
Again... I ended up somewhere else; it was different from the previous dream. This time I ended up in a garden of Lily's. It was very beautiful. I touched those flowers and felt like it was real. What is this place? Then, soon I saw a light coming from the end of the garden. I decided to walk towards that light. When I reached the light, I was surprised by the wonderful view ahead of me. It looked like I was in the middle of a valley, with thousands of mountains surrounding the area. I came out more and was shocked to realize that I was inside of a huge tree. It was emitting something powerful, and I could feel that power. It couldn't be called a tree, but it was a huge tree structure. It felt like that tree was connected to something.


Suddenly, the black fog covered everything again. I feel chills; this time I saw a woman in the dark. Her red eyes are frightening to me. But she wasn't focused on me. Near her, I saw a coffin. I go near to her, I was shocked to see that my dream guy was in there. My entire body began to shake with fear. I take a look at him; it's like he is in a coma. When I am about to touch him, something interrupted.

Around me, darkness spread. I saw a red moon above me.

After that, everything around me was in darkness. At that time, I felt suffocation for no reason.


Suddenly, I opened my eyes. At last, I came back to my reality. What the hell is that? My entire body was shaking with fear. I took a look at my watch. Oh, it's almost time. I gathered my things and walked towards my class.

Students began to come in, joining their classmates. I didn't want to talk to my classmates, but it didn't mean I ignored them. However, with a mind full of confusion, I sat down in my place. I began to sketch everything that happened in my dream. There is something hiding in all of my dreams. In the first one, I saw my dream guy is okay. Then in this second dream, he is in a coma. It feels dangerous.

Thinking about it makes me feel anxious for no reason. Is he okay? And who is that psychopathic woman near him? I can only see her shadow and her red eyes. It's terrifying. Where are all these things going on?

I don't feel like this is happening in my world. It feels like it's beyond my world. I almost finished my sketch. Only that tree structure is left to draw.

Then my classes started. First period is archaeology. History is my favorite subject, so I ended up taking ma history. While studying Mesopotamia, I recalled the tree structure in my dream. Maybe I should go and research some ancient civilizations. Soon after finishing three periods in the morning, we had our favorite period for drawing. While everyone was ready to sketch, our teacher introduced someone to our class.

"Hi, my name is Dax Ermington. I am a second-year student," a guy in a suit stood near our teacher.

"Wow," exclaimed my classmates. I didn't even look at that person, but for some reason, I feel like someone is staring at me intensively. So I looked up.

It was none other than that senior student. Then we had that eye contact; I found it something odd. The teacher instructed us to follow his guidance and left our class. He began to draw some models and instruct about drawing. It's an interesting class for all the girls because he is our senior and is kind of popular in our academy. Most of the students gossip that he is the distant relative of the founder of Amber Metropolitan Academy. Amber has its own history. It's the oldest university in the country, so it has its own prestige and honor. That's the reason he was respected throughout the entire academy. Not only due to his connection, he is the honor of the students in the second year. While I was staring at him, his eyes locked onto mine. At that moment, I felt something. What is this? It feels like I was detecting something from him. It was the same feeling I got from the tree structure. What is that?

Then he began to check everyone's sketches. He approached every student and gave instructions. When my turn arrived, the bell rang. It's time for a break.

"Can you just follow me?" he asked me.

"Okay," I replied.

I took my sketchbook and followed him.

# At that time, I didn't know my life was reaching its peak point.

# to be continued.....🔥