
Lisa was not yet ready for the past five minutes of passion to repeat themselves because she still needed time, a lot of it to compose and sort out her emotions.

The look of disbelief in her eyes totally shifted as she got an idea. An idea that was going to be very beneficial for her.

Lian held his breath once he noticed the vibrate gleam in her eyes.

What was she up to?

He silently wondered as he scrutinized her face, trying to pick up any clues on what she was thinking.

"I will be your girlfriend." Lian said, her voice laced with an unshakable certainty.

"Are you sure?" Lian asked as he tried to wrap his mind around her last statement.

He could have never dreamed of Lisa saying those words to him. At least not anytime soon and yet here she was, surprising and throwing him off balance again.

"Yes, I will be your fake girlfriend Lian Que." Lisa clarified and the man opposite her frowned slightly.

"My fake girlfriend?" He questioned as a chilly aura started to emit from him.

Lisa knew she needed to elaborate on her point but whatever she was going to say got stuck at her throat when her eyes met a pair of ashen grey ones.

She gulped softly.

""I want you to listen very carefully, Lisa. If I am to have a girlfriend. They are to be my real girlfriend. I don't do fake relationships, love." His icy voice reached her ears and Lisa felt the atmosphere get colder.

He was obviously angry at her and Lisa couldn't help but worry he might refuse to help her out on her dinner plan that evening.

She drew a deep breath and started to explain to him the reason behind her proposal to be his girlfriend and when she was done Lian was looking at her with an unfathomable gaze.

She did not know what to think of it but she was glad the temperature in the room had dropped by a few inches.

"Fine, I will help you but I want something in return." He stated and Lisa blinked.

What could she possibly have to offer a man that had almost everything.

"What do you want in return?" She asked, carefully masking the nervousness in her voice.

"I have a family dinner to attend this weekend and I want you to be my partner." Lian replied and Lisa released the breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

"Okay, I will go to this dinner with you." She agreed.

"Do you have an outfit to wear at dinner?" Lian casually asked.

"No, not yet. I was hoping to go out and get something." She replied.

"Here. You can go with Nana if you want." Lian said as he passed her his bank card.

Lisa was hesitant to take it but she knew he couldn't be happy if she rejected him so she accepted the card.

She decided that she could pay him back once she got financially stable. Lisa had never been one to take advantage of other people.

Once they were done with lunch, Lian went back to the office and Lisa went for shopping.

Nana, the housekeeper had politely turned down her invitation and so, Lisa sat in the backseat of one of Lian's numerous cars after she had given the driver instructions to drop by the nearest mall.

The building was grand and Lisa was impressed by the arrangement of the boutique once she was inside.

All the clothes were neatly stacked and Lisa started to look for something that could appeal to her fashion taste.

Her eyes light up with satisfaction as they landed on a very pretty sky blue dress.

Within a heartbeat, Lisa had decided that it was the dress that she was taking but as she reached out for it, another pair of hands snatched it from her view.

"Hey... that's..." Lisa paused once she got to see the person that had stolen her fashion choice.

It was like she had spent hours outside on a winter night.

Her blood and body felt cold as she blinked slowly, still adjusting to the shock she had just received.

Ivy Yang, her bloody stepsister and treacherous former best friend was standing right before her and she too, looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead!?" Ivy asked her as face slowly regained color.

Her tone of voice as she asked the question was more surprised and shocked rather than concerned.

Lisa nearly scoffed as she glared at the woman that was looking at her with a huge amount of disdain.

Lisa was not at all surprised that Ivy was showing her true rotten character. She had already mentally prepared herself for the worst when the time to face Ivy had come.

She hadn't expected to see her very soon but here they were and Lisa knew she had to deal with the situation in the most mature way she could.

With her head held slightly raised, Lisa turned and gracefully walked away from Ivy because a very public and clearly popular mall was not a place to make a scene.

She most away to another section of the mall to look for something else to wear.

Her next best choice was strapless and elegant peach dress.

It was perfect and as she made her way to the counter to make her payment, Lisa was ambushed by four men in black that stood in front and behind her.

"I want the dress that she is holding." Came Lisa's command to her men and Lisa silently grunted as she held onto the very last piece of sanity that was preventing her from lashing out at the woman that had played a major part in making her life very unfortunate.

"Please give us the dress, miss." One of the four men asked politely as he reached out his hand to her.

Lisa's eyes travelled back and forth from the man's outstretched hand and Ivy's smug looking face.

"No." Lisa uttered bravely and certainly as she glared at Ivy.

Her glare was so sharp that Ivy's cruel confidence briefly shuddered.

It was the perfect definition of the famous, 'If looks could kill.' saying.

"What did you say?" Ivy asked haughtily.

"I said no and I think you should deal with it." Lisa answered her tone hard and cold.