I crept toward the door, my hands ready to unsheathe my dagger at the slightest inconvenience. Once I was within arm's reach, I pushed it open slowly.
It was a rectangular room with only a mirror on one of the walls. The ceiling was high, like it could hold another floor. The floor had the same red rug from the previous room. With each step, it cleaned itself, removing the mud from my boots. Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with dusty books and tomes.
I walked toward the mirror and looked at my reflection – only to see Mia staring back at me.
"Good to finally meet you, Axel," she said. "Or should I say, Shadow Dancer?"
"Holy shit…" I jumped back, then leaned closer to the mirror. "Mia?"
"In flesh and blood – I wish I could say. But no." She chuckled. "You attempted to steal my corpse, saw my naked body. How low can you go, I wonder?"
"It was just a job," I replied, my voice tense. "Are you… why can I see you?"