Chapter 59


The huge Diyan Wolf King fell from mid-air, its limbs collapsing as the flames around its feet dissipated. A grape-sized hole marred its forehead, and blood and brain matter began to flow down.

A seventh-grade beast was dead!

Jun Changxiao, who had drawn his sword to help Li Qingyang and Lu Qian, stood still in astonishment. Su Xiaomo, too, was left gaping.

What did they see?

They witnessed the Diyan Wolf King charging at their leader, only to be struck by a silver-bright flash from the gun, which penetrated the beast's forehead with incredible speed.

How fast was it?

It was so fast that their naked eyes couldn't track the projectile, let alone recognize what hidden weapon it was.

"Don't...don't just stand there, come help me..." Jun Changxiao said.

The three disciples snapped back to reality and hurried over. They found their leader lying in the grass, his arms raised high, still holding the smoking hidden weapon. His entire body seemed stiff.

He was understandably stiff. The shot had come with such strong recoil that it had flung him four or five meters away, leaving his arm in shock.

Was this a pistol or a rocket launcher?

Despite the discomfort, Jun Changxiao was delighted. This gun could kill a beast comparable to a seventh-grade warrior, making him feel safe and confident.

"Easy now! Oh, my poor waist..." he groaned as Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo carefully helped him up. His arm was still raised, and it seemed like it would take some time to recover.

Lu Qian went over to the Diyan Wolf King's corpse, cut open its chest, and retrieved a fiery crystal nucleus. Compared to the one from the regular Diyan Wolf, this was much larger and more vibrant.

"Head, do you want the crystal nucleus?" Lu Qian asked.

"Yes, bring it here!" Jun Changxiao replied.


Jun Changxiao, still stiff, was carried back to the martial arts school. It took a while before his muscles finally relaxed, leaving him to mutter, "The recoil is just too powerful!"

The system chimed in, "Strictly speaking, the host is too weak."

Jun Changxiao retorted, "It's just a pistol, but the bullets feel like artillery shells. How can anyone handle such a large recoil?"

The system explained, "The magical Desert Eagle, blessed by the crystal core of the Gaowu world, exceeds the scope of ordinary pistols."

Jun Changxiao mused, "If there were an upgraded rocket launcher, would its power be comparable to a nuclear bomb?"

"It's hard to say," the system replied.

Ignoring the system, Jun Changxiao opened the purchase panel. The magical Desert Eagle was now grayed out, indicating a two-month cooldown before it could be purchased again.

"If there were no purchase limits, I'd buy one for each disciple. Who needs swords when you have a gun?"


"The head shot down a seventh-grade Diyan Wolf King with a hidden weapon?"

"Brother Su, what hidden weapon did the head use? It's amazing!"

On the martial arts field, many disciples surrounded Su Xiaomo, eager to hear the story.

"Cough," Su Xiaomo stepped onto a stone, made a shooting gesture, and said, "The hidden weapon the head used is called a gun."

"A gun?"

"Not the long weapon we're used to, but a hidden weapon about the size of a slingshot..."

Despite Su Xiaomo's eloquence, he still shuddered at the memory of having his eye close to the gun's muzzle. If anything had happened, he might have been seriously injured.

"It's incredible!"

After hearing the story, the disciples' eyes sparkled with admiration.

If the system could measure worship, the disciples' reverence for their leader would have broken the scale.

Jun Changxiao had:

- Guided them in Qingyang City.

- Defeated Elder Lingquan.

- Single-handedly destroyed over two hundred robbers from Heifengzhai.

- Now, with a hidden weapon, killed a seventh-grade Diyan Wolf King.

For the disciples, everything Jun Changxiao did was worthy of admiration. Moreover, he had not yet reached the warrior level!


The next day, Jun Changxiao assigned tasks to disciples who had yet to complete any missions, sending them to Qingyang Village. Then, he immersed himself in cultivation.

Even with the Desert Eagle, he felt the need to improve his cultivation and physical strength to handle the gun's recoil better.


"The host consumes 20 points of contribution value to obtain the Muscle Shaping Room × 1, which has been delivered to the space ring."


"Martial contribution: 54/100."

Jun Changxiao came to the side room, took out a tent-like structure, and placed it in front of the strength test machine.

The Muscle Shaping Room was an auxiliary tool for tempering the body. Although it didn't improve the martial arts realm, it increased muscle strength.

At first, Jun Changxiao was reluctant to buy it due to its high contribution cost. However, the Desert Eagle's recoil made him realize that his physical strength was insufficient, and Yijinjing alone was too slow.


He sighed, opened the door of the Muscle Shaping Room, and entered.

The space inside was small, just enough for one person. Soft cushions lined the walls, making it comfortable to lie down.

Jun Changxiao thought, "Is this supposed to be a massage? It seems interesting."

He closed the door and activated the room.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The Muscle Shaping Room suddenly trembled, and dull thumping sounds were heard, accompanied by Jun Changxiao's screams.

Inside, Jun Changxiao was squeezed in a small space, and the soft cushions turned into hammerheads, delivering an all-round pounding that was nothing short of brutal.

Damn it!

This Muscle Shaping Room is a torture device!

Stop! Stop!

No matter how much Jun Changxiao tried to control his thoughts, the hammerheads continued their relentless assault, becoming even fiercer.

The system said, "Once the Muscle Shaping Room is activated, it lasts for 2 hours."

"Screw you...unplug the power..."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"



After an hour, the door of the Muscle Shaping Room opened automatically, and Jun Changxiao slipped out, exhausted.

"Torture device... Damn system..." Jun Changxiao lay on the ground, utterly defeated.

The system responded, "If Heaven wishes to bestow a great responsibility on a person, they must first endure hardship."

"Get lost..." Jun Changxiao muttered weakly.

Despite the cruelty of the Muscle Shaping Room, when he rested overnight, his muscles felt much stronger than the day before.


At that moment, Xiao Xie approached and said, "I've learned the Yi Jin Jing."

"That's great news. Why the long face?" Jun Changxiao asked.

Xiao Xie sighed, "After a night of practice, I couldn't gather any spiritual power. It seems I'm destined never to cultivate."

Jun Changxiao wanted to comfort him but suddenly had an idea. "Come, let's go practice."

He led Xiao Xie to the Muscle Shaping Room.

"Go in."


Xiao Xie lay down inside and asked naively, "Head, is this a bed?"


Jun Changxiao activated the room, and it began to tremble. The timer displayed: 4 hours.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah..."