Chapter 34: A Venture Outside

With a sense of purpose, Ryo ventured outside using the van he had procured earlier. He adjusted the hood of his hoodie, ensuring it covered his face adequately. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to discover his immunity to the virus and zombie attacks—a secret that could turn him into a target.

The streets were eerily silent as Ryo drove through the abandoned town. Memories of his recent encounters and the haunting screams of the woman echoed in his mind, but he pushed them aside, focusing on the task at hand. He needed supplies, but he also wanted to bring something back for Sakura. She deserved more than just survival; she deserved a semblance of normalcy and comfort.

As he drove, an idea struck him. Sakura had only been wearing his clothes since they met, and he had noticed how baggy they were on her petite frame. He decided to find a store that sold women's clothes. It would be a nice surprise for her and something to lift her spirits.

Navigating the streets, Ryo found a high-end boutique. The glass windows were cracked, and the door hung ajar, but the inside still seemed relatively untouched. He parked the van nearby and cautiously approached the entrance, scanning the area for any lurking dangers. The undead were scattered but didn't seem to notice him—something he was grateful for.

Entering the store, Ryo was struck by how pristine everything looked despite the apocalypse outside. Mannequins stood frozen in their glamorous poses, adorned in the latest fashions. He realized he had no idea what sizes to get, but he remembered that Sakura was short, probably around 147-150 cm. He decided to grab a variety of sizes and styles, figuring she could try them on later.

He moved through the aisles, collecting as many clothes as he could—dresses, blouses, jeans, and skirts. He also grabbed undergarments, bras, and panties, making sure to pick different sizes. His face flushed slightly as he added some feminine hygiene products, feeling a bit awkward but knowing they were necessary.

He reached the cosmetics section and hesitated. Lipsticks, perfumes, and skincare products lined the shelves. He picked a few items, thinking of how Sakura might appreciate them. Ryo's heart warmed at the thought of her reaction, hoping it would bring some joy to her otherwise bleak existence.

With his arms full, Ryo hurried back to the van and loaded the items inside. He looked around the empty streets, the reality of their situation settling in once more. This town was vast, and he had only explored a small fraction of it. There was still so much he didn't know about its layout and the potential dangers that lurked within.

Driving through the town, Ryo kept an eye out for any other useful stores. He spotted a few grocery stores, hardware shops, and even a pharmacy. Each location held potential supplies they would need to fortify their home and ensure their survival.

As he turned a corner, Ryo noticed a group of zombies milling about. He instinctively pulled up his hood tighter, grateful for his immunity but aware of the need to keep it hidden. The zombies seemed uninterested in him, and he drove past them without incident.

Continuing his drive, Ryo found another clothing store, this one more general and less high-end. He decided to stop and gather more clothes, wanting to ensure Sakura had plenty of options. He quickly filled another bag with more practical items—sweaters, jackets, comfortable shoes, and a few accessories.

After loading the van once more, Ryo took a moment to rest and plan his next move. He needed to find a welding machine and generator, essential items for fortifying their home. As he scanned the map he had drawn earlier, he pinpointed a few likely locations for such equipment.

His mind drifted to Sakura again. He imagined her surprise when she saw the clothes and cosmetics, hoping it would bring a smile to her face. Ryo felt a renewed sense of determination. Providing for her and ensuring her safety had become his primary goal, giving him a purpose beyond mere survival.

As he drove through the sprawling town, he kept an eye out for potential places to explore next. The day was slipping away, but Ryo was determined to make the most of it. He needed to gather as many supplies as possible before returning home.

After hours of driving and collecting, Ryo finally found a store that seemed promising. It was a large warehouse with tools and machinery, and he hoped it would have what he needed. Parking the van, he exited cautiously, always aware of the potential for danger.

Inside the warehouse, Ryo found a treasure trove of tools and equipment. He quickly located a welding machine and a portable generator, loading them into the van with a sense of satisfaction. He also grabbed extra fuel cans, knowing they would be essential for the generator.

As he worked, he couldn't help but notice the eerie silence around him. The town was vast, and the number of zombies he encountered was surprisingly low. He wondered if there were other survivors out there, hiding like he and Sakura were.

With the van now filled with supplies, Ryo decided it was time to head back home. The sun was beginning to set, and he didn't want to be out after dark. He navigated the streets carefully, avoiding large groups of zombies and taking the less traveled paths.

Upon arriving at their building, Ryo parked the van and began unloading the supplies. It took several trips to carry everything upstairs, but he was motivated by the thought of Sakura's reaction. When he finally finished, he took a moment to catch his breath and wipe the sweat from his brow.

Entering the apartment, Ryo was greeted by the warm glow of the living room lights. Sakura rushed to him, her face lighting up with relief and joy. She threw her arms around him, kissing him deeply.

"I'm so glad you're back safe," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

Ryo hugged her tightly, feeling a surge of affection. "I told you I'd be back. And I brought some surprises."

She looked at him curiously as he gestured to the bags of clothes and supplies. "Go on, take a look."

Sakura's eyes widened as she saw the clothes and cosmetics. She turned to him, tears of gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you, Ryo. This means so much."

Ryo smiled, feeling a sense of fulfillment. "You deserve it. Now, let's get these sorted out and then take a shower. I think we both need one."

Sakura nodded, her smile brightening. "Sounds like a plan."

As they worked together to put away the supplies, Ryo felt a deep sense of contentment. Despite the chaos and danger, they had found a way to create a little bit of normalcy. And in that moment, he knew they could face whatever the future held, as long as they had each other.