Collecting The Rewards

Ash Von Agnus's POV

[After a Week]

In the training yard

"So this is the blessed body of Agnus."

How long will it take for the child's muscles to start growing? Despite the lack of muscle size, the body was perfect. I had no choice but to acknowledge the truth.

It might not be very large, but it's a flexible body, full of agility.

I can't consider it a child's body with low muscle density. The same goes for the bones. Even if I roll hard, I don't get hurt, and the wounds heal quickly.

In the novel, Ash was cursed with frailty by demon worshippers during his childhood, making his body flawed and fragile, rendering him weak despite his training efforts. But I avoided that by killing Mike, the curse caster, and tasking Zarax with killing all the demon worshippers and vampires in the palace and the capital. Speaking of Zarax, shouldn't I be receiving my reward now? Wait a minute, what if he doesn't intend to reward me at all? That ungrateful bastard! I saved his family and his ass from future doom, and he is stingy about giving me a reward. While cursing Zarax in my mind, Ron came.

"Sir, the emperor has ordered your immediate presence."

'This gracious emperor, I never doubted he would forget me... maybe just a little.'

On our way to the emperor, I asked Ron about what happened during this week. He told me that Zarax had indeed captured all the spies listed and they are all currently imprisoned. If someone resisted or asked too many questions, they were killed on the spot.

He had ordered all members of the Shadow Wolves to search throughout the capital, neighboring cities, and villages, and to kill anyone found linked to demon worshippers or vampires.

The bloodshed in the past week was something the capital had not seen in the last hundred years.

Moreover, the four great families joined the hunt for demon worshippers on their lands, either to gain an incentive to support the duke or for any future problems due to this conflict.

'I hope this doesn't deviate too much from the novel's plot.'

I had now arrived at the door to the emperor's office, and upon entering, I saw Zarax busy and Taylor standing next to him. He quickly looked at me with a stoic expression and said,

"If it weren't for you, the family—no, the entire continent would be in imminent danger."

"Thanks to you, we discovered many intruding scoundrels and their extent of danger. My special thanks to you."

'What the hell do you mean? I don't need your damn thanks give me my reward.'

"Ask for anything you want. You deserve a generous reward for what you've done. What do you want?"

"What's better than some money as a reward for a kid who did a good job?"

Zarax paused briefly, then burst out laughing.


"You're right about that. Okay, I'll give you some money, no doubt. Ask for something else."

"Alright, I want to go on a short trip."

Zarax stared at me with a slight frown on his face.

"You know it's forbidden to leave the capital before you undergo the Awakening. Your life will be in danger, especially in a situation like this."

"Didn't you say to ask for anything and you'll grant it? I'll go incognito and take Jenny and Ron; they will be sufficient as guards."



Zarax remained silent, thinking.

"Alright, you can go. Taylor will send you the money and everything you need for the trip. But you only have three months. You must return before the Awakening ceremony."

I nodded in response.

"Good, you can leave now."

As I turned to head for the door, Zarax added with a smile,

"Return safely."

I was a bit surprised but quickly regained my composure and said, "Understood."


As I was heading to my room, I pondered,

'What did he mean by that? Does he care about me or something? In the novel, Zarax wasn't that type of person. He was literally merciless and showed no concern for Ash. He viewed him as trash and was the one who killed Ash in the future. Have my actions caused a butterfly effect? Well, whatever. After I complete my Awakening and fully benefit from the Agnus family's imperial resources, I'll cut ties completely.'

When I opened the room door, I found Ron waiting for me with his annoying kind smile. I approached him and said:

"Have you completed the task I assigned to you?"

Ron replied, smiling, "Yes, sir," and handed me a spatial ring. He added, "It also contains the artifacts belonging to the demon servant and the vampire."

"Very good."

"Taylor, the head servant, will come shortly and give you some money. Take it from him and prepare yourself and Jenny. We will be leaving soon."

"Yes, sir," Ron replied and left the room.

'Let's see what we have here.'

In the spatial ring, I found three items: a white mask, a purple ring with a black gem on it, and a crystal bottle containing green liquid. "Amazing."

This mask is the artifact of Mike, the King of a Thousand Faces, one of the demon servants who was going to curse me. One of the features of this mask is that it changes the person's appearance and build according to the wearer's will. According to the story, Mike, the King of a Thousand Faces, will be a major player behind the government, as he stole many artifacts and committed numerous crimes without being caught. But I took him down before the story began.

As for the ring, it's an artifact of rank S, capable of transporting up to ten people to any location you set the coordinates for.

'It will be of great help in the future.'

Finally, the vial contains the Elixir of Ten Thousand Poisons, a treasure of the Tang Sect, provided only to sect members and the ruling elites of the Eastern Continent. I tasked Ron with stealing—I mean, purchasing it, disguised as Mike, the King of a Thousand Faces.

It's something I desperately need because, despite Agnus's blessed body, it's weak against poisons. My life would be at risk if I faced an enemy specialized in poisons in the future. But with this, I would be immune to all poisons and gain poisonous blood.

Without hesitation, I drank the entire vial in one gulp and waited for its effect.


Nothing happened.

"What is this? Is Ron sure he took the correct vial? Ugh."

Suddenly, I felt intense pain and lost consciousness.