[New Approach]

"What do you mean, she hasn't moved in a week?" asked Mori.

She didn't interact with me as much as you did, I don't know what happened.

Mori's surprise was displayed on his face. He sat down against the wall, contemplating.

"You guys were that close, huh?" said Aleesia.

She shrugged as Mori was unresponsive, going back to her cooking.

The sound of her knife hitting the cutting board filled the room, the smell of a salty soup stock rapidly propagated.

She was carefully stirring it the way she had seen Mori do it, randomly adding her ingredients to the pot.

The Unkindled got up, catching her attention. He was clearly looking at Mori.

Telepathically conversing like that made her feel slightly excluded, but she had no insecurities about it.

"But it could work," said Mori.

"What could?" she asked.

Mori got up suddenly.

"We'll speed things up," he said.