The secret wall of Rusty Chalice slid down, and I took a deep breath. Haruko wasn't heavy, but sticking to the back alleys and avoiding prying eyes made the journey longer and more exhausting. My arms ached, and my legs trembled.
I walked toward the table where Molly sat, drinking a mug of beer. Two empty mugs indicated it was her third.
"I got the girl," I said, trying to catch my breath. "Alive and well."
"Good." She gulped the entire mug in one sip and wiped her lips. "Here's your reward."
She handed me two pouches full of gold coins. Too tired to count them, I hung them from my belt and sank into the opposite chair after passing Haruko to Molly. With school in five hours, I knew sleeping now meant I wouldn't wake up in time.
I leaned back and searched for Mira behind the counters, but found Barton instead. He was chatting with a customer, a flirty smile on his ugly face.
"She's wounded," I said. "You might wanna get her checked."