Chapter 10: A Test of Immunity

With the revelation of his immunity still fresh in his mind, Ryo knew he had to test it further. He couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief, the nagging doubt that whispered in the back of his mind. But he needed to be sure. He needed to know if what he had experienced was real.

Bracing himself, Ryo made his way back to the front door of his apartment. He took a deep breath and pushed it open, stepping out into the deserted street once more. The air was thick with tension, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on him.

Ryo glanced around, his eyes searching for any sign of movement. It didn't take long for him to spot them—the zombies, their gaunt figures moving slowly down the street. His heart pounded in his chest as he watched them, the fear threatening to overwhelm him.

But he pushed the fear aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. He needed to know if the zombies would still ignore him, even if he wore no protective clothing. With a shaky breath, Ryo stripped off his jacket and gloves, leaving them on the ground beside him. He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, exposing his bare arms to the cool air.

Taking another deep breath, Ryo continued to undress until he was wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and slippers. He felt exposed, vulnerable in his bare skin. But he had to do this. He had to know.

With a determined step, Ryo began to walk down the street, straight towards the approaching horde of zombies. His heart hammered in his chest, each beat a drumming rhythm of fear and anticipation. He fought to keep his breathing steady, to quell the rising panic in his chest.

As he drew closer to the zombies, Ryo could feel their eyes on him, their gaze cold and unfeeling. But they made no move to attack. They simply continued on their way, as if he were nothing more than a ghost passing through their midst.

Relief flooded through Ryo as he realized what this meant. He was truly immune to the zombies' attacks. It wasn't just a fluke or a coincidence. Somehow, he had been spared from the fate that had befallen so many others.

With a newfound sense of confidence, Ryo continued to walk among the zombies, testing the limits of his immunity. He moved closer to them, brushing against their cold, lifeless bodies. He even dared to reach out and touch one, his hand trembling as it made contact with the rough, decaying flesh.

But still, the zombies showed no reaction. They continued on their path, oblivious to his presence. It was as if he were invisible to them, a ghost passing through their world of death and decay.

Satisfied with his experiment, Ryo turned and began to make his way back to his apartment. He couldn't help but smile as he walked, the weight of uncertainty lifting from his shoulders. He had proven his immunity, and now he could move forward with a newfound sense of purpose.

Back in the safety of his apartment, Ryo sank onto the couch, his mind buzzing with possibilities. He had been given a gift—a chance to survive in a world overrun by the undead. And he intended to make the most of it.

As he poured himself a glass of water and settled back against the cushions, Ryo felt a sense of peace wash over him. He knew the road ahead would be difficult, filled with danger and uncertainty. But he was ready to face it head-on, armed with the knowledge of his immunity and the determination to survive against all odds.

With a final sip of water, Ryo closed his eyes and let himself relax. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new obstacles to overcome. But for now, he allowed himself a moment of respite, a moment to savor the victory of his newfound immunity in a world consumed by chaos and despair.