[Something Dark]

Mori's consciousness slowly returned from the sweet slumber.

The smell of bacon brought him back to a time where his mother would cook him some, as he woke up.

The 'classic' breakfast, bacon, eggs and toast. 

As he sat upright, the Unkindled slid down his torso, falling on its paws, on his lap.

He massaged his neck and back briefly, Aleesia was cooking bacon and eggs.

She looked in his direction, noticing he woke up.

"Ah, Good morning!"

"What are you doing?" asked Mori.

"As you can tell, making breakfast."

"Yes, I can tell, I just don't understand why you out of anyone would wake up early to cook."

"Well, honestly, I didn't wake up early. Actually, I've stayed in bed way longer than usual..."

"Oh, really..."

"You must've been exhausted."

Mori got up, the Unkindled falling once more, this time hitting the floor.