Chapter 60

Lying outside the room, Xiao Sin's body sprawled across the steps like a pile of mud. His face was so swollen and distorted that even his own mother would struggle to recognize him.

Two hours!

Xiao Sin had endured an hour in the muscle-shaping room and felt utterly defeated. For someone without any training, this was excruciating.

Of course, the muscle-shaping room is designed to temper warriors' bodies rigorously and scientifically according to their different physiques. It won't kill anyone due to excessive force.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Who is this?"

"I heard the headmaster is giving Brother Xiao special training."

The onlooking disciples cast sympathetic glances.

Jun Changxiao walked over and sat on the stairs, saying, "How do you feel?"

"It hurts..." Xiao Sin said weakly.

Jun Changxiao patted him on the shoulder and said sternly, "Remember this: there are no useless members in the Iron Bone Sect!"

Xiao Sin was silent, eyes full of despair.

The muscle-shaping room had beaten his body black and blue. Worse, he couldn't gather spiritual power through divine methods, which added to his pain.

"Master, I really am useless..." Xiao Sin seemed to have accepted his fate and grew even more despondent.

"Xiao Sin," Jun Changxiao said sternly, "Remember, there are no useless members in the Iron Bone Sect!"

"Master, I..."

"Enough. Starting tomorrow, come here every day for four hours of training."

Four hours...

Xiao Sin lay there like mud once again.


The next day.

When he opened his eyes, he found that not only did his body not hurt, but his muscles had become significantly stronger than the day before.

"What's going on?" Xiao Sin was puzzled but still followed the headmaster's command. He went back to the side room and entered the muscle-shaping room again.

Jun Changxiao had preset the room. Once Xiao Sin entered and closed the door, it would automatically start and run for eight hours.

The time was long indeed.

After the session, Xiao Sin came out looking like a pile of mud again, starving.

After eating Liu Wanshi's delicious meal, he slept, and by the next morning, the pain and fatigue had disappeared, leaving his muscles even stronger. Excited, he went back to the muscle-shaping room.

"Hmm? Brother Xiao looks quite happy today?"

"Isn't it strange? Being tortured by the headmaster for two days, and still so cheerful?"

The disciples shook their heads in confusion.

If they knew how effective the muscle-shaping room was in strengthening the body and muscles, they would surely rush to be "tortured."


Xiao Sin trained during the day, while Jun Changxiao used the room at night. The two managed to avoid each other's training times.

Why not let other disciples temper themselves in the muscle-shaping room? After all, laying a solid physical foundation would greatly help in the future.

Jun Changxiao had a clear purpose. Xiao Sin couldn't absorb spiritual power, so he subjected him to special training to push his physical limits to the extreme, thereby building his confidence in martial arts practice.

And it was working.

After three days of training, Xiao Sin's strength had gradually increased from 20-30 pounds to 100 pounds!

Although progress was slow due to his lack of meridians and qualifications, seeing the improvement gave him hope for the future.

"Master, I want to increase my training time!"

"How long?"

"Six hours!"


After Xiao Sin left, Jun Changxiao rubbed his chin and pondered, "Should I buy another muscle-shaping room?"

This item was limited to five purchases per month.


"Li Fei has completed the martial mission sent to Niu Jiacun."


"Martial contribution: 84/100."

"Martial achievements: 71/100."

In the three days that Xiao Sin had been tempering his muscles, disciples had successively completed their tasks, adding 30 points each to the contribution and achievement values.

Jun Changxiao said, "There are still over 20 missions to be assigned. Once completed, the achievement value will be full, and the contribution value will overflow."

"Buy it."


"The host consumes 20 points of contribution value to obtain muscle-shaping room ×1, which has been delivered to the space ring."


"Martial contribution: 64/100."

Jun Changxiao placed the two muscle-shaping rooms side by side and renamed the room the "Training Room."

Disciples who completed their tasks one after another were summoned and given Qiqi San and their first wooden swords in public as a token of appreciation.


With a strategic mind, a matrix, a training room, and a professional top chef, the low-tier Iron Bone Sect was developing in a promising direction.

But Jun Changxiao knew that the martial arts path was just beginning and there was a long way to go.


Li Qingyang reported, "The inner court is complete."

"How much did it cost?" Jun Changxiao asked.

"Master, you gave me 12,000. I spent it all except for over 2,000 left," Li Qingyang said.

Jun Changxiao's lips twitched. "He really knows how to spend."

However, the results justified the expense.

When he inspected the inner courtyard and saw the rows of buildings, he nodded in satisfaction.

Li Qingyang pointed to a luxurious courtyard in the distance and said, "Master, this is your residence, an independent courtyard with a pond, a backyard, and a study."

"Good, good," Jun Changxiao praised.

Li Qingyang continued, "To the north is the male disciples' living area, and to the south is the female disciples' living area, each with a small performance martial arts field."


Jun Changxiao said, "I forgot to remind you, the female disciples should be closer to the main courtyard."

Jun Changxiao was silent.

"By the way," he added, "choose a few good disciples and let them take turns training with Xiao Sin in the muscle-shaping room, one hour each."


"Senior Brother, what is this?"

Li Qingyang, along with Su Xiaomo and other disciples, stood before the two muscle-shaping rooms, wide-eyed.


At that moment, Xiao Sin walked in and punched the strength test machine, showing a figure of 300 kg. (Note: It is displayed as 300 pounds, but converted for convenience.)

"This..." Li Qingyang and the others were astonished.

Brother Xiao Sin, without spiritual power, could produce this kind of force comparable to a second-rank pulse opener. It was remarkable.

"Senior Brother."

Su Xiaomo approached and touched the solid muscles on Xiao Sin's arm. "Are you born with divine strength?"


Xiao Sin looked at the muscle-shaping room and said, "It's all thanks to this."

He opened the door and went inside. The muscle-shaping room trembled, and dull thuds were heard.

Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo leaned in and heard the noise, their expressions turning serious. "No wonder Xiao Sin has been looking so beaten these days. He's been getting abused in there!"

"Let me try."

Li Qingyang entered another muscle-shaping room. Since Jun Changxiao had preset it, the door activated as soon as it closed.

After an hour.

Li Qingyang lay on the ground, foam at the corners of his mouth.


Inside the hall.

Jun Changxiao practiced the Yi Jin Jing.

In the past few days, he had continuously shaped his muscles for two hours every night. His strength had not only increased, but his muscles had also developed beautiful lines.


Jun Changxiao exhaled, "I hope this time I can succeed."

Maybe it was due to the muscle tempering, but the psionic energy converged and impacted the blocked meridians, finally opening one!


The powerful psionic energy surged through the meridian like a flood, making him feel euphoric.


"I finally did it!"

Opening the pulse was significant for Jun Changxiao because he achieved it without relying on external aids or elixirs.


"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task [Self-Improvement] and earning 10 contribution points!"


"Martial contribution: 74/100."

Jun Changxiao murmured, "It seems that relying on my own efforts to get through the pulse completes a hidden task."


"The host has opened the twelve pulses and meets the requirements. The epic quest begins!"

Jun Changxiao quickly opened the data panel and saw a new epic task under the sect mission section. The task read: "Ten days later, Qingyang County will hold a martial arts competition. Bring five disciples to participate. [Unfinished]."