Chapter 17: Preparation

Armed with his trusty Glock and a stash of ammunition, Ryo meticulously organized his weapons, ensuring each was secured in its designated spot within his closet. Every ounce mattered now, and he couldn't afford to be encumbered by unnecessary bulk.

With his firearm holstered at his side, Ryo shifted his focus to the critical task of gathering supplies. Food, water, and medical necessities were paramount, essential for his survival in the uncertain days ahead. He mentally calculated how to ration his provisions, knowing that careful planning could make all the difference in an emergency.

Yet, despite his efforts to stockpile, a gnawing unease lingered in the recesses of Ryo's mind. The world outside was fraught with dangers, both seen and unseen. He understood the importance of being prepared for any eventuality, of anticipating every potential threat and planning accordingly.

In a sudden revelation, Ryo realized the transient nature of modern comforts. The electricity that powered his apartment could fail at any moment, plunging him into darkness. With a sinking feeling, he recognized the urgent need to find a sustainable solution—a way to harness the sun's energy to preserve his way of life.

Driven by a newfound sense of urgency, Ryo delved into research on solar panels and batteries, compiling a list of supplies necessary to construct his own power source. His rooftop location provided ample space for solar panels, offering a glimmer of hope in the encroaching darkness.

As he toiled, thoughts of his safety remained at the forefront of Ryo's mind. The outside world brimmed with peril, demanding constant vigilance. He resolved not to let his guard down, not even for a moment.

Amidst his preparations, Ryo made a pivotal decision—to fortify his rooftop sanctuary with a fence, a barrier against the dangers lurking beyond. With iron bars he would weld himself, he envisioned a formidable defense against the encroaching threats.

But even as he laid out his plans, Ryo knew there were other pressing concerns. Water, too, would soon become scarce as the infrastructure crumbled without maintenance. He made a mental note to prioritize water storage, understanding that his survival hinged on resourcefulness and foresight.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the cityscape, Ryo continued his preparations, steeling himself for the challenges that lay ahead. In this new world of uncertainty, he knew that only those who adapted and persevered would endure.