Unexpected encounter

Lisa had meant every word she had said and she was shamelessly unapologetic.

Ivy's face contorted with rage, her eyes blazing with fury.

"You cannot talk to me like that, you bit..." Ivy snarled, raising her hand to slap Lisa. But her wrist was caught in a tight grip, preventing any further motion.

Contrary to most romance novels, Lisa was not saved by Lian Que but by a total stranger.

"You will not lay your filthy hands on her," the man declared, his voice firm and authoritative before he turned to look at Lisa, his gaze softening.

He was tall and strikingly handsome, with a presence that commanded attention.

What struck Lisa the most was the very familiar shade of hazel that colored his eyes

It was a shade disturbingly similar to hers.

A wave of nostalgia hit her, stirring memories that danced just out of reach. She tried to grasp onto them, but nothing concrete came to mind. It was frustrating.

The mystery man who had saved her was undoubtedly someone important, given the half a dozen or more bodyguards behind him.

He appeared to be a decade or more older than Lisa, and his aura exuded a sense of safety and reliability.

"Are you alright, miss?" he asked, his voice gentle yet concerned. Lisa smiled lightly as she looked up at him, feeling a strange sense of déjà vu.

"Yes, I am fine," Lisa replied, grateful for his interference. She could have handled Ivy on her own, but the stranger's timely intervention was appreciated.

Ivy, now standing a few feet away, glared daggers at Lisa.

Lisa, in turn, decided to completely ignore her, focusing instead on the kind stranger before her.

"I happened to watch your exchange with the other woman and I couldn't help myself from intervening. Such horrible people do not deserve to be a part of society," the stranger explained, his eyes holding a myriad of emotions.

Lisa recognized that look. It silently suggested that perhaps a personal experience had triggered his decision to help.

"Thank you," Lisa said genuinely, her gratitude evident in her voice.

"You're welcome. I am Edward Han," he introduced himself, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Lisa Yang, and I am pleased to meet you," Lisa responded, shaking his hand firmly. She couldn't help feeling like the world needed more people like Edward Han.

After bidding Mr. Han farewell, Lisa headed to the checkout to pay for her dress.

Her encounter with Ivy at the mall had been totally unexpected, but Lisa was glad she had handled it well enough.

A slight, nearly invisible smirk made its way to her lips as she walked out of the mall and towards the car that was already waiting for her. She couldn't wait to show off her powerful boyfriend in front of Ivy. The thought of Ivy's anticipated reaction brought the smile to her lips.

As Lisa settled into the back seat of the car, her mind wandered back to Edward Han. There was something about him that tugged at her memory, something familiar yet elusive. She resolved to find out more about him. After all, anyone who stepped in so gallantly deserved more than just a passing thank you.

Once home, Lisa headed straight to her room,pulling out her laptop. She needed to know more about Edward Han.

A quick search revealed that he was a prominent businessman, known for his philanthropic efforts and his role in several high-profile mergers and acquisitions.

His family, the Hans, were old money...and basically loyalty. They were well respected and deeply involved in the business world.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as Lisa decided to put her thoughts on Edward Han aside for a while.

She needed to get ready for dinner and a nice relaxing shower was exactly what she had in mind.

It could allow her the time to fully relax both her mind and body.

Soon it was time to leave for dinner and Lisa adjusted the shimmering diamond earrings that dangled elegantly from her ears.

The gems caught the soft glow of the light within her room and she slowly raised her hand and caressed them, her eyes glimmering with emotion as she looked into her dressing mirror.

They were the only thing that reminded her of her biological mom. A woman she naturally loved even though she had never truly known her.

Her peach dress was a delight and it smoothly complemented her dark chocolate brown hair and bright hazel eyes.

The reflection off the mirror was very satisfying and with one last glance, Lisa dashed out of her room to go and find Lian Que.

Her heart fluttered once her eyes landed on the man that was waiting for her at the bottom of the staircase.

He wore a perfectly tailored black suit and the powerful and confident aura he excluded was not surprising to Lisa.

Lian Que had always been that way.

His sharp eyes softened slightly when he saw her standing at the top of the grand staircase and he drew in a sharp breath.

She looked like a princess drawn out of a fairytale and she was his princess.

The last words of his thoughts brought a smirk and a mischievous twinkle to his eyes.

"You look stunning," he complimented her, offering his arm.

"Thank you," Lisa replied, a small smile playing on her lips.

They arrived at an exclusive restaurant in a sleek black car and even though Lisa was feeling a little nervous, her face was perfectly calm and for that she was grateful.

The restaurant was the height of luxury, frequented only by the city's elite and as they entered, all eyes turned towards them. Lian's presence commanded respect, and Lisa's beauty and elegance drew admiration. Together, they made a striking couple but Lisa knew the closeness they displayed was nothing but a façade.

Her alert eyes swept through the entire room and they paused once she found the people that she was looking for.

Ivy and Jonathan were already seated at a corner table, draped in the soft glow of candlelight and seemingly having a good time.

Lisa couldn't help the tightness in her chest at the sight, Jonathan had once promised her forever and all Lisa could think of was his betrayal.

Had he been going for dinner with Ivy often when they were still together?

She wondered as her grip on Lian tightened, unconsciously seeking some sense of comfort.

Lisa was certain she did not want to find out the answer to that.