
"You are useless," Mom shouted at me.

I just rolled my eyes and looked at my twin sister, Iris. She smirked at me.

"Can you be just like your sister? Look and learn from her, she is perfect, and you look like a punk."

My mother compared her perfect daughter to me. I was supposed to have breakfast with my parents and sister.

Then my mother started again. I abandoned my breakfast and rushed outside. There, I didn't listen to the giggles of my sister and dad. This is the way of my life. It's been 18 years since I was born. They only celebrate Iris's birthday, not mine, because I am an extra person they didn't expect. It means nothing. The day I was born is considered the biggest mistake in my life. At the age of ten, my sister gets more attention than me, and I will be considered as the person who uses her leftovers. I didn't complain about anything. I know it's pointless. Now I have a part-time job and a scholarship; that's how I survive. Luckily, they don't know too.

I took my skateboard and rushed to my college. On the way, I bought my favorite chicken sandwich and cold coffee. Thanks to my job, I can do what I want. Now I am saving some money to rent a room for myself. As soon as I graduate, I will move out from my family and never come back. My name is Isleen Campbell, the young daughter of the Campbell family. I had a twin sister named Iris Campbell. Since she was born first, she is now the only daughter they have. To escape these circumstances, I chose a college outside of my town. I don't have any friends or anyone because I know it's pointless when I have a sister like her. She is a psycho. She only likes the things that I crave. Even if it's a person, she will steal them from me. That's the reason I isolated myself from everything around me. I struggled a lot for this college. I know my sister is after me too, but luckily my parents sent her to some other good college than mine.

I chose this lifestyle because of my psychopathic twin sister and her obsessive parents. They didn't care about anything I did. Even if I killed myself, they wouldn't care.

Of course, I did that too, but because of that incident, it became a turning point in my life.

It happened before April, on the day of my birthday. Yes, eighteen years have passed since I was born into this selfish world. I was almost done with my parents and sister. That night, they celebrated Iris's birthday. While I was expecting nothing, I remained silent. On that night, I heard my mother saying, "I wish I had never given birth to that good-for-nothing girl." With shock, I looked at my parents. Of course, they only cared for Iris. Tears rolled down my eyes. Being born is my mistake? How can they say that? That day, I reached my limits. Then I decided to kill myself.

I prepared for everything. I chose a place to commit suicide, an abandoned bridge with no one around. It was a perfect place for suicide. If I fell into the river, I didn't know how to swim, and I would drown to death. It seemed perfect and great. I didn't write a suicide letter or anything; to me, it was stupid. Let my death be a mystery. Then goodbye to this sick, selfish world. I jumped into the river, and then something happened.

I ended up somewhere... I don't know where I am. What's going on? I heard someone chuckle. I turned around and looked at that person. Then there was a handsome man. My eyes widened. His eyes were sparkling. He came near to me, touched my face. Unexpectedly, he kissed my forehead. I was frozen for a moment. He began to talk.

# "I was waiting for you all these years, princess. Please come and find me... You are the reason I am living on... Come to me."

Then a black fog swallowed him and separated us. "Wait," I shouted, but everything was covered in that black fog. Then soon I saw a pair of red eyes in that fog. It shouted at me like this,

# "He was mine and mine only. If you come, then no returns. I will take your last breath."

I feel shivers for no reason. Above, I saw the mixture of dark and light. I don't understand what's going on. What is this? Did I die or am I alive? With a confused mind, I heard something. It was like,


Mystic princess, my destiny? I spelled unconsciously. Then I opened my eyes. What the hell is that? I got up on the side of the bridge. How the heck is this possible? I jumped into the river, I was drowned to death. I am sure about that. How is my clothes didn't get soaked? Maybe this is a dream? Should I try again? I get to the edge of the bridge again.



Suddenly, those words popped into my mind again. I unconsciously touched my forehead where he kissed me. For the first time, I had the feeling inside that

**I want to live.** I abandoned my thoughts of suicide.

From that day onwards, I began to experience something amazing. You know, when someone values your existence and waits for you, it's an amazing feeling in this world. So, I will fight for my existence. I decided that day onwards. Then, I stopped suicidal thoughts and worked hard to move out from my toxic family. I began to enjoy small things in my life. But the strange thing is that the guy began to appear every time when I fall asleep. So, I decided to find him. Maybe he is my destiny. But how is that possible at that time?

I researched those bridges, but I didn't find anything unusual. I thought maybe it's my hallucinations.

But from that day onwards, he appears in my dreams and tells me to find him. But how? I don't know how to.

I reached my destination, the Amber Metropolitan Academy. I sat down in my class. Students hadn't come yet. I am too early. I take my sketchbook and go to my favorite place in the academy. In the middle of the academy, there is an apple tree. It is an unusually huge one, but I like that place. I have a hobby that I am good at: sketching. I almost draw everything in my dreams, including my handsome dream guy. Still, I have 2 hours until class starts. Slowly, I look at my sketches. Then, soon, I fall asleep, but my mind is still asking one question: "Who are you?"


"FOUND YOU..." he exclaimed.

A guy in a suit walked towards Ishleen. He bent down near her and adjusted her hair. Then, he smiled at her.


#  Soon you will find him, I promise you mystic princess

#To be continued...🔥