displeasure flickering momentarily in his eyes.

"Is the Librarian dead?"

Dagger gritted his teeth slightly, before responding.

"He is severely wounded. The police arrived, complicating the situation."

"What of the other assasin I sent before, I believe his name was Marcus." Mr. Black asked.

"Dead. I saw the blood and corpse, I'm not sure why you sent that useless trash."

Mr. black waved his hand dismissively "It was a favor, he was a good gambler is all." then his face fell deep in thought before he looked back up at the screen.

"I see," Mr. Black said in a measured tone. "Cut our losses. The Librarian's more trouble than he's worth if the police protect him now."

Dagger frowned slightly at this. Something in his gut told him not to dismiss this threat.

"He's a threat to the business." He hesitated before adding, "I want to end him, personally."

Mr. Black's interest piqued. Leaning forward, curiosity glinted in his eyes.

"You're sure about this? That it's not personal?"

"Yes," Dagger replied, lies flowing freely from his tongue. "He humiliated me. I need this." was what he wanted to shout, but he didn't.

Mr. Black considered it for a long moment, then slowly nodded. "Very well. I trust your instincts. Make sure there are no more complications. Our investments need protecting."

Dagger's lips formed a thin smile, looking more like a predator baring his teeth.


Dagger cut the call and leaned back, closing his eyes.

The sewers and tunnels had been his home longer than any place on this planet. He was built for this. Silent. Deadly.

Memories of blood and deceit filled his mind.

He thrived in chaos, drawing power from each life he took. Killing was his art, his passion.

Now, that man—whoever he was behind that mask—had become his sole focus. Once the wounds had healed enough, he would return.

It was only a matter of time.