New home plannet

Mona and Jim didn't speak with each other for almost a year now. The moment Jim woke up his daughter and the 20 brainwashed researchers he got a message that the "beautiful 30k" was a safe spot to live.

Jim still continues with a part of his plan of letting the researchers scout the areas around the planet for possible intelligent life.

Every 4 spot's he landed he asked 5 scouts to look for life forms of any kind and register them according intelligent, size and last if it was possible to eat them.

After that he started heading towards Mona where he landed close to the meteorite impact. Jim noticed straight away that the spacecraft could land easily in the crater the meteorite created.

When Mona saw Jim for the first time in almost a year she jumped in his arms. Jim's mood was bad and she did noticed this straight away.

Mona: Love what is wrong? You don't look that good.

Jim: I think my last action as an administrator was a mistake. I turned the 20 researchers into mindless scouts.

Mona look with a sad face at Jim and was trying to find a positive note but couldn't think of any.

Jim: it's fine you don't have to cheer me up. I think me as an administrator is no good at this point. Let's try to find a way so that our kids can upgrade their system and others as well without my help. You can keep going helping them.

Mona: So you want to retire alone already. Sounds good to me, I will join you in retirement. I know it will be a big responsibility for all the kids but we can help them with our normal knowledge. Perhaps we can even give ourselves some helpful roles.

Jim: Sounds great, let's go towards the kids.

In the spacecraft the robot's where helping Aron and Jessica waking up the kids. When all kids were out of the cryo chamber's Aron started speaking.

Aron: I know you all are wondering why my parents aren't here to welcome you. Me and my sister already woke up a few days ago and noticed a system in our head helping us.

Do any of you have the system?



No one replied at Aron's question. Jessica was looking around and tried to see if any of the kids had any reaction. She didn't see any so far so she popped another question for all the kids.

Jessica: Do any of you know the novels where people experience something like dead or another life changing event? Those main characters that get a system to improve their body with levels.

A few older boys and girls put their hands in the air. As soon as they did Jessica got the message from her system.

[Do you want to activate systems?]

Jessica quickly replied wait a minute.

Jessica: Aron can you explain the system to everyone? I think with the knowledge I have is limited but it seems we or I can activate some of the systems.

Aron: Will do let's sit down in the cantina.

They left for the cantina and Aron started explaining everything about systems. Jessica did get multiple messages.

[Do you want to activate systems?]

Jessica kept ignoring the message until Aron was done with the full explanation regarding the system it's perks and disadvantages that he knew fir the novels like relying on the system to much etc.

The last part was a bit harder. He hoped that access to the shortlist of the systems class explanation was still available sadly not so he did wrote down what he knew.


[Combat classes]

[Non combat classes]

Hey that is strange why do I remember two extra classes [woodworke] and [tailor] and I'm missing [captain] Aron thought.

[System, because of the error placed by the administrators is gone. Perhaps I will remember more classes for you later on both combat and non combat related. ]

Aron: This list is what I know that you can choose from. At the moment I can't change classes but I hope this should be possible later on. Are you all ready to select a class?

Every kid: Yes we are!!

Jessica: oke I will activate the systems just be careful with selecting a class.

Aron: Sis can you have an overview of all classes? I'm still trying to figure out how this works.

Jessica wrote everything down on paper for Aron to look at.

Combat classes

2x guard

4x healer

4x hunter

2x champion

2x assassin

4x mage

Non combat classes

2x builders

3x woodworker

3x farmer

4x tailor

The rest didn't select any class so far.

At this moment everyone heard the message from the spacecraft, {everyone gather in the cantina please.} All robot's where repeating this message for the next 2 minutes.

At that point bot Jim and Mona entered the cantina.

Jim: Hi everybody, had a nice sleep for the past 300 years? I hope you had because in the next few days we are going to be busy.

Mona was walking towards her kids and hugged them both.

Mona: Thanks Aron and Jessica to help everyone with their system.

Jim who was getting impatient asked all the kids to follow him. Just moments later they entered a room with around 200 seats all with five point seat belts. This was for the boys uncomfortable in the crotch area.

Jim: please everyone sit down we are going to land the spacecraft in a few hours when it a bit darker outside. What we can tell you regarding the environment we are going to be in is this.

Mona and Jim began explaining only the parts of the mountain of the site of their first expedition. Half an hour later they started the process of checking everyone's seat belts.

After that they started the process of landing the spacecraft.